Do you kiss your kids?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Trishandthegirls, Jul 5, 2009.

  1. Trishandthegirls

    Trishandthegirls Well-Known Member

    This is perhaps a weird question, but I've been curious... do you kiss you kids when you say good morning to them, or goodnight, or at other times? How often do you kiss your kids? And if you do, do you kiss them on the forehead, the cheek, the lips, somewhere else?

    DH and I were raised in very different families; his parents and adult relatives kissed anyone and everyone on the lips every time they saw each other, and for goodbyes. My parents kissed my brother and I on the forehead but no other adult relatives kissed us. My parents hugged us a ton, but kissing was pretty infrequent. Both DH and I think the way we were raised is "normal" and now I'm curious to see what everyone else thinks!
  2. tinalb

    tinalb Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Luke & Lila get tons of kisses every day. I can't resist kissing those sweet little cheeks, necks, foreheads, etc. Now, the older kids get kissed on the forehead or the cheeks relatively often, but not as much as the little ones. The older they get, the less they seem to like being constantly kissed. They still get lots of hugs though!
  3. Oneplus2more

    Oneplus2more Well-Known Member

    Interesting question! I kiss all my kids lots of times during day - mostly on the forehead, top of head, cheek or side of the head (during a hug), or lots of kisses on the neck as a silly tickle game. A few weeks ago Hannah started kissing me on the lips at naptime and bedtime - I'm not sure what started this. I've felt a little weird about it but it's a super-quick peck and then she dives inter her crib.

    My parents were very undemonstrative. I don't remember many kisses as a child. He always hugs his parents when we see them but no kissing is involved. I don't know about when he was a kid - too bad he isn't here!
  4. KYsweetheart

    KYsweetheart Well-Known Member

    I kiss on mine all the time! They are all so loving and sweet thank goodness that they enjoy giving and getting kisses as well.

    We kiss on the cheeks, foreheads a lot. At bedtime they kiss me on the lips.
  5. TwinxesMom

    TwinxesMom Well-Known Member

    I kiss the twins alot. They kiss me on the lips but I don't find it weird. My family probably kisses more than most I would say. I kiss my sis and mom more than my dad though
  6. ktfan

    ktfan Well-Known Member

    When they are little we kiss on the lips (loved those sweet baby breath kisses!) and as they grow up we phase to cheeks or forehead. They get kisses whenever they want! Always at bedtime or when I'm leaving the house (if they want, the older two are pretty much past asking for kisses :( ). Right now Erick is in a phase of just randomly coming up to me, grabbing my neck, pulling me to him and kissing my cheek! It's so sweet! He doesn't usually want a kiss from me, he wants to kiss me instead. (what happened to the lovey hearts emoticon??? :grr: )
  7. twoin2005

    twoin2005 Well-Known Member

    I come from a family of lip kissers, so yes, we kiss on the lips. But I manage to munch on their ears, noses, cheeks, heads, you name it throughout the day. Can't get enough!
  8. Stacy A.

    Stacy A. Well-Known Member

    Right now we give tons of kisses all over, including the lips. But, I foresee it becoming less frequent as they get older and the lip kissing ceasing. I can't remember the last time I kissed my parents or anyone except as a romantic interest on the lips. But, for now, lots and lots of kisses!
  9. moski

    moski Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I wasn't raised in a "kissing" family except for my parents/grandparents/aunts kissing us (mostly goodbye or goodnight). I kiss my kids all the time. Good Morning, Good Night, You're so cute...whatever. Sometimes on the mouth (Liam asks for that :) ), sometimes on the cheek, sometimes on the forehead.
  10. MichelleL

    MichelleL Well-Known Member

    I could have written the same thing! :good:

    I have taught my girls that only mommy gets kisses on the lips (DH doesn't want to). Neither of our families kiss on the lips and I just don't like it personally. Some of my family are cheek kissers, and everyone's a hugger.
  11. MLH

