Craziest/Best SLEEP DEPRIVATION stories!

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by megkc03, Feb 15, 2011.

  1. megkc03

    megkc03 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    We thought to change some things up a bit! Do any of you have any sleep deprivation stories? We all know how little sleep one gets with one infant...let alone TWO infants! So-use this thread to share your stories! I can only imagine the, "I did that!" to go along with it, as well as possibly some good chuckles! Putting dirty diapers in the wash? Mixing up the babies? Finding a remote in the refrigerator?

    What's yours?!?!

    And sadly, I can't think of any. But I function very well on little sleep, so that's probably why. Although, I think a few times I did leave the milk out on the counter(my milk...not the babies :laughing: ) and dh either caught it in time, or I did when I woke the next morning...
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  2. christinam

    christinam Well-Known Member

    DH loves chocolate milk so we always have the Quik powder here. One night I got the bottles ready and filled with water. I opened up the formula can and looked and thought man where is that stupid scoop. It took me a minute to realize I was search the Quik container and not the formula.

    I have ran the coffee maker in the following ways....

    Water but no coffee so basically I made hot water.

    Water, coffee, but no paper filter.

    Water, coffee, but forgot to put the lid on the coffee pot so it didn't drain out of the strainer. MESSY!!!!
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  3. MLH

    MLH Well-Known Member

    I may or may not have heard a phone ring in the freezer.
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  4. BabiesSchaef

    BabiesSchaef Member

    Here is a good one! DH's grandma always gets savings bonds for our children for birthdays and X-mas. So, MONTHS after the babies were born, she continued asking for the twins' social security numbers. I, shamelessly assured her that when I got them, she would be the first to know. So, after she called for them 7-8 times, I started to think that maybe I was the crazy one. Went to look in our safe- where I put all of our important documents (birth certificates, social security cards, passports etc)....... and both of them were there! I had not only received them....., I filed them in the appropriate place.....and have absolutely no memory of doing so!!! UGH!! I felt like a real fool and wondered what else I had done in my sleep comas :)) I look forward to looking back and laughing at myself over MANY things in a few years.
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  5. Eribour

    Eribour Well-Known Member

    The strangest one fir me is is fixing my plate and eating the whole meal before realizing I was using a baby spoon!!!!

    P.S. This is a great thread.
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  6. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I have a good one. Keep in mind that I have b/g twins and one morning I was dressing them. I had out a pink outfit with little ponies on it for DD and managed to put it on DS. Not only did I notice right away what DS was wearing but I was frantically looking around the house for her outfit, seemingly unaware that he was wearing it. I figured it out about 2 hours later!
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  7. ECUBitzy

    ECUBitzy Well-Known Member

    We had a two week period right after Christmas when the girls would wake during the night and not go back to sleep. We'd brought them to bed with us when it started as a way to quiet them down and get all of us back to bed (it was while visiting my parents). One morning we woke up with Samantha in bed with us and neither Paul nor I remembered getting up and getting her. THAT scare was it for us- we started CIO immediately.

    It was scary at the time, but now we just laugh about how our one year old must have gotten out of her crib and crawled into our bed- that's the only explanation we can figure!
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  8. AimeeThomp

    AimeeThomp Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I can't remember any with the twins at the moment since I'm going through it again right now with a singleton. Two of the things I've done recently is searching for DH in the night when he is working nights. One night I was looking all around the house for him, wondering where he'd gone - I was positive he was hiding and sleeping, trying to get out of taking a turn on the night baby shift. :laughing: Then I remembered he was really at work.

    The other one happens to me frequently - I have trouble remembering what day of the week it is. I frequently think it's a different day than it really is. Yesterday I kept thinking it was Sunday. :pardon:
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  9. becasquared

    becasquared Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    We had discussions about how our house was infested with rats/mice. To the point where I was calling my dad (an exterminator) over to get rid of them, he walked in the house, thoroughly looked around and found no trace of mice. Amazingly I saw one when he was standing right next to me. He didn't see it. After a few minutes of me telling him that I saw the mouse in this corner, I realized that I was hallucinating.

    There were many days that I woke up at work, which means that I got dressed, drove to work, and managed to not kill myself or anyone else before I completely woke up.
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  10. MrsWright

    MrsWright Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Oh these are too funny!:) Most of mine involved waking up to a pillow thinking I had a baby in bed with me (which we never did with the twins) and after Hannah was born about 3-4x I fell asleep with her laying on my chest in bed and woke everyone up frantically tearing the bed apart looking for the "other baby" :laughing:
    These freak outs are also why we do not co-sleep hahaha!
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  11. mary2bmeg

    mary2bmeg Member

    There were multiple times during the night when I would be pushing DH off the bed in my sleep b/c I was convinced he was squishing one of the girls. I've also jumped out of bed in the middle of night swearing that one of the girls has fallen off the bed. I would turn on the lights in the bedroom and look all around before DH could get me fully awake to realize what I was doing. The funny thing is that we never did co-sleeping!
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  12. Bubba_mommy

