Do your same-sex multiples still share a wardrobe?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by SC_Amy, Oct 4, 2012.

  1. SC_Amy

    SC_Amy Well-Known Member

    Just curious. My boys have always mostly shared, though there have always been some shirts/outfits that I tended to put on one boy based on color, fit, etc. Today Will asked to wear a purple shirt that Alex always wears and Alex was all, "No, that's MINE!" ... made me wonder if it might be good at this age to designate whose is whose or to just be more flexible as their tastes do change (favorite colors, characters, etc.) and let them keep sharing. Right now they do each have maybe 2-3 shirts each and 2-3 pairs of PJs each that are "theirs" (plus they have designated shoes--different sizes--and jackets) and everything else is shared, though they each have certain things they tend to gravitate toward.
  2. vtlakey

    vtlakey Well-Known Member

    Our boys will be 3.5 soon and they share all of their clothes, shoes, and jackets. Of course, we still lay out their clothes in the morning and help them get dressed, as opposed to letting them pick out their own clothes. I suspect as they get older (say 4 YO) they will want to do it all themselves. And that will be fine by me so I can spend more time getting my own self ready! :) Anyway, so far our boys have not been very possessive over articles of clothing. However, if I hand the fire truck shirt to B to put on, then I try to give C the dump truck shirt, for instance. Likewise if I give one a shirt with a puppy dog, I'll give the other one a shirt with a koala bear on it, as opposed to a solid color shirt. And I say stuff like "You get the cute puppy dog shirt!" And "You have a koala on your shirt!" so they both generally feel special in their own shirts.
  3. cjk2002

    cjk2002 Well-Known Member

    My boys will be 5 in January and for the most part, still share their clothes. Yes, DS1 has his favorite shirt but honestly, DS2 never really asks to wear it. :unknw:

    This past March I did let them pick out their winter coats for this year. For school they must wear the one they picked, but I don't care if after school or on the weekends they want to switch it up as long as they both agree.

    Same goes with shoes. They each have a pair of their own but the other shoes are open to each of them.
  4. Katheros

    Katheros Well-Known Member

    Mine are 7 and share everything except shoes. Never been a problem! They each have developed their own style, one likes regular tee shirts and the other prefers collared polo type shirts or button down shirts.
  5. Trishandthegirls

    Trishandthegirls Well-Known Member

    My girls are five and share everything except shoes, and I think they will continue to do so for a while. They've been picking out their own clothes since they were three and we haven't had many problems. Sometimes they both want same shirt but it all works out. Now that they're in kindergarten and need to wear solid color polo shirts, I notice that they gravitate to different colors but the clothes are still technically shared.
  6. Aeliza

    Aeliza Well-Known Member

    They share most of their stuff, but I let them choose what they want out of a few outfits. If they feel something is theirs, then I let them wear it. Sometimes, they want to switch. But if they choose the same one, I let the other know that he can have that one next time because his brother chose first. I stick to my word and he gets it the next time the shirt is clean and available. I do try to get the same shirts sometimes because there are certain themes they both like so I know if one wants one of those shirts, it's likely the other will want it too and they can each wear the same thing. They don't mind. But if they see me taking a shirt out of their closet, they believe that shirt is theirs and they've claimed it. I usually take their clothes out of their rooms when they are not looking to avoid too many arguments. It still happens, but not too often.
  7. cheezewhiz24

    cheezewhiz24 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I pick out their clothes mostly and when I do, I try to do what a PP does- pick out related stuff or matching stuff if we are going out as I find it simpler to only have to remember one outfit.

    Usually everything is shared and in the morning I just ask the first kid to get dressed what he wants to wear. The second boy gets the other shirt. I do try to vary who goes first by who's 'special day' it is so they both get a fairly equal chance to pick.