    MLH Well-Known Member

    Yep, they get kisses (lips, cheeks, forehead, etc.). I've actually been finding that I've been forgetting to kiss them in the morning when we wake up b/c it's so crazy and I've been trying to make a point to do it. But, they always get kisses at goodbyes, goodnights, and whenever they want or I can sneak one. My older one probably gets kissed less frequently, but loves hugs goodbye when dropping her off somewhere...always a kiss goodnight though. DH family is not a kissing family (wasn't really a hugging family until recently), but my family all kisses. It weirded DH out at first, but now he's actually cool with it.
  12. TwinLove

    TwinLove Well-Known Member

    Lots of kisses here! I kiss them every three minutes. :blush: Seriously, if they are near me for more then a minute I'm planting one somewhere on them. :pardon: I do kiss them on the lips but they know that is only for mom to do, everyone else gets the forehead. DH doesn't want to kiss them on the lips. My family is very kissy/huggy (I still kiss my mom on the lips and my very close aunts (which when I think about it, I get all embarassed)) but it is what it is. My husband comes from a family that rarely hugs or kisses nor do they say I love you. My husband loves being all lovey dovey now with our kids, but it was hard for him to say it alot when we first got married. Okay, much longer then I expected and off topic. :lol:
  13. Stacy A.

    Stacy A. Well-Known Member

    My DH actually kisses them (on the lips and elsewhere) just about as much as I do. He actually has a little game with them where he "locks" them up in his arms and they need to use a kiss-key to get out. He also does "big kisses" that are long, "Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm...muh!" kisses with them.
  14. Snittens

    Snittens Well-Known Member

    Yes, we kiss them on the lips. Usually at bedtime or good-bye, just a quick peck. Not sure when we'll stop that, probably as they get older sometime. I remember kissing my parents on the lips as a little kid but that phased out. I also kiss them on the cheek, forehead, etc.
  15. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    I kiss my kids a lot -- mostly on the tops of their heads, their cheeks, or their necks (or their belly-buttons). We kiss on the lips at bedtime, but that's about the only time. I like kissing them, but I think most of the time when I kiss them, it's actually out of a desire to smell them. (Amy likes to smell me too -- and she's more explicit about it. "I want to smell you Mommy.... Mmm, you smell like my Mommy!" :) )

    I don't remember my parents ever kissing me. I'm sure they must have, but not when I was old enough to remember. In our family, adults hug (sometimes), but the only people who kiss are spouses with each other, or parents with their small children.
  16. Becca34

    Becca34 Well-Known Member

    I didn't grow up in a kissing family, really. I used to kiss my dad on the cheek when he dropped me off at school, but I don't recall his ever kissing me. My mom used to come in and check on me at bedtime, and she'd kiss her finger and touch my cheek, because she didn't want to wake me up. I know she did this because I was often awake when she came in, LOL.

    Now, she will hug me and kiss me on the cheek.

    I kiss my kids on the top of the head, the cheek, their necks, bellies, etc. Very rarely on the lips, although if I ask Karina for a kiss, she will lean forward and put her nose on mine. Kevan will put his hand over his lips, and then touch my lips. It's really cute.

    I kiss all three on their cheeks at bedtime, and so does DH. He's never once kissed any of them on the lips -- I don't think anyone in his family kissed, ever!
  17. Utopia122

    Utopia122 Well-Known Member

    I kiss on my kids all the time. However, I will say that kissing on the lips is wierd to me for older children. I don't kiss my son on the lips, only the cheeks or forheads, he wouldn't kiss me on the lips anyway...I can barely get a hug or kiss out of him at all at this age :rolleyes: My husband grew up in a very unaffectionate family, so he will kiss on the girls, but only if they come to him. He does not go out of his way to give them kisses.
  18. plattsandra103

    plattsandra103 Well-Known Member

    DH mostly kisses them on the lips, but he kisses ally a lot more than bear, because she kisses him whenever he asks and bear doesn't always feel like it. he pretends to munch all over them, though....

    i kiss them constantly, but mostly NOT on the lips though i have before. it doesn't feel weird to me now, but i don't want them to be older and used to kissing me on the lips i think THAT's weird for some i mostly kiss cheeks, foreheads, and heads, but i'll go for noses, ears, tummies and feet a lot during the day as well--i also can't seem to get enough of them!!
  19. akameme

    akameme Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    i kiss them a lot, usually whenever i'm holding them to transfer (bed, bath, crib) we don't have set time of day kisses.

