
Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by shrimpsey, Jul 28, 2010.

  1. shrimpsey

    shrimpsey Member

    The last few weeks I have been getting frequent headaches, I would say about 4 a week, uggg. Did anyone else start getting headaches in the third tri? I know my BP has been up and down, haven't checked it in a week though. I go in tomorrow for a scan and appt. Going to mention these headaches to the DR.
  2. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    :hug: No fun at all. I got headaches everyday, but they stopped at 15w. I hope your Dr. can help you out with them.
  3. cheezewhiz24

    cheezewhiz24 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    With your BP acting funny, you may want to call your OB to get checked.
  4. Fossie

    Fossie Well-Known Member

    Headaches were my first sign of Pre-Eclampsia. I had a severe headache on labor day that wouldn't go away along with some floaters out of the corner of my eye and decided to go to the grocery store to check my blood pressure (holiday so no offices open). It was high and I called my doctor and he told me to go to L&D. I thought it would be my first visit and I would be home that evening, but I ended up delivering the babies the next day. I would at least try to find a way to monitor your blood pressure and if it is high you may need to be seen soon! That being said, I did have headaches throughout that were nothing like the headache that prompted me to check my bp and the only thing that seemed to help was to limit my activity, drink lots of water, and try to stay cool! Good luck!
  5. shrimpsey

    shrimpsey Member

    Thanks Ladies, I have an appt tomorrow morning, so I will be bringing it up then. It is not a terrible headache, but just constant. Yesturday all day, and again today, I was fine on Monday, but I had a few over the weekend. My BP, I usually run low, between 90-100 / 50 - 60. The highest it was was last week 140/80, but then I checked it again and it was 115/72, then 124/70, it just keeps bouncing around. I haven't checked it since last week when it was at 114/68, but I didn't have a headache that day. I am cleaning and getting a bag ready to bring tomorrow just in case he keeps me. My Dr is an hour drive away.

    The other thing, I have been having a lot more nausea the last couple of days, and not much appitite, IDK if that is related or not?? I just feel "off" if you know what I mean. And tired, lol.
  6. mhardman

    mhardman Well-Known Member

    I would definatly get checked headaches can mean somthing else is oging on, especially high blood pressure for what ever reason. drink lots of water, that should help a regular headache. Also if you are feeling off, listen and see if they can find out why.
  7. acjb2004

    acjb2004 Well-Known Member

    I remember those headaches, how could I forget. It was horrible. I didn't have any issues with my bp, just one of those things I had to put up with. Hope its nothing for you.
  8. jessietrio

    jessietrio Well-Known Member

    Shrimpsey...how are you doing with the headaches and blood pressure?? Hope your appointment went well.
  9. Jfeefamily

    Jfeefamily Member

    I get headaches all the time - random. I also have pretty bad allergies, and suffer from migraines so they get triggered easily with all the hormones. I mentioned it to my doctore for my first pregnancy too late, this time around, I brought it up right away so I could get the prescription ahead of time. It doesn't completely knock them out, but it does help so you can function. I have very low blood pressure - highest when I went into labor for my son was like 113/? just recently I lost my entire calendar in my phone (That is a major stressor for me) and it only went up to 118 but that's the highest I've ever seen my bp. So headaches are not from that.
    HOWEVER, I do see a difference when I drink more water in my routine and add a can of reg coke or a really drounded in ice fountain soda once a day. I drink 12-14 glasses of fluids a day, including my one caffinated beverage. So it balances, but it also balances with the headaches.
    Good luck with them - I get them daily, I get them sleeping, I get them randomly - gottta love the twin hormones. :0)
  10. tracilynn

    tracilynn Well-Known Member

    My blood pressure was fine and i had lots of
    Headaches in the 1st and last trimester. Just a constant yucky ache and i would often wake up with them. I did an ice pack as it was the nly thing to help and a little
    Caffeine too. Ive always been a very headachy person though. I have a headache right now in fact.
  11. mhardman

    mhardman Well-Known Member

    I have a headache most all day it is no fun. The tylenol tha tyou can take does nothing. i have been trying peppermint oil and it does help some, give it a try. Also drink lots of water. But it sounds like something is off, hope the dr helped you.
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