Embryo Transfer done

Discussion in 'General' started by Twinrific, Jun 3, 2011.

  1. Heathermomof5

    Heathermomof5 Well-Known Member

    Oh my goodness!! Never be sorry!!! Anyone that has ever been through the 2ww has felt the same way!! We are here to listen!!! I too felt heavy and like AF was going to start throughout at least the first trimester each time. I drove myself CRAZY CRAZY CRAZY running to the bathroom checking for AF for like he first 16 weeks this time, it was so bad that I did not leave the house very often. The emotions you are feeling are normal, the 2ww sucks.
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  2. jjzollman

    jjzollman Well-Known Member

    I spent 2 weeks running to the bathroom every hour thinking that my period had started - finally I took an HPT and found out I was pregnant with my oldest son! :)

    Hang in there, Brenda! :hug:
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  3. Twinrific

    Twinrific Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Thank you ladies, the AF-like feelings are getting very strong so now I'm petrified and hopeful all at once, lol, this is really going to drive me insane! :faint:
  4. starmaker

    starmaker Well-Known Member

    Oh Brenda hang in there! I cannot imagine how hard this must be for you. My thoughts and prayers are with you that these feelings are not caused by AF but by pregnancy! :hug: Hopefully time will pass quickly and you will have an anwer soon as to what the cause of these symptoms is! :hug:
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  5. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    :hug: Brenda! Hang tough!
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  6. miss_bossy18

    miss_bossy18 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

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  7. momotwinsmom

    momotwinsmom Well-Known Member

    I always felt like I was getting my period. Every single time I was pregnant. I was looking for any sign or symptom that I was getting my period. That's why it seems so much more pronounced. Turns out I was pregnant, and my period symptoms are actually much less then my pregnancy symptoms, I just built it all up in my head that I was getting my period. Does that make sense? I had a hard time typing that out.
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  8. lharrison1

    lharrison1 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Keep your chin up girl, we're all thinking of you! :grouphug:
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  9. MarchI

    MarchI Well-Known Member

    Do you just have to make it through until Friday? You can do this! My PMS symptoms were crankiness, hurting boobs, cramps, and more crankiness. I had those same symptoms in April and they didn't mean what they meant the last 18 months prior. Try not to be hard on yourself (easier said than done). Good luck!!
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  10. dtomecko

    dtomecko Well-Known Member

    Don't give up hope yet! I had the same feelings as the 2ww was getting close to being over. I knew the symptoms I felt during each day of my previous 2 week waits (because I tracked them ALL and took very detailed notes from all my failed cycles). And I was feeling the same symptoms on the same days, so I was convinced it didn't work. I even broke down in tears in a work evaluation, which was pretty embarrassing! I finally gave in and took a pregnancy test that night (3 days before my blood test) because I wanted to see it was negative and just get it over with already so I could come to terms with it and move on. The test was positive and I still cried because I didn't believe it and then I didn't believe it would stick. I would not let myself believe it until around the 28 week mark or so! Please hang in there!
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  11. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    I had to have a chocolate bar when there was a chance I was pregnant. Crossing my fingers for you Brenda! :)
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  12. megkc03

    megkc03 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Heartburn. OHHHH the heartburn! I never knew what heartburn was until I got pregnant!

    And you would have thought I could have figured it out when I shot up in bed at 3 am with HORRIFIC heartburn after my FET with Annabella.

    Fingers crossed!!!!!!!! :grouphug:
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  13. NINI H

    NINI H Well-Known Member

    I've been thinking of you and praying for you Brenda. I hope everything is perfect and your little bean/s stick around for a good 9 months!!!
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