A few questions- just found out we're having twins

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by Krystine, Jan 30, 2013.

  1. Krystine

    Krystine Well-Known Member

    Yesterday I had a 10 week ultrasound showing di-di twins with beautiful heart beats, measuring 1 and 2 days ahead. I have just a few questions/fears I would like to get feedback on.
    1. vanishing twin syndrome - is that common after seeing 2 healthy babies at 10 weeks? I don't go back until 14 weeks and it feels like a long wait to hear if they're both still there with good heart beats.

    2. miscarriage in general. I have one live birth, a 3.5 yr old and since then had 2 miscarriages with babies dying around 8.5-9 weeks, miscarried naturally at 11 weeks. I feel better since I've made it past the gestational age my two babies died but still have those fears. My doctor doesn't think I will miscarry if they both look so good at 10 weeks and miscarriages are less common after 12 weeks but because of my history I am scared.

    3. If I want a natural birth, when do we find out the babies' final position and if this is possible? My doctor normally does C-Sections. I had a natural birth with my 3 yr old and if it's safe I would like one again but not risking Baby B's life.
  2. Dielle

    Dielle Well-Known Member

    I don't know the answer about vanishing twin. I also had 2 miscarriages before my twins. It made the first few months very stressful.

    I think I would find a different Dr. I wouldn't want someone who just normally did c-sections, without cause. I had a Dr that had delivered twins for 20 years. We were the 15th set that year. She was very comfortable helping me deliver them vaginally, especially since I'd already had successful vaginal deliveries. Sabrina was baby B and breech, but that didn't seem to bother my Dr at all. I'm not sure what would have happened if baby A had been breech. But when the first baby has been been born, you're completely dilated and there's not the same kind of risks sometimes associated with breech babies for breech twin Bs. My brother and I were both single babies and both born breech. But I'm kinda old ;)

    Because twins are somewhat more likely to be early and have some complications, of course the c-section rate would be somewhat higher. But I just don't see the need for it as a matter of course.
  3. Krystine

    Krystine Well-Known Member

    Yeah, he's the doctor I started seeing because he specializes in infertility and I saw him because of my miscarriages. What questions should I ask a doctor? I had a medication free birth with my daughter and I understand the advantages of that, he just said it depends on how Baby B is positioned. But generally, yes they do do C-Sections...
  4. Danibell

    Danibell Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Well first of all congratulations on your twins!!

    Generally vanishing twin occurs fairly early. Seeing twins at 6 wks doesn't gaurantee you'll see them again at 8 wks. But by 10 wks, with good heartbeats and good growth, you have a fantastic chance of them both being just fine :)

    I also had 2 miscarriages before my twins. My entire pregnancy was a running commentary of "12 weeks is past the miscarriage risk", "20 wks is getting close to viability", "24 wks, we're viable if something happens", "28 wks they have a good chance of surviving"....etc. I was scared the majority of my pregnancy. But I did try to enjoy it, because I knew they would be my last babies. Once we found out they were b/g I was able to rule out the issues with identical twins. And I started to feel like everything would be fine.

    I ended up having the best pregnancy out of the 3 I had! I had no issues, no complications, and my water broke at 36wks 2 days and I came home with twin babies 2 days later!

    Best advice I can give you is to have hope, and have faith. We found out it was twins at 6wks 5days. My son (who was 6.5 at the time) immediately said God was giving us two babies back, for the two He had to take back home. And I believe my innocent little son was right, this was what was meant to be. I realize not everyone has that belief and faith, but it's what kept me going when i got worried or concerned :)

    Finally as for c/s, babies can technically shift position right up until birth. If your dr is very pro c/s and you want to avoid that if at all possible, then it's probably a good idea to find a new dr. Or, you could find a midwife or doula?? I think they could have increase your chances of having a natural birth.
  5. Mom2VLS

    Mom2VLS Well-Known Member

    Final position can change at any time. My baby B flipped to vertex after my 38 week ultrasound. I would definitely be looking for a different doctor if you want a vaginal birth. I had an ultrasound the day before I went into labor and we still had to do another one when labor started to ensure they were both still head down.

    I would ask the doctor if he's willing to attempt a breech extraction if baby a is vertex and baby b is breech.

