anything else you can do for stuffy noses?

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by marleigh, Apr 25, 2010.

  1. marleigh

    marleigh Well-Known Member

    I've sucked out noses, have a cool mist humidifer going, sprayed saline (and sucked out noses again)...even tried vicks baby rub.

    It's no use elevating the crib mattress because they do 360's in bed anyway.

    Is there anything else I can do to help them? They are so congested and, obviously don't want their paci's because they can't breathe out of their noses.

    Am I missing something else?
  2. maybell

    maybell Well-Known Member

    that's about all I did... I hate colds! the doctor said the symptoms last 10-14 days... ours always seem to be a full 14 days from the start to the last day of cleaning their noses.

    there are some homeopathic tablets by Hylands for 'Colds'... I think they have baby doses of vitamin C etc. I think they say to take every hour or more often to begin with... not sure I ever saw any help. But I know when I take Vit. C and Zinc myself when I first feel a sore throat I can thwart off a cold... though they can't tell us they have a sore throat...

    good luck!
  3. jmk71171

    jmk71171 Active Member

    Are yours coughing at all? My little ones are congested and coughing. I took one to the doctor last week and the doctor said she thought it was either seasonal cold or allergens. The congestion isn't in the chest nor has it settled anywhere else. Since then, the other one has also developed the same symptoms. It hasn't gotten worse but the its still there.

    So we are also bathing them with Johnson's vapor bath. It settles them down before bed time. Also, we are watering down their formula a bit because milk adds to the congestion. The doctor also said put a drop of warm olive oil in each nostril once a day (which we haven't done yet)
  4. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    The only other thing I can think of is to turn the shower on hot and play on the floor with them or give them a bottle and let them take in some steam. That might help loosen up their mucous. I hope they feel better soon.
  5. bbyboo1323

    bbyboo1323 Well-Known Member

    We just finished going through this again. Dr said it was either a cold or allergies..The hot shower helped SO much! I would take each one and sit for 5 - 10 min each time and I did it before PJs. then suck their noses and put PJs on and then bed. one dr at the practice even told me I could try 1/2 teaspoon of bendryl but I never did
  6. lawilliams77

    lawilliams77 Well-Known Member

    With our peds consent, we used benadryl. It really helped, we gave it to them morning and night for about a week through the toughest part of it and we could definately tell a difference from when they didn't get a dose. The dosing chart for benadryl is available if you google it.
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