Does anyone still feed baby food?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by MNTwinSquared, Jun 2, 2007.

  1. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    My two get one part of a meal with a veggie & meat. I just want to make sure they get the meat! My ds is such a picky eater. They are on vitamins too. Am I the only one?
  2. MusicalAli

    MusicalAli Well-Known Member

    I don't know if you're the only one (you're probably not as my friend with twin just told me she feeds her almost THREE year olds some babyfood!!!) but I stopped feeding babyfood right around their first birthday if not before then.
  3. Snittens

    Snittens Well-Known Member

    Do they eat yogurt at all? You can mix some things in with that. Mine don't eat much meat either, so I try to get the protein in other ways like yogurt, cheese, peanut butter (they don't like it much, but maybe yours will), eggs, and beans. Just today, I gave them some of that new Juicy Juice Harvest Blend, in an attempt to get some veggies in them. They liked it, Ainsley especially. I don't generally give them juice, but it has a serving of vegetables, so I'll do it with afternoon snack.
    You oculd also try some soy protein shakes, stuff like that. Honestly, I haven't given baby food since 12 months I think.
  4. doubledownmom

    doubledownmom Well-Known Member

    I have not "officially" switched to this forum yet, b/c my girls are 11 months, but I did stop feeding them baby food at about 10 months of age....mainly b/c I am lazy and I like being able to put food in front of them instead of having to spoon feed them, and also b/c they LOVE feeding themselves finger foods and get cranky when I try to feed them anything with a spoon....but they are also good eaters and will eat most anything I put in front of them....
  5. KCMichigan

    KCMichigan Well-Known Member

    We are done w/ baby food here too....unless you count the Gerber toddler stuff (crunchies, puffs, etc). I stopped around 14 months or so (1 yr adjusted).

    They dont eat meat much either so we do vitamins and I use the veggie/fruit drinks too!! (V8 Fusion or Juicy juices version).

    We do ALOT of cottage cheese, cheese, milk, and yogurt to try and amend the lack of meat/veggies. Dr says it is not uncommon in this age group to boycott meat and/or veggies.
  6. AmynTony

    AmynTony Well-Known Member

    I do - mostly fruit and veggies - they seem to have a few texture issues (which may have gone away as its been a while since I've tried to feed them chunky fruits or veggies) but I like the fact that I KNOW they'll eat the pureed veggies and fruit and I can get some in them...I buy a few jars of the meat variety but thats mostly for DH for his Friday night excursions for coffee at B&N where they don't really have any kid friendly food and the prices are outrageous!
  7. LouCee

    LouCee Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(JicJac @ Jun 2 2007, 11:28 PM) [snapback]277099[/snapback]
    Am I the only one?

    You are not alone. B) My boys do eat table foods but I think they still prefer the jarred stuff to my food. :rolleyes: If I make pasta, I have to mix their pasta with a jar of babyfood macaroni or something. They don't get it every meal but they do get some every day.
  8. BettiePage

    BettiePage Well-Known Member

    Nope, we never did jarred baby food, and we stopped with the homemade purees around 11 months or so. But if it's working for you, I don't think there's anything wrong ith it!
  9. angie7

    angie7 Well-Known Member

    Guilty!! I still feed baby food...They get yogurt after breakfast, baby food after lunch, and "dessert" after dinner like jello or something. I dont know why I do it, I guess I feel they are getting some nutrients from it and they really enjoy it as well.
  10. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I give mine yogurt still with lunch, but wouldn't consider that baby food. We stopped all jarred baby food at 12 months and honestly I was glad to give it up. That said though my sister's SIL has 20 month old twins and is still giving them mostly baby food.
  11. micheleinohio

    micheleinohio Well-Known Member

    My boys still get veggies once in a while. I asked their doctor about it and he said they were told to keep baby food around at Medical school for quick nutrition. He doesn't think anyone actually did, but he said if they will eat it and it's healthy there is no need to stop.
  12. Don2worrybhappy