    I would also ask the doctor if (barring any medical complications), he would induce you early. Many doctors induce twins early when no complications have developed and I'm not saying that that is right or wrong. But it may make a difference for you if you want to try to avoid induction.

    I would also ask about what will happen if he isn't available. This is a question that may be able to wait until later but if you go into labor on a weekend, who will deliver the babies and what will they do? I went into labor on a Friday that my OB was off but she came in to delivery my babies and do a c-section for another woman. She knew that the on-call doctor was more likely to give me a c-section than she was.

    Finally, I would ask about the policies of hospital(s) the dr delivers at. Some hospitals have policies that supersede what the doctor would allow you to do. I'm sure there are other questions but that's what I've got right now. ;)

    By the way, congrats and :welcome: to TS!
  6. Utopia122

    Utopia122 Well-Known Member

    I just have to be honest, my twin pregnancy was the most stressful thing I have ever been through in my life, and I have never had a miscarriage, so I can not imagine how you must feel. I found out I was pregnant with twins at 8 weeks, and had relatively few complications, and worried myself to death over every little thing. They were my second pregnancy, but I was so overjoyed about having twins that I thought for sure something bad would happen. As much as you can, try to enjoy your pregnancy, but never feel guilty about calling your doctor, or going to the ER if you feel things just don't feel right.

    I found out all of my options concerning C-sections and natural birth before I made a decision. You have a great resource here at TS because there are successful stories regarding both ways of giving birth and a wealth of information from those of us who have been here and done that. Personally, you have so much to take in right now, I wouldn't worry about that part of the pregancy until a little further down the road. By then you will know more about weight, position, or any other number of things that come into play concerning birthing options.

    Enjoy your pregnancy and all the many experiences you are fixing to have!! Good luck!!
  7. AKilburn

    AKilburn Well-Known Member

    :welcome: to TS!!!! Congrats on your twins!!! You've come to a place with a wealth of resourses! !!!

    Regarding vanishing twin generally after 6 weeks the risk stops. I found out at 8 weeks that we were having twins and my doc did another ultrasound/ checkup at 10 weeks and by that time I'd done a ton of research and of course vanishing twin was one of my major fears, my doc said I had absolutely nothing to worry about their heart beats were great and they were staying put!

    Regarding miscarriage the risks go down after 12 weeks ... Although even though id never had a miscarriage ( this was my first pregnancy) I still worried but that was due to some other health issues I had.

    About having them naturally, there are MANY women here that did it naturally ... The babies will move up until the the of birth. My doc would have delivered me naturally had it not been for my other health problems.

    When you go in to see your doc next make a list of your questions, thats what I always did!

    You're in for an experience of a lifetime and its going to be fun!! Congrats again!!!!
  8. Krystine

    Krystine Well-Known Member

    Thank you all so much! We were praying for twins with as hard of time as I've had with miscarriages and I had antenatal depression with my daughter, if these babies could both live I guess I feel like maybe I would be done with pregnancies.

    There are 3 doctors in the practice so one of them would be on call if I deliver when my doctor is off. I'll meet with all of them during my pregnancy. My doctor wasn't completely closed to natural birth but yes he does typically do C-sections. I'll bring those questions to my 14week appt. It does scare me to have a C-Section and not be able to lift anything heavy when my daughter weighs over 30 lbs and still likes to be held quite often (although she might need to get over some of that anyway). I just had a small incision to remove cysts near my tailbone and just that surgery took long enough to recover from I really wouldn't look forward to another major surgery.

    We are excited, my 3 yr old was praying for two babies in mommy's tummy so she is excited. She's praying for them to be full term and not die. She is really a very sweet child and has really been through some hard stuff with the miscarriages and now she thinks babies go to the cemetery and Heaven and most of them don't make it home since that's been our experience. I would so love to have babies here on earth for our family.

    Oh and my doctor did talk about induction but he typically won't do it and would let me go to 39-40 weeks if all was going well.
  9. rayceryin12

    rayceryin12 Well-Known Member

    You have gotten alot of good advice! Try to have fun with it and welcome!! :youcandoit:
  10. Krystine

    Krystine Well-Known Member

    Thank you! It's still keeping me up in the middle of the night "wow, I have two babies in my tummy! We're really having twins!" and even with hoping for them it's still taking time to sink in. So exciting and great though if they both make it.
  11. bayoubaloo

    bayoubaloo Active Member

    Hi congrats and welcome! After you worry and worry and worry some more, your worry muscles will get fatigued (just like the rest of you! ) and it will take a back seat to the delight (tinged with panic and alarm) that you're going to have twin babies. And the delight grows snd grows, no matter how bad the pregnancy is. And it's much harder, IMHO, than with a singleton.

