bad mommy...I'm so frustrated I find myself yelling at them

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Jennifer P, Nov 29, 2006.

  1. Jennifer P

    Jennifer P Well-Known Member

    Ok, so the whole day temper tantrum issues are still ongoing. It is driving me crazy...I never realized how I can't tolerate whining and crying.

    Also, with the diaper changes involving diaper rash cream...the baby I'm trying to change tries to play with themselves, while the other one tries to either get the dirty diaper away from me while I'm changing her sister or she tries to go for the tube of cream..which I've tried sticking it under my leg...but then they try and stick their hands under my legs to find it.
  2. Jennifer P

    Jennifer P Well-Known Member

    Ok, so the whole day temper tantrum issues are still ongoing. It is driving me crazy...I never realized how I can't tolerate whining and crying.

    Also, with the diaper changes involving diaper rash cream...the baby I'm trying to change tries to play with themselves, while the other one tries to either get the dirty diaper away from me while I'm changing her sister or she tries to go for the tube of cream..which I've tried sticking it under my leg...but then they try and stick their hands under my legs to find it.
  3. nbgmom

    nbgmom Well-Known Member

    You are not a bad mommy or if you are so are most of us if we are honest. We all have are moments. Mine are the same way with diaper changes except they steal the wipe box and empty it!! Also try changing them alone away from the other one. It may not be convenient, but if it helps you stay a little calmer it is worth it. Hope things get better, don't beat yourself up! Try to have some fun during the stressed out moments- sing a goofy song and dance- mine think it is hilarious even if it only stops the whining for the moment.
  4. NicoleT

    NicoleT Well-Known Member

    Yes, you are not a bad mommy! [​IMG] I find that they go in stages and certain times are more difficult then others. I would suggest finding a way to get out of the house for a few hours to get some "me" time in and refresh. Many times I have had to walk away (lock myself in the bathroom) and take 2-minute timeouts. It is a lot of work raising our precious babies and you are definitely not alone.
  5. FirstTimeMom814

    FirstTimeMom814 Well-Known Member

    You are not a bad mommy! There are many days that I swear I can't make it through with all the whining. Sometimes just getting a few minutes upstairs is all it takes to refresh my outlook.
  6. MLH

    MLH Well-Known Member

    You are not a bad Mommy, we all have days like these. I think this time of year must be really hard b/c many of us are going through this kind of thing right now. Mine were all sick for long time and now that they're all feeling better, they're crazy. My oldest is just being so sassy and yelling at me. I know I need to be the adult and not yell back, but she just makes me so mad. I agree that if we're all honest with ourselves, we do get frustrated and many (if not all) have lost our cool on occasion...some more than others. I just try to appologize and let them know why I yelled and that tell them what I should have done instead. It's so HARD!!!!!
  7. AryaAleena'smom

    AryaAleena'smom Well-Known Member

    Have you tried to give them a doll and a diaper to keep them busy?
    It will get better. we all have done this and felt this way [​IMG]
  8. momotwinsmom

    momotwinsmom Well-Known Member

    You are not a bad mommy. Just a tired, exasperated one. We have all BTDT at some point or another. Its hard with 2 when they start getting into everything. Hang in there. It does get better.
  9. Snittens

    Snittens Well-Known Member

    I still change them on the changing table. If I do it on the floor, the other baby interferes. I can't help with the sticking hands down there. Mine do it too when I put cream on them, then they wipe the cream on their clothes or eat it (bleh!). It helps sometimes if I give them something to hold on to. Ainsley realy likes to have a wipe to play with.
    It must be the age because mine are whiny too. I just try to keep them busy or get out as much as possible.
  10. hudsonfour

    hudsonfour Well-Known Member

    I could have written this post. Some days can be really long and hard...
    No advice, just know that you aren't alone.
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