How much baby food

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by twinzmom2b, Nov 20, 2008.

  1. twinzmom2b

    twinzmom2b Well-Known Member

    My other post about Olivia's weight gain mentioned she's eating 3-4 jars of baby food a day (basically 3 meals). Another posted mentioned that was WAY more than her twins are eating and they ar the same age as Olivia.

    So, how much baby food is your baby(ies) eating at 8-9 months old?

    Olivia had 1 jar with 2 Tbsp cereal in it at "breakfast." In the afternoon she usually eats 1 jar of veggies and 1/2 jar of fruit. Sometimes we get a third "meal" in (which is one more jar) in the evening, but often times we don't. So, she eats at least 2.5- 3.5 jars per day.
  2. nateandbrig

    nateandbrig Well-Known Member

    Mine are almost completely over baby food... they are so into finger foods that they really want to feed themselves and play with the spoon.
    But at the most mine were eating 1 jar split between them with oatmeal mixed in. Then for lunch they split another jar of veggies, this is if we have the ability, not always a meal. They always ate dinner and they split another jar of level 3 baby food. So all in all they split 3 jars a day plus some oatmeal in between.
    I did notice that mine haven't been gaining since they started pulling up and cruising around the furniture and that was at 8.5 months. At their 9 month check-up they were 17lbs and 18lbs. They have been following their growth chart as well, which I think is the most important thing. My oldest son is also on the smaller side, born at 7lbs 15oz and is now 8 years old and still only weighs 44lbs.
  3. djpizzuti

    djpizzuti Well-Known Member

    Ummm.. this is a friendly "stop it Mama!!!!" Try not to compare. Are your children growing/ thriving? The "goal" is to be on food at 12 months for nutritional purposes (why the ok switch to whole milk)... if she is growing and happy - roll with it. Make sure she gets enough bm or formula for her age, and then let her eat.

    My kids are behind. We are 8 months old and barely eat anything... but they will AND they are both huge. I'm not so worried... they are # 3-4.... just so you know ;) .
  4. rrodman

    rrodman Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(twinzmom2b @ Nov 20 2008, 01:06 PM) [snapback]1079174[/snapback]
    My other post about Olivia's weight gain mentioned she's eating 3-4 jars of baby food a day (basically 3 meals). Another posted mentioned that was WAY more than her twins are eating and they ar the same age as Olivia.

    So, how much baby food is your baby(ies) eating at 8-9 months old?

    Olivia had 1 jar with 2 Tbsp cereal in it at "breakfast." In the afternoon she usually eats 1 jar of veggies and 1/2 jar of fruit. Sometimes we get a third "meal" in (which is one more jar) in the evening, but often times we don't. So, she eats at least 2.5- 3.5 jars per day.

    They eat three "meals" a day - kind of a mish mash of baby food and finger foods. Probably 2-3 stage two containers each per day, plus table foods. They get 4 8 oz. bottles a day.
  5. Mommy2ATeam

    Mommy2ATeam Well-Known Member

    Avery eats 3 jars a day plus handfuls of puffs and wagon wheels here and there for snack. He also gets two 5oz bottles of EBM a day at daycare and nurses first thing in the morning and at night before bed. It sounds like she's doing fine!
  6. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    We started solids with the twins at 6 months (same with Evan). They were getting just one meal of solids until about 10 months. (Audrey actually went on a solid strike from 7-10 months. We did a cube of food per child. (i make my own)

    Stop comparing! She is obviously thriving. Just because she is high percentiles now doesn't mean that she'll be an obese child.
  7. pigsocks

    pigsocks Well-Known Member

    Mine will be 9 months this week-end and are big eaters.
    Breakfast cheerios and half a banana between them
    Lunch 6 oz of veggies between them and 2 oz of fruit
    Dinner 6 oz of meat and veggies combo and 2 oz of fruit some night they have some finger food if I steam veggies or cook fish

    They drink about 32 oz of formula in 24 hours.

    They are both around 19lbs
  8. happychck

    happychck Well-Known Member

    i'll make you feel much better! we're barely getting through a 4oz at our one meal/day. sometimes we'll get another meal in, but i haven't figured out how to get it on the permament schedule yet--oops!

    if we're eating something from a jar they will generally split it and maybe also eat a quarter of another jar. mostly they eat things mixed in their oatmeal or yogart, so i can't really tell how much it is, but i try to make it about the same as a jar.

    like pp's said, don't compare! just make sure yours are gaining and that's all that matters. food and eating are such individual things and every baby and family are different!

    gl, jl
  9. sbcowell

    sbcowell Well-Known Member

    Mine were big eaters and always have been. We didn't start solids untl 6months, but they loved it, so we added basically another meal almost every month. They can often eat 2 -3 jars of baby food, some finger foods (a few grapes and 1/4 of a peach or something like that), some crackers and cheerios - just at one meal! Mine are 17lbs and 20lbs. Then somedays they eat a bit less, but for the most part they just love food! They also bf 4 times/day, but those sessions are getting shorter as they fill up more on solids. I am happy with the way they are eating, as I am looking forward to weaning by 12months. The doctor isn't concerned with their weight gains, so neither am I!
    Try not to worry, sounds like she doing fine!
  10. Fran27

    Fran27 Well-Known Member

    Thanks for this thread, now I feel like I'm starving them! I guess I'll give them half a jar of fruit to share at each meal from now on also... Plus I really need to get rid of those fruit jars anyway...
  11. Emily@Home

    Emily@Home Well-Known Member

    I haven't been through this with the twins yet, but with my three other kids, I've had varying experiences. One of my babies didn't want any food aside from breastmilk for the first year. At 9 months, we could give him some very squishy finger foods, but he didn't want us feeding him. My second baby was eating more normally. . . he probably ate the equivalent of three jars a day plus breastmilk 5x and cereal. My third child was probably consuming 1 to 2 jars a day plus breastmilk 5X.
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