I have some confessions - now that I'm in the 2nd year

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by lbrooks, Mar 25, 2009.

  1. nurseandrea02

    nurseandrea02 Well-Known Member

    OMG, this thread is great! What a relief to hear other twin mamas doing the same things I am!

    1. I am happy that when my boys go to daycare (3x/wk) they get full balanced meals. Like, cooked, hot lunches with vegetables & fruit! Gasp! At home, I cook out of a box or anything frozen. DH is the cook in our family, but he gets home too late to cook for us, so the boys only get 'good' meals on the weekends.

    2. I have to dress in business casual attire for work meetings/classes & find it hilarious that daycare asks why I got so 'dressed up' when I'm wearing khacki pants & a long sleeved shirt. I NEVER used to leave the house in sweats/pj pants but now I RARELY put on jeans!

    3. Our tv is on essentially all day. The boys glance at it here or there (mainly when their show stops, which is odd because they didn't even WATCH the show). I keep kid friendly shows on 99% of the time & sadly find myself watching them even when they're not.

    4. The boys wash their hands before & after meals and after they come in from outside at daycare. Now, at home, they ask for it & I find it a hassle ;). I will admit, sheepishly, that they know to 'brush their hands off' by rubbing them together...my quick & easy form of 'washing' before dinner ;)! I do always wash when we come in from outside though.

    5. My boys get baths every other to every third day. It's because of their dry skin/eczema, but in the summer it'll probably go to daily & I dread that.

    6. I yell. A lot. And I feel absolutely horrible...to the point of almost crying after I do it. I don't want my kids to think of me that way but sometimes if I don't yell, I'm afraid I'd completely lose it! However, when I'm around other people (DH, family, friends), I don't even feel like I want to yell. Maybe they behave better or maybe just having another person of support there...I don't know. I just hate playing referree all day long & HATE yelling "Don't touch" or "Get down" all the time, too!

    7. I want another baby. Well, not really, I really only wanted 2. I get jealous of my friends having their 2nd when I need to wait until we can have #3 because I already have 2. I LONG to be pregnant again, but these 2 are so much work right now that I can't think of being pregnant or having an infant right now.

    8. I'm more tired now than when they were newborns. Why is that? I nap with them almost every day, despite my ever growing to-do list.

    9. I'm extremely strict on my duo & often have to ask myself if I'm asking too much of them for their age. I have zero tolerance for misbehaved kids & take pride in people commenting me on my well behaved kids (in public, mind you). I have been known to give time outs in doctor's offices, grocery stores, etc. I also make them say please & thank you.

    10. I don't shower daily either. Unless I have to go to work or I start to stink ;).

    11. My kids are always dressed perfectly & they MUST either coordinate or match at all times (I need to get over that soon, I'm sure). Their hair must also look good. Hopefully people look at just them, because I rarely even BRUSH my hair before we leave the house...

    12. I spend entirely too much time on the internet. I'm sure it's a reason my kids act up, but it keeps me sane. I love to surf Facebook & Twinstuff, plus do some emailing. I need to cut back.

    13. I don't eat during the day...I only eat with them at dinner & then snack all evening before bed. And I wonder why I don't lose weight, my metabolism is shot!

    14. Aiden sucks his thumb, but only with his 'silkie' (his blanket). We've discussed numerous times to limit his silkie to his bed & the car, but we just can't do it. He's a silkie addict to calm himself down & since he's so dramatic, there still is a silkie in every room of the house.

    15. I NEED to get out of the house daily. My husband hates it because I typically spend money when we go out, usually on things we don't need (new toys, new clothes for the boys, random things). Sometimes I return stuff, but for the most part, my credit card debt just keeps racking up. I look forward to the spring weather so we can do stuff outside vs go shopping.

    16. I worry that I am not teaching my boys enough. I never really know what's appropriate for their age until I get their 'reports' from daycare. Now we're working on colors, but only because they already started it at daycare...I wouldn't have thought of it otherwise!

    17. I hate when people look at my kids funny because they sign. I've even had people ask what was wrong with them!!!!!!! They don't sign as much now, but that's always bothered me!