    ETA- we don't share shoes, either. Even when they are the same size they walk differently and wear differently.
  8. MarchI

    MarchI Well-Known Member

    Mine still share because they have no idea about clothes. They do have separate shoes though because their feet are 1 size different.
  9. MrsWright

    MrsWright Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    We still share. They're boys that I honestly think Ill be dressing till high school! They just don't care!
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  10. SC_Amy

    SC_Amy Well-Known Member

    I kind of wish my boys didn't care. ;) They have both had very strong preferences for about the past year. There are shirts in their closet and drawer that just never get worn because they're so particular about what colors, characters, etc., they want.
  11. miss_bossy18

    miss_bossy18 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    We share, but it's pretty clearly delineated what belongs to who. So if Riley wants to wear something that's Danika's she'll ask if she can borrow it first. They almost always pick out their own outfits now and either wear completely different things, or similar but different colors. We've also never shared shoes. They're usually different sizes but even when they have been the same size I like to keep their shoes separate.
  12. ECUBitzy

    ECUBitzy Well-Known Member

    My girls share, but there are colors that Alexis prefers and so she seems to make the "rules" on what belongs to who.

    They don't share shoes. We make a point of buying different colors because I worry about fit.
  13. megkc03

    megkc03 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    When you mean it assumed you're buying different clothes?!? Lol! I still buy my boys the same shirts. Just different sizes if I can. And if there is a blue and a green version, then Anthony wears blue and Nicholas wears green. No shirt belongs to one more than the other if that makes sense.

    I still pick out their clothes. And yes. They still match. They will be five in two weeks.
  14. southernmommy

    southernmommy Well-Known Member

    My girls still share but then I still buy mostly matching clothing. If I do have 2 different shirts or dresses whoever comes to me first gets to pick out what they wear.

    I have a 12yr old and 9yr old and they still share all of their clothing, they are the same size. They do have favorites but they are ok with the other wearing it.
  15. mama_dragon

    mama_dragon Well-Known Member

    My boys get the same shirts but different sizes since one is taller. They rarely wear the same shirt at the same time but on occasion they pick out the same thing to wear. They both love green so if its a green shirt then they both have to wear it at the same time. My grandmother actually buys a lot of their clothes and she loves picking out two of everything.
  16. NicoleLea

    NicoleLea Well-Known Member

    Our girls share everything except coats/outerwear/shoes. Half the time I still pick out their clothes because they are too lazy to go pick them out themselves. Haha. Most of the time they don't care what they wear but occasionally one will ask for a particular thing.
  17. TwinxesMom

    TwinxesMom Well-Known Member

    My girls are almost 7 and still dressing alike. Im if it ain't broke don't fix it kinda girl. We did do different clothes for about a month last year and they didn't like it! They don't really share anything but Pjs, socks and panties as all other clothes they wear different sizes in
  18. KCMichigan

    KCMichigan Well-Known Member

    Mine have always and still do share clothes. Now it depends since they are slightly different sizes and something just fit one girl or the other (usually pants), but for the most part shirts, pants, socks, pjs, and accessories (headbands, vests, etc) are communal. A few shirts are one DD or another, but they sort it all out and mostly it is rotated for favorite shirts.

    They have always had their own underwear, shoes, swimsuits ( different sizes) ,and coats.
  19. ljcrochet

    ljcrochet Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    My girls are 7. they each have their own clothing, but still wear each others stuff if it fits them.
  20. sheras2

    sheras2 Well-Known Member

    My boys are two and haven't shown any preference at all for certain clothes. They share everything so far except for shoes.
  21. Beth*J

    Beth*J Well-Known Member

    My girls will be 5 in Dec. They share everything except shoes. Actually, they still dress in the same outfits most of the time (even though they are fraternal). Every once in a while they will choose different outfits, but it's rare. Next year for kindergarten they will be in different classes and I expect they will start choosing to wear different things. I'll still buy two of everything, but they won't necessarily wear them on the same day.
  22. happychck

    happychck Well-Known Member

    mine share most things except clothes. when i asked them how they wanted to organize their clothes, they chose to keep all their shirts and shorts together (they don't wear pants--ever!). when we go shopping they both do choose their own things, but generally forgot whose is who's later on... excxept for shoes, cuz one has really big feet!
  23. Babies4Susan

    Babies4Susan Well-Known Member

    My girls are 6.5 and still share clothes. They are still cool with it, plus it doubles their wardrobe options. :)

    ETA: They do not share shoes, simply because one of them has bigger feet than the other.
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