    I had 3 mcs before my twins and was petrified first trimester. I know that feeling of hearing heartbeats the first time post technical baby death dates around 9 weeks -- and it does help, but not enough. You get afraid to relax and trust that its going to be ok and stay steeled for the worst. I didn't consider myself to be really having twins until around 14 weeks, I just kept telling myself I was pregnant with a baby and a backup, because it seemed so unlikely 2 would make it after losing 3. So it's absolutely natural to worry, and I offer you a hug and hearty "yay! You're past 10 weeks! I think you've got a air of sticky beans!!"

    Ditto to danibell's thoughts on the progression of lessening worry every couple weeks. I'm at 26 weeks eager to get to 30, because viable is awesome but now I want good lungs and less NICU time.

    For me it's been a roller coaster of ups and downs physically and emotionally. I'm really happy now because I feel way better than 2 weeks ago because I'm taking a new prescription drug for reflux. This has stopped a vomiting problem and I can sleep at night -- and the difference to my spirits is amazing. At 24 weeks, I was in tears, unsure how I was really going to keep going. Now, I'm in love with the world and am so happy and excited to have some energy, to be closing in on trimester 3, and to give free rein to my nesting compulsion.

    I recently met a couple twin moms who were able to deliver vaginally, as well as 1 mom who delivered the first naturally but then they had to do a c-section anyway. If things develop at the end that make a c-section mandatory, it's not that bad really. I had my gall bladder removed a year before delivery and the recovery was awful -- I was dead against c-section because of fear of recovery and worrying I wouldn't be able to take care of my baby. The recovery was a breeze, no problem, hardly a scar; I've been told painful stories of recovery problems with some natural births and feel a little comforted by that. Plus I know it was medically necessary as my water broke over 24 hours earlier and no progress was made getting my DS repositioned. So, I wish you two spontaneous natural births at 38 weeks or so, but don't be overly scared if you have to have a C, it's not that bad, recovery-wise.
  12. cheezewhiz24

    cheezewhiz24 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    My mind would race, too. I'd wake out of a dead sleep just in awe over it.
  13. rayceryin12

    rayceryin12 Well-Known Member

    I look at mine now heading toward six months and say OMG there's 2!!!!
  14. ECUBitzy

    ECUBitzy Well-Known Member

    I still do that and mine are three. I'm in awe of them. ;)

    Welcome to TS, Krystine!
  15. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    :welcome: to Twinstuff, Krystine!
  16. Krystine

    Krystine Well-Known Member

    Thanks ladies! I don't know if I should start a new thread but I'll just ask in case anyone can advise. I am primarily a SAHM to our 3 yr old but also work 2-3 Saturdays/month at a pretty high stress health care job. My doctor said not to plan to work the last month even though it's just a few days but if they usually come early, should I plan to take leave before 36weeks? I don't want to stress the babies (if I even make it that far, I know I'm not past the miscarriage risk part) and I would of course prefer to have them as close to full term as possible. If it means leaving early it's not like I'm missing out on that much money since it's only a few days. But if it's not a big deal with as few of hrs as I work I will keep it up through July I guess. I just want to figure this out before I tell my supervisor, which I am tentatively planning to do after my 14w appt. I already have a little baby bump and have gained 9 lbs and was very small my whole first PG but not I feel like I'm sort of showing although nobody would ask if they didn't know I was PG. But I want to make sure my supervisor knows before I'm obviously showing and my co-workers find out.
  17. cheezewhiz24

    cheezewhiz24 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I wouldn't decide yet - I would tell your supervisor that there is a chance you'll have them early or be put on restriction but you want to work as long as you are able with the understanding that things could change.
  18. Krystine

    Krystine Well-Known Member

    Thank you Michelle. I don't know why I think I need to give a date. When I told her about my first PG she asked then when I would be coming back and we set a date which was so ridiculous because she was late and I ended up going back when she was just 10 weeks old. I really want to take a year off this time and if that doesn't go over well I will just resign and find a new job when I'm ready.
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