Has your babies ever made you throw up?

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by fromthecabbagepatch, Jun 8, 2009.

  1. fromthecabbagepatch

    fromthecabbagepatch Well-Known Member

    I have one baby who is shoved up real far under my ribs and is putting all sorts of pressure on my diaphram..... I just threw up!! Has anybody else had that happen? I'm fine when I'm sitting down for the most part, but when I get up the pressure is there and I feel sick from it! Is that weird? Has that happened to anybody else?
  2. tamaras

    tamaras Well-Known Member

    Oh NO! Never happened to me, but wanted to send a :hug:!
    That is no fun at all!
    I hope whichever baby it is moves for you so you feel better!
  3. Meximeli

    Meximeli Well-Known Member

    Is this the first time this has happened?
    Do you feel like the baby is on your right side?
    I threw up more at the end of my pregnancy than the begining and I had doctors and nurses telling me this pain I had was the baby (the top one was transvers) and general gastrointestinal distress do to the pressure of having two in there. Turns out I had gall stones and that's what was making me sick, not the babies. If the pain is more on the right side and comes shortly after eating fatty foods then call your doctor and talk about the situation.
    I'm not saying it is your gall bladder, but it could be and could be overlooked.
  4. becasquared

    becasquared Well-Known Member TS Moderator


    I threw up all the time but I don't think it was from their position.
  5. fromthecabbagepatch

    fromthecabbagepatch Well-Known Member

    Thanks Melissa for the advice! No.. the pain is right under my rib cage. I guess it could be he's putting pressure right there causing me to have some acid and heartburn bad enough to have made me throw up. I don't know! I'm feeling better now though... it just scared me cause it's never happened before.

    I've been watching for the gall stones though... because I actually found out my last pregnancy that I do have some, but so far have never had an attack. I was suprised to find out that %50 of people actually have them and don't know it! Hopefully I'll never have to deal with them as long as they don't start bothering me.
  6. rhc0607

    rhc0607 Well-Known Member

    Baby B is transverse up underneath my ribcage too. If I lay in a recliner or sit up straight for a long time I get nauseated. I have also been having acid reflux and heartburn in the past 2 weeks really bad.
  7. chellebelle

    chellebelle Well-Known Member

    Sorry no advice but :hug: hope you feel better soon!
  8. fromthecabbagepatch

    fromthecabbagepatch Well-Known Member

    Holly, glad I'm not alone! Sorry you feel bad though too.
  9. jvanmourik

    jvanmourik Well-Known Member

    one of my lil guys is shoved up under there too and has caused the most evil heartburn etc and at times he has led me to throw up. It is definitely not a fun situation and i look forward to the day i get my organs back. Good luck!
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