How did you tell your boss about your pregnancy?

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by scorpion509, Dec 29, 2008.

  1. scorpion509

    scorpion509 Well-Known Member

    I am only 11w 2d today and feel very tired and always freaking out when I feel period cramp or when my breast is not hurt
    I am scared of everything, but I already wearing the maternity clothes and I feel much comfortable in it. but at work I still wearing my suits because I didn't tell my boss about my pg.
    I don't know how to tell my boss about my pg without looknig weird. I am planing to tell her after my NT scan ( next week)
    but if scan will give me bad result I will probably postpone with news.
    When do you tell at work that you are pregnant? what week were you when?

    Thank you for all your replies.
  2. kitkat72783

    kitkat72783 Well-Known Member

    I told people pretty early about 6 weeks (before I even knew it was twins) because I was so sick and tired all the time for a couple weeks and I couldnt lift the linen anymore so it just sort of came out. I was planning on waiting till after my first trimester because my boss hates pregnant people and attempts to run every one out of the office that gets pregnant, but things just happened since my planning was based on my experience with my sons pregnancy which was very easy so I wasnt expecting to be in the bathroom 5 times a day with morning sickness. i'm now 13 weeks tomorrow and still get nervous over every cramp so that hasnt changed but I was able to turn my boss upside down within a week by talking with her superior and informing them I would take action outside of my workplace resources if needed and besides her I've learned everyone else here is so helpful my coworkers pick up the slack if I'm having a bad day and the FEED me....LOL...every hour it feels someones bringing me food and saying here you need to eat this. I dont know I guess its all about when you feel comfortable, some people wait forever and some tell before they miss a period so go with your gut. But I know I wouldnt be able to squish into my prepreggo suits I've already gained 10 pounds minus the bloating at the end of the day that makes me look 6 months pregnant...LOL...Luckily I'm in scrubs. Could you try to just wear the maternity pants or your regular pants unbuttoned with a longer shirt? Good Luck
  3. twoin2005

    twoin2005 Well-Known Member

    Well, I actually told my boss I was pregnant before I told our parents! I had just found out I was pregnant when I was offered a new job (a temporary placement that would become permanent) , and I felt she needed to know before I accepted it.

    I did NOT tell her I was having twins until I was much further along. In fact, I was almost 20 weeks before I told her it was twins. (When I told her that I was pregnant the first time, I did not know it was twins yet.) I knew that I would probably not return to this job after their birth, and there was a likelihood that I would go on bedrest, which I did. But this job was sort of a temporary placement, and I did not want to do anything to jeopordize that placement. When I was offered the position permanently, I finally told her it was twins.

    I think you are perfectly fine to wait until you are comfortable sharing, especially after all those early tests are completed. Heck, our OB didn't even think we should tell our families until after 12 weeks.
  4. scorpion509

    scorpion509 Well-Known Member

    I already order some blouses the bigger size and hope they will cover my maternity pants.
    I have only one suit which I can wear comfortable. and I don't want other to see me in maternity pants before I will tell my boss
    I am very fluffy girl so they will just think that I gain a lot again. ( I just got 1 lb since I becamse pregnant but my belly is much bigger now)

    What words did you use to tell you boss?
    Just stop by in their offic eand said. " I want to share with you my good news? " sound weird for me at least. and when did you tell them that this is twins? right away?
    will the boss understand that twins pregnnacy can be with much complication then regular? I don't wnat to tell her about bed rest and other things before I really need it. she is nice women but she woudl freak out already that I am pregnant. ( she is afraid to loose people who is working even for 3 month on maternity leave)
  5. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    I drove bus... and one day when boss was dispatching I blurted out the news. I was about 10 weeks along at the time but not sick. At some point I couldn't do my job (securing wheelchairs in bus etc) so on April 1st I started dispatching.
  6. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    I just sent out an email to the whole office -- I knew my boss (a woman my own age) wouldn't mind finding out that way. She knew we had been trying, and actually also knew that I'd had a miscarriage a year or so earlier. I think I said something like "We are delighted to announce that Baby [last name] will be joining our family in December."

    I told at about 8 weeks because I work in a small office, I was starting to show, and I was eating about 6 meals a day and I was sure everyone would notice. But at first I just said there was one baby, even though I knew it was twins.

