DS biting coffee table....help!!!

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Brenda65, Dec 2, 2006.

  1. Brenda65

    Brenda65 Well-Known Member

    DS has started gnawing at the coffee table like a little beaver. There's little lines on the edges from his teeth and I hate the thought of him eating wood!!!
    Does anyone have any kind of protector on their coffee table to prevent the biting?
  2. Brenda65

    Brenda65 Well-Known Member

    DS has started gnawing at the coffee table like a little beaver. There's little lines on the edges from his teeth and I hate the thought of him eating wood!!!
    Does anyone have any kind of protector on their coffee table to prevent the biting?
  3. TwinxesMom

    TwinxesMom Well-Known Member

    BRU has edge protectors for tables. I'm sure they'd work for biting too. They are in the baby proofing section.
  4. raptwins

    raptwins Well-Known Member

    I've seen those too and hear they work great. Our boys figured out that the window ledges were perfect height when they started teething and we have gnaw marks all around our living room and play room windows [​IMG] So I was constantly digging paint and drywall out of their mouths [​IMG] Obviously it didn't hurt them but it made for some interesting conversation with company [​IMG]
  5. twoplustwo

    twoplustwo Well-Known Member

    Originally posted by TwinxesMom:
    BRU has edge protectors for tables. I'm sure they'd work for biting too. They are in the baby proofing section.

    I'm going ot have to try those too. My dd has left her little teeth marks in our coffee table too!
  6. Ali M

    Ali M Well-Known Member

    I got edge protectors from OneStepAhead.com. They were easy to take on & off, didn't mar the wood, and protected the babies' heads from the edges of the tables. We still have one of them on the table near the front door while all the adhesive cushions have long since fallen off. Here is a link. If have an extra one in off-white that I would be willing to sell for $20 plus shipping if you decide this is the way you want to go.
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