    Don2worrybhappy Well-Known Member

    I'm still feeding baby food, too. And, it's still stage one. They still get choked on some of the chunky parts in the other stages baby food, but they'll eat crackers and Nutrigrain bars and peices of bananas. Go figure! Mine are a little younger than yours. Right now, I'm trying to get them to try the sippy cup. They just chew on the spout. I've tried taking the valve off, but then it just runs down their chins and necks.
  13. lucky2

    lucky2 Well-Known Member

    We stopped using it around 9-10 months. Once they could self-feed with finger foods they wouldn't take pureed food. I think if they will take it then there is nothing wrong with giving it to them.
  14. heathernd

    heathernd Well-Known Member

    Nope, you're not alone. My boys are 5.5 now, but they were on babyfood (stage 3) until 20 months and they drank stage 2 formula until they were almost 3. We did offter "real" food, but it was more of a supplement.
  15. steph-andy

    steph-andy Well-Known Member

    We are still doing some stage 2 foods after most meals. One DD does okay with the meats, but has texture issues with the fruits and veggies. The other will eat most veggies and a little fruit, but the meat comes out about 2 seconds after it goes in. I offer a protein, carb and veggie with every meal and then supplement with baby food whatever they did not eat well from the table food. We are doing alot of lunches and dinners in the form of quesadillas. If you cut it up small enough it is amazing what you can sneak in with melted cheese!
  16. rayelynn

    rayelynn Well-Known Member

    I still give mine baby food. Lynae is such a picky eater. Lucas is getting pretty good with some table food. They eat cut up bananas, yogurt, watermelon, cantelope, and a few other things. Lucas will eat chicken pieces, but Lynae won't.
  17. Lougood

    Lougood Well-Known Member

    Still feeding it here. They really like it and prefer it. Since they're small I give them what they want right now. We do table food at dinner but still get meat and veggie cmbo for lunch.
  18. Ange2k25

    Ange2k25 Well-Known Member

    Jessica and Katelyn still eat some babyfood everyday. We still use the Gerber baby oatmeal most days for breakfast since they will eat a lot more of it than the adult variety. We mix a pureed fruit-usually prunes-with the oatmeal each day. The girls love yogurt-especially vanilla mixed with a fruit puree. The jarred oatmeal is their breakfast after church each Sunday along with a fruit cup or applesauce. Jarred meals-mostly veggie/turkey-are in the diaper bag for emergency food. They like it and will always eat it, so it is great standby when we are out and about. Three months ago, they ate a lot more of the jarred meals but have begun to eat more and more table food thankfully.
  19. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    If they are still eating it!! Go for it!! I would, but mine rejected it around 10 mos. they stopped cold turkey! I have a hard time getting meats in so I bought julienne strips of ham and turkey and I heat it in a pan and throw and egg in and tell them it's ham and eggs (little ham, lots of turkey and they don't have a clue :D) and they usually eat it if they are hungry!! Food is tough!
  20. j_and_j_twins

    j_and_j_twins Well-Known Member

    I still did ocassionally the baby stews and stuff until they were close to two.

    We still eat the stage one prunes here too for dessert they love it and I figure its good for them and they are close to four.

  21. debid

    debid Well-Known Member

    I quit when they wouldn't eat it anymore and that was around 10 months. My guys prefer lots of texture and stronger flavors so once they'd had some table food, the mush was out. They will eat meat but require a dipping sauce with it.

    I don't see anything wrong with giving baby food, though. They're still getting plenty of variety offered to try and it's not like they'll still want baby food when they're in grade school :D
  22. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    Thank you for your responses! Clayton won't even put something in his mouth if he doesn't like the *look* of it. He'll eat beets though.. go figure!
  23. FirstTimeMom814

    FirstTimeMom814 Well-Known Member

    I agree. If they still eat it then that's great. Ours started rejecting it around 14 months. They were great eaters for a while and now I have DD who is a great eater and DS who I struggle to get to eat anything that isn't bread. Honestly If I could get them to eat baby food I'd probably give it to them as well.
  24. p31heather

    p31heather Well-Known Member

    my pediatrician recommended that I stop at 1 yr old but I kept it up till about 13-14 months. Now they eat all table food except for some of the Gerber Toddler meals. Cooking gets a little monotonous since I'm feeding the same thing to everyone.
    I also give multi-vitamin.
  25. Kristi F.