    I have to admit, kissing on the lips isn't my thing and once or twice it's happened by accident, I've been a bit weirded out.

    My parents kissed me and my mom asked for kisses (still does). I also remember my parents kissing hello and good bye - they still do, although I seldom do with my husband.
  20. Twin nanny

    Twin nanny Well-Known Member

    Same here. I give them kisses all the time, and they give me kisses too. :) The only ones I ever kiss on the lips are Alyssa and Bryony. Their parents have always kissed them goodbye on the lips, so when the girls kiss me goodbye they kiss on the lips.

    As for my own family we almost always kiss on the cheeks. Grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins kiss hello and goodbye on cheeks. I generally kiss my parents goodbye and goodnight (and my younger sister, but not my older sister because she's not a kissy person) but never hello/goodmorning, and we kiss to say thank you for presents at birthdays/christmas. Thinking about it my mum will occasionally kiss me randomly and I kiss my younger sister randomly too.
  21. li li

    li li Well-Known Member

    We kiss them almost everywhere whenever they want a kiss. Frequently goodbye/goodnight kisses are on the lips, and all other random kisses during the day are whereever is available. My family hug and cheek/forehead/back of neck kiss - although less so now. We're weren't a terribly physically affectionate family once us kids grew up abit (actually scratch that, my mum always complains that I was never a cuddly child and wouldn't sit still long enough for a hug or kiss). DH's family seems even less physically demonstrative. But our girls get hugged and kissed all the time.

    And give it back: For a while, part of the bedtime routine involved the girls kissing DH like an Italian Mama: holding his cheeks between their palms and turning his face to kiss his forehead, nose, eyes, cheeks, mouth and ears. Very cute.

    Back when they were teeny, kissing on the lips both seemed weird and entirely natural at the same time. Hard to describe. Something I wasn't used to except in a relationship, but also something absolutely right. Very quickly the weirdness faded away - as I expect will the lip kissing.
  22. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    We give lots of kisses and hugs everyday. I get one on the lips at night before they each go to bed. Other than that, we just kiss them on their faces most of the time unless they have an "ouchie."
  23. caba

    caba Banned

    I'm like a kissing maniac with these kids! I'm always asking them for kisses, and right now, we kiss on the lips. But I'm also covering their head, face, belly etc with kisses.

    My family are a bunch of huggers and cheek-kissers. My DH has one Aunt who ALWAYS tries to kiss on the lips, and I just think that's so odd. I imagine with my kids that as they get older, we will be kissing on the cheek, head, etc, but the lips will stop. Right now, I pretty much can't resist them though! Especially cause Jake has super full little kissable lips!
  24. hudsonfour

    hudsonfour Well-Known Member

    We give a lot of kisses at our house. Sometimes it is on the lips, but also on the cheek and forehead. I just love giving and getting the kisses from the kids. Dh also give the girls a ton of kisses too.
  25. first_second_and_last

    first_second_and_last Well-Known Member

    I kiss them all the time! They come up to me randomly and ask for kisses and hugs and it's the sweetest thing ever. I'll take the million I get a day now because I know it will be short-lived and I'll miss it terribly when they get too big to give their silly mommy a smooch.
  26. Meximeli

    Meximeli Well-Known Member

    I grew up in a peck on the lips family.
    DH in a kiss on the check culture.
    I kiss my girls countless times a day, just about anywhere, but usually not the lips. Here even mouth closed pecks on the lips are considered sexual, so I usually go for the cheek, or forhead or elbow, or all over!
  27. cclott

    cclott Well-Known Member

    I smootch 'em all the time!! Can't help myself...on the forhead, cheeks, lips, nose, head, neck, doesn't matter, whatever I can get them to slow down long enough for and reach!! Every morning when I drop them off they give me kisses on the lips. We are a lip kissing kind of family though.