    Bubba_mommy Active Member

    We went out for grocery shopping. On a next day (we think?) we tried to remember whether we went shopping yesterday or the day before yesterday. DH and I kept asking ourselves and still were not sure which day we went shopping. Our 2 brains were not enough for answering that question.
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  13. AmynTony

    AmynTony Well-Known Member

    the only one I really have is one night while feeding my DS I fell asleep with him in my lap (I was on the couch chaise lounge), and I woke up to him crying and the bottle was in his EAR!
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  14. cheezewhiz24

    cheezewhiz24 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    DH would wake me up to nurse the boys and I'd wake up convinced I was already nursing a baby. Nope, just a pillow.

    I would wake up all the time saying nonsense.

    Last week I was watching Psych while DH was sleeping. He woke up b/c someone on the TV was making a screeching noise convinced that the babies were awake. I had to rewind to show him that it was the TV.
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  15. nateandbrig

    nateandbrig Well-Known Member

    :rofl: What a fantastic thread!!

    The one I remember the most is waking up in the morning to find BOTH kids with diapers on the outside of their jammies, and not the inside. Neither dh nor I remember who changed them in the middle of the night and swore it was the other. We'll never know, but it sure is funny now!
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  16. ohd1974

    ohd1974 Well-Known Member

    I have been known to feed the same baby twice and not the other and wonder why they were still crying. Also, I have woken up, convinced I had dropped bottles on the floor during the night and hunted all over trying to find the "mysterious fallen bottles" but never could for some reason-hee hee. Bottle in the EAR! Hilarious!! LMAO.
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  17. mjwebb05

    mjwebb05 Well-Known Member

    one night about a month ago DS 1 was having a really rough time and was waking up crying in his crib. On one occasion that night, DH decided that he would get up to go see what was the matter and would take over baby duty for me. I, also sleepy but awake enough to know i should get up and follow him into the nursery to see what his actual plan of attack was, watched my husband do the following amazing bit of night time parenting:

    walk over to crib side of crying Graham, lean over him and look at him (but NO touching him), and very loudly go "SHHHHHHH!" AT him, turn around abruptly and leave the room. Graham was almost so shocked at this attempt he DID stop crying for about 5 secs. :) I followed up with his "efforts" and got Graham to sleep eventually.

    The best part was when I reminded DH of this in the morning, he had NO recollection of any of it!

    Oh, and also dipped the baby food spoon in my coffee cup a few times while trying to multitask sucking down coffee and feeding the boys in the a.m. :rolleyes:
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  18. babyhopes09

    babyhopes09 Well-Known Member

    I think my favorite..and slightly scary moment.. was when I woke up trying to find DH only to see him curled up, butt in the air on the floor beside the bed.. just like one of our twins- sound asleep. When I tried to get him to come back to bed he just yelled at me in some dream jibberish. He still will wake me up in the middle of the night to make sure I didn't roll over on one of the babies.. oddly enough we have never taken them to bed!
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  19. gina_leigh

    gina_leigh Well-Known Member

    We would lose babies. We also never did co-sleeping, but when I'd hear them start to fuss/cry, I'd wake up convinced they were in the bed and search all over the bed until I woke up enough to realize they were not in the bed, but at the foot of the bed in their co-sleeper that we used as a bassinet.

    And I can't even count how many times the dog, who does sleep in the bed, was mistaken for a baby! :laughing:
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  20. megkc03

    megkc03 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    These are hilarious!!! I love coming to this thread at the end of a long day and crack up!!!

    Keep 'em coming ladies(and men)! I'm sure there has to be more out there!
  21. Anneke

    Anneke Well-Known Member

    I am happy to read I was not the only one waking up thinking I harmed or lost a baby.

    When I started working again, I often drove to the hospital instead of my school. Only to realize something was wrong when I couldn't find my pumped milk to take to NICU.

    One night when I finished teaching I lost my car. And it was no imagination. It was really gone. Turns out it got towed because I parked it in front of a garage. How stupid is that?

    I once wore two different shoes.

    I took lots of showers without washing my hair. I simply stood there and did nothing.

    Sometimes I go somewhere just to get something and end up coming back without it. Not even knowing I forgot it until I need it again.

    A few seconds ago I knew some more stuff to add, but I forgot.
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  22. Jem2000

    Jem2000 Member

    These are great!!! My twin boys will be 5 months on the 23rd...and oh how I am glad those first 3 months are over! I can't remember much in particular, but we do some weird things in the middle of the night too. Every night, I take up some bottles filled with water, and a formula container with formula, so all I have to do is dump the formula into the bottle and shake. The other night I accidentally dumped half the formula on the floor in the hallway...I thought, oh well, it'll just be a weak bottle!
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  23. PinkDiamonds

    PinkDiamonds Well-Known Member

    I remember making a bottle of formula for one of the twins and used #1's FM (for 1 year and up). I didn't realize until he/she finished the bottle of milk.