    Kristi F. Well-Known Member

    My girls are 2 and still on baby food. I don't have any choice though with mine due to their prematurity, they are not ready for table food. Speech is working with them but I won't complain since they are at least taking Stage 3 foods.
  26. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    I mix baby food fruit with Sarah's yogurt every day. I also keep a stash of veggies in the cupboard because they are very bad about eating veggies, but they love baby food (go figure!). So at least once or twice a week, I "let" them have it for dinner -- they usually polish off 3 jars of spinach or something between them.

    As long as they're also eating regular food, I can't see the harm in it! (My ped same the same thing, FWIW.)
  27. noahandjacobsmom

    noahandjacobsmom Well-Known Member

    My guys are not one yet, however, a lot of people say they are off baby food by this age. Mine are not. Noah does not like the texture of table food and REFUSES to open his mouth to eat it. The only "real" food he will eat is yogurt, banana, low sugar oatmeal (pureed down some) and avocado. However, he loves the baby food and eats it vigorously. Jacob will eat things like noodles, bread, puffs, deli meat, cheese, yogurt, banana, low sugar oatmeal(pureed down some) and avocado. Yet, I have to feed it to him. He picks it up but, throws it on the floor for the dogs. If I feed it to him he eats it. He still eats the baby food too.

    I posted a topic similar to this a few days ago. The ladies said around 15-18 months they made the transition to table foods. So, I am trying not to worry about it.
  28. Marian

    Marian Well-Known Member

    We still give them pureed squash from time to time, but that's about it.
  29. Rose524

    Rose524 Well-Known Member

    Mine just turned one and are still on stage 3 baby foods. They have big "texture" issues and gag with most table foods.
    They DO eat waffles, french toast, bread, waffles, puffs, crackers.
    But not much else. They are growing so no concern there. I just wish they would get the hang of real food. Oh well. You are NOT alone!
  30. rosie19

    rosie19 Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(BettiePage @ Jun 2 2007, 08:53 PM) [snapback]277192[/snapback]
    Nope, we never did jarred baby food, and we stopped with the homemade purees around 11 months or so. But if it's working for you, I don't think there's anything wrong ith it!

    Same here. I don't think there's anything wrong with it... lots of protein and vitamins... so that certainly can't hurt.
  31. 2girls2b

    2girls2b Well-Known Member

    Mine still eat some baby food. I have tried reallly hard to only feed them "table" food, but there are some days that I feel they haven't eaten well, so I will give them some baby food as part of their dinner. They will eat every veggie and fruit there is if it is baby food, but they won't hardly touch the "real veggies". They generally are really good about eating most "real" fruits. They love yogurt and cheese and get some every day since they aren't real big on eating meat yet. I am glad to hear that other moms are still feeding some baby food. I get really stressed about them not eating enough and then I worry that I shouldn't be feeding baby food at this age.....I guess there is always something to worry about. I have to try and just let them eat when they are hungry and not worry.
  32. LisaJB

    LisaJB Well-Known Member

    Mine are coming up on 17 months and we still give them pureed vegetables. Although they've been on table foods for quite a while we have a hard time feeding them vegetables -- they were great veggie eaters when they were eating pureed/baby foods but they haven't taken to most veggies as finger foods. (DS is much better than DD, though.) So, since we feel they're no longer getting enough in veggies one of the ways we try to improve on that is to sneak in spoons of pureed or jarred veggies while they're busy eating everything else.
  33. mandylouwho

    mandylouwho Well-Known Member

    My friend still gives her 2 yr old baby food...personally I dont think its necessary. I give them vitamins on a daily basis. They also eat a lot of fruit and yogurt. I talked to the pedi since they wont eat veggies, but she told me its common at this age, and since they are getting dairy, fruit , and meats...

    I think you should do what you need to do, and if that what they eat, than fine...I would talk to the pedi though, maybe there is another solution.

    All I know is, the older they get, the harder it is to change things on them (I.E, taking things away), and getting the baby food may become a comfort thing, like, bottles, and pacis.

    I would check with the pedi, though. Good luck!
  34. Babies4Susan

    Babies4Susan Well-Known Member

    We were done with baby food around the 10 month mark. If they do not like meat, you can get them protein from other sources (cheese, dairy, eggs, etc.) I"d keep offering things though, they may decide to like it eventually.
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