12 month stats and Gross motor delays

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by jultaria, Dec 12, 2006.

  1. jultaria

    jultaria Well-Known Member

    My babies went for their 12 month appointment last week.
    Daniel and Joshua are both 29.5 inches 25th percentile.
    Daniel weighs 24.5 pounds 70th percentile.
    Joshua weighs 24.12 pounds. 75th percentile

    The doctor said we have to come back in 6 weeks for another appointment to see how they are doing, he says they have gross motor delays because they are still crawling on their stomach, not standing alone or pulling up or cruising. He said since they were 6 weeks early he hopes they catch up between 13 and 15 months. Of course I am really worried about it. Any suggestions on how to get them going or experiences you can share would be very helpful.

    I also asked him how much milk they should take in daily and got a very vague answer, can someone answer that question? thanks [​IMG]
  2. jultaria

    jultaria Well-Known Member

    My babies went for their 12 month appointment last week.
    Daniel and Joshua are both 29.5 inches 25th percentile.
    Daniel weighs 24.5 pounds 70th percentile.
    Joshua weighs 24.12 pounds. 75th percentile

    The doctor said we have to come back in 6 weeks for another appointment to see how they are doing, he says they have gross motor delays because they are still crawling on their stomach, not standing alone or pulling up or cruising. He said since they were 6 weeks early he hopes they catch up between 13 and 15 months. Of course I am really worried about it. Any suggestions on how to get them going or experiences you can share would be very helpful.

    I also asked him how much milk they should take in daily and got a very vague answer, can someone answer that question? thanks [​IMG]
  3. KCMichigan

    KCMichigan Well-Known Member

    Sounds like they are doing well for height and weight!

    My girls are 14 month s(12 mon adjusted ) and they started pulling up last month or so- one still does not stand alone. THey both cruise, but one of them JUST started about a month ago. My non-stander is also being watched for a gross motor delay. BUT she is my more verbal child- so they are thinking she is developing one skill at a time.

    We have a walker type toy (they hold a bar and walk forward) and they LOVE it. They walked on that before they cruised. Also we do a lot of hold thier hands and they stand/walk type stuff.

    I , too, got a vauge answer about the milk- whatever they will drink?!?!? My girls drink milk am and pm- about 10-18 oz. During the day they have water or diluted juice (2-8 oz).

    HTH. We are having EI out for a 12 month reeval. (they go by adjusted ages for evals). I will let you know if she gives us any good ideas.

  4. thea7

    thea7 Well-Known Member

    Those are great weights and heights! Sorry to hear you're worried about the gross motor skills. My twins are also 12 months and they were 6 weeks early. Both can pull up, but only one can cruise, the other just stands (holding on to things of course). My pediatrician wasn't worried. Babies certainly develop at their own rate. I don't know if it helps, but I've been helping mine walk by holding their hands or arms and walking with them; they both enjoy doing that.

    Regarding the milk intake. I asked about that too and my pediatrician said they should be drinking 24 ounces of milk a day. That sounds like a lot to me. They were barely drinking 15 oz. of formula before I started with the milk. I'd be curious to hear what others were told about the milk.

    misha and cyan
  5. jultaria

    jultaria Well-Known Member

    KC could you give me a link to the walker toy you used please? I would love to hear what EI tells you when they visit.

    I've been putting toys on the couch just out of reach and helping them stand in front of the couch to grab or play with the toy. Also pulling them up from a sitting position. They don't seem to want to take steps at all.

    Thea, I am curious about the milk too, mine are drinking about 18 ounces of formula/milk a day. I dont know how I will get them to drink 24 especially while trying to transition from a bottle to a sippy.
  6. KCMichigan

    KCMichigan Well-Known Member

  7. thea7

    thea7 Well-Known Member

    Regarding the bottles, my pediatrician said it would be ok to stick with bottles until they're around 18 months or so. I don't want to try switching to milk and switching from bottles at the same time. Good luck!

  8. kaysyd

    kaysyd Well-Known Member

    Ok, hope this helps you- we barely take 16 ounces a day. My girls have never taken more than 24 ounces in a day- and that was back in the day before baby food. I don't know many that take that much fluid. So, just make sure (my opinion) that they get between 14-20 ounces a day. That seems to be the norm. Remember, babies once they hit 12 months have reduced caloric intake- compared to when they were babies- and they are eating more people food/baby food/table food to make up the difference if they aren't drinking it.

    Try not to stress about the motor issue- easy for me to say! Ha! I was totally freaking out- I was in tears on day - and then the next- Syd stood up at the coffee table all on her own- stuff can happen over night [​IMG] What you are doing is great! Keep it up. Our PT had us work on them standing- put your thumbs where their buttocks are and the rest of your hand around their bottom- this is lower- and it makes them work a bit harder. And if they go up on their toes- put some pressure down and they should go back down on their feet.
  9. twoin2005

    twoin2005 Well-Known Member

    Our pedi said 16-24 oz. which sounds like a large range to me. And if they are not huge milk drinkers, encourage them to eat cheese and yogurt.

    As for their gross motor skills, take it in stride. Hannah was very delayed (she didn't roll until 13 mos). Ben on the other hand was crawling and pulling up at 9 mos. BUT, they BOTH started walking on the SAME day!!!! So they will catch up. They just are developing on their own time table!
  10. jultaria

    jultaria Well-Known Member

    Wow thanks so much for the encouragement and advice!!! I sure needed it.

    Thanks for the links and hopefully they'll have those in stock at wal mart or target.

    About switching from bottle to sippy, so far they're getting 2 bottles and then a sippy with supper and they dont drink much from it. They're getting about 16 oz from the bottle, that is if they finish the bottle and maybe 2 oz from the sippy. We just started trying this week.

    I do give them cheese crumbles with lunch and supper and I give them yogurt for lunch several days a week.
  11. Snittens

    Snittens Well-Known Member

    Our Dr said around 16 oz of dairy is good, it can be milk or cheese, yogurt. I think they drink about 4-5 oz morning and evening, and then usually 1-2 servings of cheese or yogurt a day.

    As for the gross motor, Ainsley has had a delay since the beginning. She's generally about 3-4 months behind what Bea is doing, on the later side or just beyond the "normal" range. She started pulling up about a month ago, and has been walking with a push toy for a few days. I had some of those Playskool ones that become ride-on toys, but the handle is too narrow for her. She liked the one the EI lady has, so she let us borrow it. It's a Fisher-Price one, here it is, but the one she has looks older. I think the wideness of it helps.
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