    Another one would be me often thinking my babies were crying, but now that I've started CIO I guess it doesn't affect me much. :p
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  24. bellawillawyatt

    bellawillawyatt Well-Known Member

    So oldest dd came down with the stomach virus PLUS the twins were up and down all night(this was night before last) and last night I was so worn out I filled up an ice tray with water and sat it in the top part of the dishwasher and stood there looking at it thinking this isn't right but couldn't think why
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  25. sistersbeall

    sistersbeall Well-Known Member

    I did this on three seperate occasions that I can think of....

    we used to premake our formula, pour it in the drop ins, heat it and feed. (that was easier in the middle of the night instead of trying to do water to formula conversions) well i figured out, (like i said three different times) that dropin bottles only hold formula if the drop in is actually in the bottle.

    that's right, i would be in the middle of pouring formula all over my kitchen counter cause in my sleep haze i had forgotten to put the drop in in the bottle. very messy!!!!
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  26. MamaKimberlee

    MamaKimberlee Well-Known Member

    OFTEN I would wake up freaking out, not sure where the twins were. I would first search the bed/couch I was sleeping on, and then run to their bouncy seats or cribs and find them there asleep.

    Worse yet, there were times during the day when I was wide awake (but totally exhausted) that I would not remember where one of them was.

    They were always fine though - more than I can say for myself those days.
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  27. cheezewhiz24

    cheezewhiz24 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Before they started tandem feeding (I rarely share this! :blush: ) there was a point where I did not care who I was feeding in the middle of the night. It was more- baby, check. Boob, check. I'd look at the baby and just not care who he was. I knew he was one of mine and it simply did not matter. :lol:
  28. w101ttd

    w101ttd Well-Known Member

    One night i woke up, opened the fridge, got a bottle water, and drank it..then ran straight to the bathroom and puked right after. I realized i drank my daughter neosure bottle, yuk!!!!! good thing was i tried to pump more BM and gave them less formula after that heheh :)
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  29. emp59

    emp59 Well-Known Member

    I was co-sleeping with the girls when they were under 2 months and I woke up with one baby in my bed, the other in her swing and was looking around frantically for the "other" baby. I was looking under the crib, in blankets on the floor, everywhere! And then I finally calmed down and realized that I had two babies, not three. haha!
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  30. talktomei

    talktomei Well-Known Member

    Awesome stories. I feel lame admitting that my worst 'twin moments' were my husband and me being unable to recall who we had fed that morning and how much. "I gave Lindsey 4oz this morning at 5am... no wait, that was Megan, and it was 6oz... I think"
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  31. Daseechain

    Daseechain Well-Known Member

    These are hilarious stories!!!

    When I was given the OK to drive by my doctor, I took my kids to my mother's house. When I got there, she asked how it felt to be driving again, since I hadn't driven in a long time.

    I said, "It was good, but it was really hard for me to stay in between the two lines."

    Soooo, my keys were taken away and I did not go anywhere unless my mother or DH was able to drive me there. LOL

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  32. fmcquinn

    fmcquinn Well-Known Member

    This is a great thread!

    Many, many times I would find myself rocking an empty bouncer with my foot. My husband and I have both woken up hugging pillows or blankets, thinking they were babies.
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  33. MarchI

    MarchI Well-Known Member

    Our first moment was the day after we got out of the hospital. We had to take them in for a bilirubin check. When we got there, the technician asked which baby was which and we weren't quite sure so we had a slight argument over it before handing him a baby to poke. Mine are fraternal and have looked completely different since day one, this should not have been as hard as it was.

    One day, I was leaving for work and I could not find my keys. Since I have a narrow window to avoid hellish traffic, I get really annoyed when I cannot find something in the morning. So I went around bitching that I could not find my keys. After looking EVERYWHERE, I realized they were in my hands.

    I take the same route everyday to work. The roads basically merge into each other. I've gotten lost twice on the way to work because of me not being able to pay enough attention or getting easily distracted.

    BTW, I love this thread.
  34. pawliepaws

    pawliepaws Active Member

    Oh these stories are hilarious. I know this thread is a little old but I had to add something my husband did.

    A few nights ago while half asleep and feeding the girls, my husband grabbed my phone, texted Pampers (I send in my GTG points through my cell phone) and said "I hope this helps". LOL

    And for months, I would wake up in the middle of the night, searching the bed for the babies. Or I would wake up and think that I was holding one only to have it "melt" in my arms and turn into my pillow! Thankfully I don't do that anymore!
  35. AmynTony

    AmynTony Well-Known Member

    oh yes...the one day I needed to go to the doctor before I could drive so DH took me...when we got home we had left the front door of the house WIDE open!!!
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