    I told them it was twins at about 11 weeks, after my boss looked at my tummy and said "Are you sure there's just one in there?" :ibiggrin:
  7. teafor2

    teafor2 Well-Known Member

    I am even earlier than you - 7.5 weeks. I had already broken the ice by telling my boss that we were doing infertility treatment (to explain a lot of late mornings), then telling him we were moving on to IVF (to explain the increase in late mornings and completely missed days for the procedures and bed rest). I wanted to wait till 12 weeks to tell him we were pregnant but my doctor encouraged me to tell him at 6 weeks, since I have one u/s a week for a while and have already had one emergency trip to the doctor.

    It was a little awkward, at the end of a one-on-one meeting with him I said "I feel like I should tell you, the IVF worked." He got teary eyed and was happy for me, but then I said several times that it is very, very early, and that no one else but our parents know...he started acting uncomfortable and hasn't mentioned it since (which is fine with me!). But he has been really good about the u/s appointments!

    I'm lucky though - my boss is really great and cares a lot about my personal life. But with a great number of budget cuts and lay offs around here, I do fear what will happen with my career if I have to go on bed rest in addition to maternity leave ... and I have already decided to ask to come back part time! Oh well, one step at a time!

    Good luck to you!
  8. ljcrochet

    ljcrochet Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I was forced to tell my boss when i was 8 or 9 weeks pregnant. I went in for a OB appointment and had bright red blood. My OB thought I was miscarrying. Turned out I had a subchorion bleed. I was put on 2 week of bedrest/limited activity. I had to call him at home that night to tell him that I was going to be out for 2 weeks. I asked him not to tell anyone else since I didn't want to tell till I was at least 12 weeks.
  9. DebDai

    DebDai Well-Known Member

    I had to tell my boss as soon as I knew since I work in a hospital and pregnant women cant do certain things. I was about 6 weeks. I told them it was twins the day after I found out.
  10. scorpion509

    scorpion509 Well-Known Member

    Thank you very much for all your reply
    At least I feel more confident to tell my boss after our NT scan.
    I just need to "survive" in the office for one day the rest I would working from home.
  11. AimeeThomp

    AimeeThomp Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I went for my first OB appointment on a weekday, I left work for the appointment. I got the shock of my life at that appointment when I found out that not only was I definitely expecting, but I was expecting two. I returned to work after the appointment and told the entire office, I couldn't hide it! I was 7 weeks along.
  12. Heathermomof5

    Heathermomof5 Well-Known Member

    I told my boss who was also my sister in law at about 8 weeks. I worked in a drs office and we took x-rays so I had to tell ASAP.
  13. kaylies mama

    kaylies mama Well-Known Member

    I told my boss when I was about 9 weeks. A week after I found out I was expecting twins. I told her that early because my DR ordered to see me every 2 weeks till I hot my second trimester. So I had to tell her beacasue she would wonder why I would be leaving early or comming in late ecery 2 weeks for almost 3 months. It went well!! I was nervous. :huh: But you'll do fine.
  14. I haven't told my boss yet. I am 8 weeks tomorrow. I plan on waiting hopefully until 12 weeks, but I have my next u/s scheduled at 10 1/2 weeks so I may tell then. I work in a peds office, just 2 docs, and five girls front and back. I have already told two of the girls who I'm closest too, but not the other two. I had a m/c with my very first pg, and was devistated when I had to tell everyone about it. With my DD, I told my close family members right away, then waited to "announce" it to everyone else at 12 weeks.

    I actually asked my OB at my last u/s at 7 weeks, and he actually told me to wait until 12 weeks to tell.
  15. jewels707

    jewels707 Well-Known Member

    I told my boss after I passed the twelve week milestone. I was on bedrest by 22 weeks, so even though I had hoped to work longer it wasn't a complete surprise when I went on pregnancy disability. If you still aren't comfortable with the whole office knowing I'm sure your boss will be happy to keep it under wraps for you if you let him/her know you are only divulging the info to him/her so there will be plenty of time to plan for your absence.
  16. scorpion509

    scorpion509 Well-Known Member

    Thank you, girls
    I will tell my boss after NT scan which I will have on 01/05/09 and I hope the scan will not give me more surprises :) and result would be fine too.
  17. eehrlich

    eehrlich Well-Known Member

    i showed him the u/s picture at 9 wks when we found out it was twins.
  18. tpowers

    tpowers Well-Known Member

    I told my boss I was pregnant right after I found out. I had just transferred hospitals and thought that was fair. I also, told him that it was twins the day after I found out. I was worried about having to go on bedrest and wanted to see where he stood on my leave. I know that legally he only has to hold my job for 12 weeks. I am now 23 weeks along.
  19. newjersey_mom

    newjersey_mom Well-Known Member

    I told my manager and assistant manager early. At that time I was on modified activity because I was having spotting and cramping. I asked them not to tell everyone else until I was comfortable. When we found heartbeats and that it was twins a few weeks later we told everyone. It probably was a little early, but we were excited!
  20. scrappycindy

    scrappycindy Well-Known Member

    I told my bosses as soon as I found out. I work in a veterinary clinic, so there's some stuff I shouldn't do. I told them about the twins the day after. We're really laid back here and have a small clinic, so it was no big deal.
  21. AmynTony

