Am I crazy for traveling alone with 14 month old twins?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by dezmitch, Aug 5, 2009.

  1. dezmitch

    dezmitch Well-Known Member

    My sister wants me to visit her at the end of September, the twins will be 14 months old. I live in Seattle and my sister is in Phoenix. Total flying time is just under 3 I crazy for thinking about doing this on my own or should I have a friend or my nanny come with me?
  2. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I don't think you are crazy at all. I've never flown with my twins before but if you think you can handle it on your own, then go for it!
  3. amelowe9

    amelowe9 Well-Known Member

    I don't think you're crazy at all...just very, very brave! I've flown with mine once, at 6 months, from LA to Boston and they did great! But I also had my husband and a third seat. Mine are just about 14-months and I couldn't imagine flying alone now, but I think with the right mindset and preparation, you'll do great! Good luck, you rock!
  4. eechy

    eechy Well-Known Member

    I don't think you're crazy, either. It won't be the best flight of your life, but it's relatively short and I bet you'll all do great. If you can swing a seat for both kids, that will obviously help you a lot. Even if you can only get one extra, they can at least sit there together while you get snacks, toys, etc. Snacks will be your salvation. I just flew alone with my DS at 14 months and toys were not nearly as exciting as food. Books were pretty popular, too. Most fun? Standing on my lap and making faces at the people behind me. Ask the airline if they have discounts for young kids. But above all - do it! Enjoy the trip!
  5. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    You aren't crazy, but either 1) get seats for both kiddos and bring their carseats on the plane, or 2) bring someone to help you out. Three hours isn't a long flight so it won't be too terrible. GL!!!
  6. Maymay

    Maymay Well-Known Member

    I think the flight itself would be doable but personally I would be very nervous about the logistics of traveling with both of them by myself. Here are the things I would be concerned about (and potentially you could figure out a way to get all this work, but these are things I would have figured out before you go).
    1. How big is the plane your flying on? I think you'd have to have seats for all of you so that would mean a plane that has 3 seats to a row - I know most of them do now but for instance Midwest usually has 2 seat - aisle - 2 seats.
    2. How would you get you, 2 kiddos, a stroller, 2 carseats and any carry-on luggage to the gate?
    3. How would you get through security? You can't keep them in the stroller because it has to go through the scanner.
    4. How would get 2 kids and 2 carseats on the plane? A double stroller probably wouldn't fit down the aisle and how would keep one by you while you got the other one strapped in?

    Perhaps you could find helpful porters and flight attendants to help out with some of these things, I just get nervous about having to count on finding nice people. Sorry if I'm being a kind of a Debbie-downer. I've heard that if you have a disabled person flying, you can get a special pass to let a caregiver go through security to help them get on the plane, perhaps your husband or a friend could get one of those to help you get on the kids on the plane? Not sure about the rules for that.
  7. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    Some airlines/airports will allow you to bring a guest to the gate with you to help you on and off the plane. Call ahead and find out since this would take care of getting thru security and getting the kiddos on the plane... you go set up the seats, while the other person watches the kids, and then all three of you board right before they are closing the doors! Then in reverse when you get to your destination, have someone meet you at the gate. So make sure you can get a guest past through security for both ends of the trip.
  8. twinboys07

    twinboys07 Well-Known Member

    I hope you really want our honest opinions! :) First of all, I think that if you think you can do it, you can and I am sure no matter what, everyone will be fine.

    We had a really rough flight at 13 months, and if I were given the chance to do it again, I would never go alone. We had a seat for each kid and my DP sat across the aisle from me & the boys, and it was still just plain awful. However, I could have planned much differently and gotten a better outcome!

    My best suggestion is to fly right after naptime or after their normal waking time in the morning so they are happy and well-rested. I did the opposite and counted on mine sleeping on the plane. They did NOT sleep and screamed the entire 4.5 hour flight. They were overtired and freaked out - it was traumatizing. We did all survive, but it was not fun. I have learned to have better perspective and to roll with their behavior in exceptional situations like that, but 4.5 hours of screaming was still tough.

    Wishing you all the best if you decide to go for it - chances are that it will not be too bad and you will be very glad to see your sister!!!! :D
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