Food Suggestions: When to Start?!?!

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by twinmommy2ank, Jan 4, 2008.

  1. twinmommy2ank

    twinmommy2ank Well-Known Member

    [SIZE=12pt]Happy New Years Everyone!

    I wanted to say that I love the food suggestions sticky! Its wonderful and has some great ideas. Rarely do I enjoy cooking but I understand that now having my Babies that I have to really start getting in that kitchen and drumming up some good ol’ fashion healthy living cooking!

    So my question to everyone is: When do you start introducing them to real food??!??!?!

    Don’t get my wrong I have given the kids a little spaghetti or bites of baked chicken and Alf redo pasta, they have had bites of veggie pizza but nothing like a meal. I haven’t introduced any breakfast items besides their baby cereal and fruit!
  2. Stacy A.

    Stacy A. Well-Known Member

    I can't really remember exactly when we started feeding them what. But, I do know that by the time they turned 2, they had been sharing our meals for quite a while. Mine were also off the bottle and formula by the time they were a year. I just started feeding them things as I thought they were appropriate. If we were having something I thought they could eat, I'd give it to them. If I needed to tear it into pieces or cut it up, I would. I think they stopped eating baby food not too long after they turned 1, but who can remember that far back with mommy-brain?
  3. Sara26

    Sara26 Well-Known Member

    My girls were really into food, so we started with real food pretty early. By 10 months they were totally off pureed foods and eating lots of finger foods, things like crackers, cheese, cut up veggies and fruit, and things like yogurt and applesauce. They are almost two years old now and eat everything we eat. I would just start slow and let them try everything you eat, as long as you think they can handle chewing it. I usually give them kid friendly foods for lunch and then they eat whatever my dh and I are having for dinner.
  4. twinmommy2ank

    twinmommy2ank Well-Known Member

    [SIZE=12pt]Thanks Ladies, I don't know why I have been so scared to start these foods but for some reason I am like scared they are going to be allergic even though they haven't been allergic to anything. I don't know I guess my First Time Mommy is really showing here huh?!?![/SIZE]
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