12 wk Hungry Hippo!

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by Mommy_that_serves_God, Jun 7, 2011.

    I have been hungry ALL day long! I have ate meals and snacked throughout the day but have not been able to get my stomach to stop growling or hurting (hunger pains). Has anyone else gone through this? Any advice would be appreciated.
  1. ward

    ward Well-Known Member

    the only thing i can recommend to combat the hunger is to drink WAY more water inbetween meals and snacks
  2. borgerfam

    borgerfam Well-Known Member

    I was STARVING too my first trimester. I would wake up in the middle of the night hungry. That never happened before. I tried to ignore it and not eat- but I found it made things a lot worse. It would be better to eat a yogurt or some protein or I would wake up feeling VERY SICK and yucky.

    I tried to eat a lot of protein- eggs, yogurt, cottage cheese. I remember eating a lot of eggs and whole wheat toast! It was hard- I would feel so hungry and so sick. I alternated between starving and feeling sick for the first four months of so I would say...

    Before I knew I was pregnant- we went out to dinner and I ate my entire dinner, half our appetizer and my dessert- in entirety. This is basically unheard of for me! I knew something was up then.

    On an encouraging note- I hit the second and third trimester and my appetite slowed WAY way down. No where near as hungry or able to "put away" as much food. For example, when we went out to dinner during six and seventh months and even now... I eat bites and have to save the rest. There just isn't room. It has been really hard to eat the second part of this pregnancy. I feel sick in a whole new way. I think eating like that in the beginning of twin pregnancy is part of provision for the growth of the babies. In fact, I think that is one of the multiple symptoms I read in different places.

    I was also exercising regularly until 20 weeks and that really, really increased my appetite too.

    I just hit 35 weeks and I am suddenly starving again. It feels weird. Anybody else have that???

    When that hungry- i would choose protein. It will nourish the babies and not put on extraneous weight.
    I hope this helps!
  3. borgerfam

    borgerfam Well-Known Member

    I realized you wrote 12 weeks which is no longer the first trimester- but I was really starving at that point too! There was a definite point when i felt a change in my appetite- which was a relief. I was scared I would be hungry like that the whole time!
    I just wanted to encourage you that I haven't been and you probably won't be either- (but of course I am not a doctor and don't know for sure- and I am sure some of it depends on body weight starting out pregnant and everything)

    I hope this helps!
  4. twinmom2dana

    twinmom2dana Well-Known Member

    Eat!! When else will you get the chance to eat like this?? Seriously you will hit a point where you level off so I would suggest finding low fat snacks that make you feel full and that you are comfortable eating a lot of and just munch away.
  5. cheezewhiz24

    cheezewhiz24 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I agree- follow your body and eat, eat, eat!
  6. lilybay

    lilybay Well-Known Member

    I've noticed where I have days where I am STARVING and days where I'm not so hungry or just regular hungry. I pretty much just follow what the others have said: eat if you're hungry! I've never had a better excuse (and I've found that no one will ever scold a pregnant twin mama for eating too much!)
  7. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    I was starving throughout my pregnancy, but it was worst in the 2nd tri. I rarely even got hunger pangs -- I just had that near-constant feeling of low blood sugar, like my knees were shaking and I had to eat NOW. I remember thinking "I can't chew fast enough!"

    Eating protein and fat helps. I had a milkshake right before bed nearly every night, then I still woke up around 1 a.m. and 4 a.m. and ate a granola bar each time. I also kept a stash of snacks next to the bed to get me from the time between waking up and making breakfast!

    My OB was a little concerned that I was gaining so much weight (I started at 130 and wound up gaining 75 lbs!), but my peri said "If you're hungry, eat." The weight did come off eventually (within a year) after they were born.
  8. Heathermomof5

    Heathermomof5 Well-Known Member

    I agree, don't fight it, just eat!! CONGRATULATIONS on your sweet babies!!!!!!
  9. kt0301

    kt0301 Member

    When are you due? I'm 12 weeks on Saturday. My worst hunger pains wake me up at 4:30 in the morning. I agree with previous posts- protein is the key and eat when you're hungry. I usually will eat a greek yogurt or an apple and peanut butter before I go to bed, which seems to help. When I wake up I have granola bars in a ziploc bag b/c my DH always wakes up when the wrapper is crinkling.

  10. I'm due December 21. That would make you due December 24, correct? Congrats on your blessing by the way :)
  11. k2daho

    k2daho Well-Known Member

    EAT! I too was ravenous at this point (and for most of the 2nd trimester) of my pregnancy. I got a mini fridge for my bedroom and kept little snacks like cheese, yogurt, single servings of milk, peanut butter and fruit so that I could quickly have a high protein something and get back to sleep. I wondered if I would be a whale with all of my eating, but honestly by the 3rd trimester I got so huge that I could barely eat my heartburn was so bad and my stomach was so squished. I listened to my body and I was glad that I did as my weight gain really hit a pleateau during my last two months or so of pregnancy. Your body is telling you what it needs so you are wise to listen :)
  12. momX8

    momX8 New Member

    I ate a lot during that time. I was also very nauseous and eating actually helped rather than made it worse. I had my biggest weight gain in the first trimester and early 2nd. Make sure you are eating high protein low fat so you don't put on unhealthy weight. I would keep a peanut butter and honey or jelly sandwich handy by the bed and like a pp said eat a good protein snack before bed. Good luck!!
  13. lianyla

    lianyla Well-Known Member

    If you are hungry, you have to eat. Listen to your body. GL!
  14. keirin

    keirin Well-Known Member

    I had a lot of low blood sugar moments if I didn't eat in the 2nd trimester. You really have to carry something little with you all the time so if you get hungry you can eat. I also recommend higher protein items like greek yogurt, cheese snacks, etc... but I also needed something to perk up my blood sugar so I would carry those 100 calorie peanut butter cracker snack packs a lot. I just ate when I needed to but kept the snacks lower calorie to try and contain my weight gain a bit.
  15. praises1139

    praises1139 Well-Known Member

    haha! i call myself a hungry hippo too!! something about switching from 1st tri to 2nd just made me feel like i was starving to death!!! i was eating every 45 mins!!! now i'm almost 15 wks.
  16. numbers6and7

    numbers6and7 Member

    Eat when you're hungry :)

    I was like that as well. Until I hit 22 weeks, my mom called me the garbage disposal haha! I ate everything in sight! I gained 23 pounds by 21 weeks...and thats a big deal for me because I never gained more than 11 pounds with my others total (and 9lbs 2oz of that pregnancy was the baby's weight!). I am very happy that I was able to gain good this time.

    My appetite slowed down about 2 weeks ago, so now Im supplementing with high protein ensures.
  17. Gigantor

    Gigantor Well-Known Member

    I agree with pp. Eat, all you want. I gained 18lbs in the first trimester!-:))) I could not stop eating. I always woke up at 3 in the morning, starving, and I had to have something to eat in order to be able to go back to sleep again. And my boys woke up at that time for the first 8 months! to eat...
    Good luck to you!
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