    I do remember a while back when my step sister went to give my DD a kiss and she kissed her on the lips, and then immediately asked me if we were a lip kissing kid of family. I think that was the first time I ever even thought about kissing your kids on the lips being "weird".
  28. my2littlebubbas

    my2littlebubbas Well-Known Member

    We're a kissing family. My boys all get tons of kisses and my husband kisses me good bye every morning when he leaves for work. But, we also grew up in different type of families when it comes to affection. My family are very big huggers and kissers. My Dad and Mom still kiss me and my kids on the cheek when we say good-bye or have just arrived for a visit. My DH's family rarely offers hugs or kisses. My DH says that his Dad has never told him he loves him. I think that is why he is more affectionate as an adult now to me and his own kids. He wants them to feel love and know it. Great Topic- All families truly handle this differently and it's interesting to read about.
  29. NicoleT

    NicoleT Well-Known Member

    I kiss my kids ALL the time and all over. Lips, cheeks, neck, arms, forehead, top of the head. Sometimes I can't keep from wanting to kiss and hug them all up!

    I used the love the open mouth slobbery kisses when they were really little.
  30. JDMummy

    JDMummy Well-Known Member

    I kiss my kids all over their cheeks and forehead and lips. I think it makes them more confident because they have tangible, touchable proof that I :wub: them. Plus they are so stinkin' cute I can't help myself!
  31. double-or-nothing

    double-or-nothing Well-Known Member

    Ditto what Nicole said. Kisses EVERYWHERE!!!

    My poor kids, I must kiss them 50 times a day!!! Lorien is extremely affectionate and loves loves loves kisses. And she plants sloppy wet ones right on my lips. However, we are teaching her now that she can only kiss mommy and daddy on the lips and that everyone else she should kiss on the cheek. Arwen does not like kissing so much. I kiss her several times a day but on the cheek or on the forehead. She rarely likes to kiss on the lips so I never push it. She prefers hugging so we hug a lot. It's funny how different they are like that. But yes, we kiss our girls. We are a very affectionate family.
  32. littletwinstars

    littletwinstars Well-Known Member

    Both DH and I will kiss them on the cheek before they go to bed every night. They will kiss (and usually hug)us back, too.
  33. fuchsiagroan

    fuchsiagroan Well-Known Member

    Lots of kisses all over all the time! :) They are just irresistible. We do kiss on the lips, but less often, mostly at bedtime.

    I loved the slobbery baby kisses too. DD has just figured out how to pucker and kiss, and she smothers me with them. DS has hopped on the bandwagon too - he'll say "One more kiss" and lean in to give you one. They do it with each other too (when they're not busy bickering, stealing toys, and biting each other :rolleyes: ), and it is the sweetest thing in the world.
  34. aandax246

    aandax246 Well-Known Member

    I still kiss my grown daughters when I see them - more so the oldest because she lives out of town and we see her infrequently. If I don't kiss her, she walks over and kisses me. We also hug them. As for the grandsons, I kiss them often. I cuddle them, hug them, hold them in my lap and rock them while they watch TV or just to talk to them. They love to come climb up in my lap and I'm more than happy to oblige. I never leave in the evening without giving all of them a kiss or ten and hugs all around.
  35. shoudeshell

    shoudeshell Well-Known Member

    With the big kids, I usually only kiss them before bed and that's on their cheeks or their foreheads. Oh and lots of hugs for them. With the little girls lots of kisses! I'll actually ask for a kiss and they'll give one. It will eventually phase out b/c it did with the older ones as well. However, I cherish it as much as possible right now! DH will kiss them, too, but not as much as I do. He always gets a kiss before bedtime.
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