Addicted to the lovey

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by jjzollman, Jul 11, 2009.

  1. jjzollman

    jjzollman Well-Known Member

    Both of mine carry their loveys (small blankeys with an animal head on it) around EVERYWHERE! They want to take it in the highchair with them, outside with them, hold it while they are getting their diapers changed, etc. I'm not sure if I should "set limits" or what...

    Of course, they have to give them up when it is time to eat - it is hard enough to find time to wash them as it is, I can't imagine how I'd find time to wash them if they were getting food on them at every meal of the day!

    Anyone else's toddlers like this?

    I have to admit, I find it absolutely adorable. I had a blankey (still do, tucked away in my dresser) that I took everywhere with me and I love it that they also love their blankeys! :wub:
  2. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Oh yes, meet my daughter Sophia. Luke has this black pirate hat that I think he has only been able to wear 2x and the rest of the time Sophia wears it. From the time she gets up until she goes to bed for the night. Sleeps with it on for her nap. She also has blankets that she has to sleep with and carry with her for the most of the day. I call her my little Linus. It's too cute!
  3. sbcowell

    sbcowell Well-Known Member

    Both my kiddos have blankies that the LOVE, although I did get them in the habit of only getting them at nap and bedtimes - i was too worried that they would get lost if we took them out of their cribs! So, for naps and bedtime mine are addicted to them!
  4. Kyrstyn

    Kyrstyn Well-Known Member

    My girls just recently became very attached to their blankies, and I also think its very cute! :wub: I haven't set any limits because for the most part they really only have to have them when they are tired or when they are cuddling with me. They do carry them around here and there, but it hasn't hindered their playtime at all, and they don't demand it when we leave the house. If that became the case, I might consider setting some limits.
  5. bran24

    bran24 Well-Known Member

    Only one of my girls has one and we limit it to only in bed and if we are on a long drive. If I didn't have limits she'd have it in her mouth at all times. We have 3 that we rotate so we can wash- "homies" have equal opportunity in my house hold (thank God she's ok with one of the three). Her sister could careless about having one.
  6. E&Msmom

    E&Msmom Well-Known Member

    DD loves her "secruity blanket". I wont allow it at meals and if she sets it down in the daytime I scoop it up and put it back in her bed, but she always toddles back to her crib and pulls it back out when she wants it. We dont take it outside at all.
  7. pgmummy

    pgmummy Well-Known Member

    My boys use receiving blankets at nap time. There are 2-3 in each crib. If they are tired or upset and they get into the nursery during the day they will reach in and get a blanket (soother too if they can reach it). I think it's adorable when someone comes toddling down the hall with a blanket up next to his face. Thankfully they don't need the blankets all day long. There is a child at their sitter's who has blankie withdrawal every morning when she is dropped off.
  8. ldrane

    ldrane Well-Known Member

    Yep, mine are both addicted! We do have a rule though that they stay inside the house(unless we are going out of town). We are trying to limit them to their beds, but that is still a work in progress. Both of mine suck their thumbs at just the sight of their lovies. So that is a concern for us right now.
  9. debbie_long83

    debbie_long83 Well-Known Member

    Hailey has a blanket she insists on carrying everywhere. I don't let her have it in the highchair because she would rub it in her food. She has to have to sleep and if she doesn't take it out of the crib in the morning, she goes back in there and pulls it through the rails so she can have it. Hannah has a blanket she loves but she only sleeps with it. Every now and then she wants it during the day but usually just naps and night time.
  10. ladybutterflyrose

    ladybutterflyrose Well-Known Member

    Nikola's lovey is a blue spotted elephant that he would have absolutely everywhere if he could. It is cute, but it's difficult for him to take it everywhere!
  11. daniv

    daniv Well-Known Member

    I didn't realize either one of mine was so addicted until yesterday.I knew he loved it but. After breakfast yesterday morning I washed their blankets along with sheets, etc and at naptime it was in the dryer. I didn't think much of it. Beckett is fine with whatever blanket I give him. Greyson on the other hand will not sleep without his. When naptime came he refused to fall asleep. I wound up having to put him in my bed and lay down with him. Naturally I fell asleep also but if I tried putting him in his bed he screamed and cried. By bedtime it was dry and I put them in bed and Greyson picked his up and snuggled it. It was very cute and I now know it has to be in there. I cannot find another one of this kind. I have tried.
  12. Beth*J

    Beth*J Well-Known Member

    Ugh. This is very true at our house recently. Annelise is attached to a burp cloth. Any one will do, but it has to be a burp cloth, not a blanket or anything else. As long as she has a burp cloth she is easy to keep happy. She has always carried it around everywhere which isn't a problem since I can give her a clean one at any time. Karina has a little blankey with a frog head. She has to have that blankey. She likes to flick the corner with her index finger while she's going to sleep. It used to reside in her crib and was only used when sleeping, but recently I can't get it away from her. I don't know why she needs it now so much more than she used to. The same thing has happened with her pacifier. She needs it all the time now. The frog blankey got caught in the van door the other day and got grease all over it. I was worried, but surprisingly, it all came out in the wash. Lucky. I'm searching for a replacement frog just in case we need one.

    ETA: I don't allow the pacifier, blankey, or burp cloth at meals, but that's about the only time I've been able to get them away recently.
  13. Rach28

    Rach28 Well-Known Member

    Same here. I have 2 for each child so I can at least wash the other. :lol: If DS wakes up badly from a nap, I´ll let him bring his blanky and dummy but will then take them away as I don´t want him using them during playtime. I also allow them when we travel in the car and when they go to the pediatrician! It comforts them so much, it´s too cute! :wub:
  14. daniv

    daniv Well-Known Member

    What's a dummy?
  15. E&Msmom

    E&Msmom Well-Known Member

    A pacifier. Some call them dummys because its an immitation nipple.
  16. LeslieJC

    LeslieJC Well-Known Member

    My girls are 18 months old and have been attached to their "snuggleys" since they were about 4 -5 months old. They only get them when they are sleeping or when we are upstairs so when they are getting ready for bed or after they wake up they have them.
    I do let them bring them downstairs when they are sick and I bring them with us when we go to the doctor.
    It is so cute to see them with them, they kiss em, they hug em, they share them with Elmo and the cat and if one drops theirs then her sister will pick it up and bring it to her.
    We actually bought two more identical to them "just in case" something happens to one and I change them out sometimes just so they feel and smell the same in case of an emergency.

    I just read something that talked about how and why kids get attached to objects like this and the book said that it is actually a "replacement" for us, that when they can't be held or snuggled by their care taker they view the object as such. It was very interesting.

    Problem is ours associates their snuggleys with their pacifier so when the time comes for us to "mail all their puckies to the new babies that need them" I'm afraid they will have a harder time giving them up; they grab their snuggley and automaticaly a pucky goes into their mouth.
  17. jjzollman

    jjzollman Well-Known Member

    I'm loving all these Lovey stories!! :wub:
  18. rrodman

    rrodman Well-Known Member

    Jack would, but we don't let him take it out of the nursery. I've only got one, and I have no idea where to get another one. I'm afraid he'll lose it! So, we've taught him to put it away in his crib in the morning, and he is getting more and more reluctant! It's hard to part with blankie (also referred to as his "choo choo" because it has trains on it). It's so cute. I have a really hard time getting it away from him to wash it, and if he loses it overnight, he cannot go back to sleep. He just cries "uh oh, uh oh, uh oh" and gets sooooo upset. :(
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