Anyone online with a 14 month old twins?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by annita, Dec 3, 2009.

  1. annita

    annita Member

    He dear moms!. Am new to this awesome website and am looking for some answers!,
    I have been reading a lot and trying all different things and still It doesnt seem to work for me.
    Twins girls 14 months old wont quit drinking their formula, they dont want plain milk, water or juice!!!!!. I mean, they do drink really really small amounts of juice with a lot of water in it but thats it, its not even close to 8 oz its a lot less that that, am concerned!.

    Am a full time nanny for these babies, by full time I mean FULL FULL TIME haha 7/24, I have a lady that comes and help me but still I have to figure out all these things, so I guess am humbly asking for help!.

    I have tried a lot of diff sippy cups, straw, cups everything :) and still they wont drink. They do eat a lot of yoghurt and dairy things, soup creams and things like that but I dont know if that will equal liquids?

    Thanks so much in advance dear moms!

    Worried Nanny!

  2. meganguttman

    meganguttman Well-Known Member

    Around 12 months, our ped told us that the boys needed more calories than just milk (they were/are really poor eaters and we were already adding more powder to their formula). She suggested we add 1 pk of Carnation Instant Breakfast (vanilla) to every cup of milk. I'm convinced this made the transition SO much easier for us! It might be worth a try!
  3. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I agree with this :good: I have been using Carnation Instant Breakfast since my two were 13 months for the extra calories.
  4. annita

    annita Member

    Megan, Thanks so much!

    Girls eat super well!, they are very tall and are a little tiny bit undeer weight but eat a lot a lot or so it seems, they love their yoghurts, turkey, soups, chicken, meat balls everything!. My one problem is the drinking, they dont seem to like anything so I wondered if they get the liquids from the yoghurts things like that?, they do love oatmeal and I prepare it with whole milk, does that count as liquid too?.

    Oh I forgot to add am a nanny in Germany and havent seen carnation milk things... I have read it works for many other moms, I wish we had that here, maybe they have something similar!

    Clueless nanny! :)
  5. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Our pediatrician said you can count eating other dairy products towards their dairy total (like adding milk into cereal/oatmeal, yogurts)...but flavoring the milk with either Carnation Instant Breakfast/Pediasure/ or a little bit flavored syrup might help them to drink more. I would still keep trying to get them to drink. Some days my kids will drink all the water and milk offered to them and other days we are lucky if they will drink at least their milk. I am convinced that at times I have two camels!
  6. annita

    annita Member

    Thanks so much again :)
    All that will count as dairy put adding milk and stuff to oatmeals and the yoghurt and all that, would that count as liquids for the day, i know they are supposed to be getting 16 to 24 oz a day, they are not even drinking 8 oz a day now that they quit formula, they dont want juice or water or anything!!!!, they drink some here and there but barely nothing!!! Is this just a phase?
  7. christie76

    christie76 Well-Known Member

    Have you tried just stopping the formula cold turkey? I found it took my girls a week or two before they really started drinking their milk. I had started with sippy cups while they were still on formula. The Nuby brand worked great at first. Good luck!
  8. annita

    annita Member

    I didnt stop the formula, girls decided on monday to be done with bottles and formula, they see bottles and cry and see milk and its worse haha!
  9. annita

    annita Member

  10. Danibell

    Danibell Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I use a little chocolate or strawberry syrup in my older kids milk. It's the only way I could get my first son to drink milk at all. My older dd went to regular milk fine, but now that she's older she gets flavored milk as a treat.

    I am switching the twins to milk in about 2 weeks and if they won't take it, I'll be doing a tiny bit of flavoring for them too ;)
  11. Rach28

    Rach28 Well-Known Member

    I live in Spain and I buy a product which is liquid cereal mixed in with milk. I can get it here in chocolate or fruit flavours and mine love it. When they refuse dinner (like DS is doing) he gets these and I know he´s getting all the nutrients he needs. The brand here is called Puleva. Here is the website but it is in Spanish: Maybe you will find something similar in the supermarkets in Germany.

    Keep offering them water in sippy cups or try different cups like Hello Kitty ones with a flip top. They will eventually take to them. GL!

    [email protected] Well-Known Member

    I leave a sippy of water in the twins' cribs and they drink the full cup during the night and nap time. That might be a way to get them to drink some extra fluids.
  13. annita

    annita Member

    Thanks so much to everyone for taking time to reply!. Is still a battle and still not drinking not nearly enough!. I will keep trying different things and see what works!.

    Thanks again! :)


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