First week grumble

Discussion in 'General' started by jenn-, Aug 5, 2009.

  1. jenn-

    jenn- Well-Known Member

    Although we school year round, this summer has been exceptionally lax. We officially started back on Monday, kind of.

    My sister pointed out a week or so ago that she noticed DD's back had a curve in it when she was touching her toes. On Monday I called to get a scoliosis screening scheduled thinking it would be in a couple of days. Nope. They got us in at 1015 on Monday. What a way to throw a monkey wrench in the first day of school. Good news is they think it is a growth curve that will straighten out when she hits her next growth spurt. I had a 6 inch growth spurt during 4th grade, so I have a feeling they are right. Anyways, we have a recheck in December for more x-rays.

    So Monday went out the door as the first day of school (well DD still did most of her work). So Tuesday comes around and I get the kids all dressed and outside for our annual "back to school" photos. Came in and got to work. The day went pretty smoothly, and I have high hopes that my older boys will pick up on reading much faster than DD did. I was also happy they hadn't forgotten their numbers over the summer (told ya I was lax).

    As the day went on, Nathan started complaining his throat was sore and he needed a Scooby Doo thing (these are throat coating strips). Unfortunately, he likes medicine, and I can't always trust when he says things like this. Well the day ended with him seriously all congested up complaining of a belly ache (which right now I am attributing to drainage and low grade fever). So I total get when I send my kid off to school, I should expect him/her to get sick, but he homeschools! We shouldn't be getting "first of the year" colds. :gah: Nathan is such a cranky/clingy sick kid.

    We made it threw school today, but you can just tell the kid is miserable. I hope he is the only one that gets this cold. Next week they all have dentist appointments, and the week after that it is eye appointments. We can't schedule a doctor's appointment in there again. Sorry I know this is petty complaints, but it wasn't how I wanted to start the school year.
  2. Dielle

    Dielle Well-Known Member

    Sorry it's gone like this for you. I had grand intentions of doing school all summer, but it hasn't happened. We still read, do piano and talk about things in the same inquisitive way, but math hasn't happened in weeks, nor has handwriting or official science. At this point, I'm planning to wait a few more weeks to start. Hope things go smoothly for you from here on out!
  3. mel_michigan

    mel_michigan Well-Known Member

    Sorry to hear things didn't go the way you planned! Sick kids definately isn't fun either. We have been lax this summer as compared to last summer. We plan on starting this Monday although not in all subjects. The twins will have a little adjustment since they are now 1st/2nd graders and will have the full schedule of subjects. :)

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