    AmynTony Well-Known Member

    since we were doing IF treatments everyone was waiting for the b/w they knew when the stick turned blue
  22. scorpion509

    scorpion509 Well-Known Member

    Thank you.
    We too did the IF treatment but I tried to keep it quiet. My boss just notice that I had taken more sick days then I had before. and she mention it to me. but otherwise Nobody knew about IF treatment. Yesterday my coworker said to me that I am pregnant ( she is my friend at work) and I asked her how she find out. and she laugh and said that I completly changed my habbit. I gave up caffeine, start eating breakfast at work and running to the ladiesroom every hour :) I asked her to keep it quiet and will tell my boss next week.
  23. totalee001

    totalee001 Well-Known Member

    I was embarrassed and scared to tell my boss I was pregnant because I had just come back from maternity leave in mid January. I found out I was pregnant in February so I did not say anything until about 12 weeks. Everybody was shocked! Happy, but shocked! I was not until later on I found out I was having twins. My boss was happy for me and let's just say I was the talk of the office but I didn't care. I was blessed with three beautiful boys!
  24. 2plusbgtwins

    2plusbgtwins Well-Known Member

    My boss actually bought the PT for me when I was pregnant with the twins! I was working at the daycare that my two older children were going to, and I KNEW I was pregnant b/c I had been pregnant twice before, and I just knew my body. I was kind of upset b/c we hadn't planned on having anymore, and I wasnt happy in my relationship w my ex, so one day I went in the office to talk to the Director. She was very cool, and she was like a mother/sister figure to everyone who worked there. So, I told her what was going on, and how I was pretty sure I was pregnant, and she went a bought the test, and allowed me time to take it, and sit with her in the office for a while, and even to go out and call my (at the time) fiance'.

    My whole pregnancy my boss kept saying that she thought it was twins.. I told her she was crazy. I didnt have my first ultrasound until well into my second trimester, and IT WAS TWINS!! I told her the day I found out, since she 'cursed' me! lol It was a joke, since she was saying it the whole time!
  25. Valyre

    Valyre Well-Known Member

    I told one of my bosses (had 4 at the time!) after my first peri appointment, around 8 weeks. There was just no way I could come up with a non-pregnancy-yet-believable excuse for missing work for an appointment every 3 weeks. You can only get so many physicals and teeth cleanings. I told him about it being twins right off, too. It was up to him to let my other bosses know.

    It was kind of weird because most of the people I work with are male and about my Dad's age. I still haven't told anyone else in my department (14wks along, just barely showing). One co-worker knows because she came across me revisiting my prenatal vitamins in the ladies room one morning. She then promptly went on a month of vacation, so my "secret" has been safe. HR had to get back to me on the company's maternity policy since they hadn't referenced it in a number of years. lol

    It just feels like a very akward thing to tell co-workers. I don't want them thinking about how I exactly ended up with twins, if you know what I mean... My husband, on the other hand, has no such view. He told his boss one day, and then actually made it an announcement at the next morning meeting in front of the plant's management. lol He said it was funny watching a couple of the guys move away from him with scared looks on their faces. One jokingly said "I don't want to catch what you've got!"
  26. scorpion509

    scorpion509 Well-Known Member

    Thank you, ladies.
    I still waiting for my NT scan to tell my boss after that. Valyre, I understand about questions how come there are 2.
    I hope to avoid it too. but I am not going to tell people the true reason for that. at least not now.
  27. Twinnylou

    Twinnylou Well-Known Member

    My boss told me i didnt look well and i told her that was because i was preggers!!! She then left out jelly babies on the table in the staff room ( all be it 2 weeks after i told her, which i just about burst trying to hold off telling everyone!) this is what they do at my work when someone is preggers and everyone has to guess who is pregnant! It was so much fun watching everyones face trying to guess who it was! I hadnt had any scans then so it was at my first scan i found it was twins. I just remember taking my scan pic in and everyone screaming when i told them it was 2!! x

    [email protected] Well-Known Member

    I had just been hired for a new position and had to call my new boss and tell her I was pregnant. Then 2 months later had to tell her I was pg. with twins. Double whammy! She was sooooo understanding!
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