    18. I am extremely strict about my boys' schedule. It drives my family nuts & I worry that I'm raising 'non flexible' kids. My DH has just learned not to mess with me over their schedule & my obsession with their schedule was the main reason I pulled them from 2 daycares already! It's effected almost all of our roadtrips, too, since I will only travel during sleep times.

    19. We have WAY too many toys. I think the overabundance of toys overwhelms them, but I'm not organized enough to rotate them...or clean them up every day. This past weekend I finally dug through them to pack up the baby toys. They were still playing with rattles & links from when they were newborns!

    20. (I wanted to get to 20 & I made it!) I'm guilty of being 'that' person gawking over another set of multiples. But it's different now. I'm gawking to see how that multiples-mommy is handling things out & about too!!!!

    Keep the confessions coming...I love them!

  2. beemer

    beemer Well-Known Member

    I really loved this thread.

    And can I just say that it has never once occurred to me to wash the kids hands before they eat? Yuck. So thanks, thanks a bunch, for adding one more thing to my to do list everyday now. :) Because now that I have actually thought about it there is no way I can let them eat like that again.

    - Breakfast is on a 4 day rotation which almost always includes something out of the freezer and a banana.
    - I am glad that my kids eat lunch at school most days because it is one less thing I have to think of something to feed them and cook.
    - I suck at throwing out leftovers to the point where some things are unrecognizable by the time I get around to it. DH doesn't know the system and once fed them at least 2 week old carrots by mistake, instead of the ones from the night before. He also fed them 2 week old lemon pudding instead of the organic whole milk yogurt that I had asked him to feed them. Luckily they didn't have any ill effects from either.
    - While I won't touch leftovers beyond 3 days I have once or twice fed the babies things older than that because it was that, or have to find something edible to cook while listening to them wail for dinner while attached to my legs.
    - I wouldn't trade them for anything, but I sometimes ponder which of them I would want to keep if I could only have one. And how different life would be. I love taking just one of them on errands with me on weekends.
    - I have a favorite. So does DH.
    - Because I have a favorite I am super sensitive to making things 100% equal between to two of them.
    - I secretly love the fact that one of the babies is way more attached to me than DH. The other is too, but it isn't as noticeable.
    - I wasn't sure I was going to be a good mom. I wasn't even sure my own children would even like me (I hadn't been around many children before I had my own and have always been a little intimated by them.)
    - I would rather listen to nails on a chalkboard for 12 hour straight than list to one of my children screech for 5 minutes. That high pitched screeching gets to me in ways nothing else does.
    - It isn't uncommon on Sunday night for me to be thankful that the kids get to go to school on Monday.
    - I didn't let DH take the kids anywhere by himself until they were over a year old. And I still don't trust him to take them many places without me.
    - I have only spot cleaned my house since the boys were born. And it doesn't bother me one bit.
    - We normally give the boys a bath every other day, but they once went 6 days without a bath because we were too tired, or something or another came up. I was apalled when I finally realized how long it had been.
    - I really hate doing laundry. I once let the boys run completley out of pants and without a second thought went though the dirty laundry to find some pants they could wear again. Yuck.
    - For the longest time I forgot more often than I remembered to brush their teeth.

    And I think the all time worst...
    I left vomit on the floor for 45 minutes while waiting for DH to get home so he could clean it up because I was tired of doing it all by myself. I did give the baby a bath, change his clothes, and mine. And kept everyone safely gated in another room. And I did feel guilty when DH cleaned it up without being asked, and without a complaint.

    I am sure there are few more, but I think that's most of them.
  3. xavier2001

    xavier2001 Well-Known Member

    Nurse Andrea I think we must be the same person b/c aside from the cooking thing (which I do ok at most of the time, cough cough as my kids are sitting here eating cheesedogs and peas for lunch) I'm guility of every single thing on your list. I have that intense jealousy of all my singleton toddler mommies being pg or ttc right now, I know its not feasible for us right now due to the pocketbook and my sanity but I long to be pregnant and have another baby.
  4. nateandbrig

    nateandbrig Well-Known Member

    These are wonderful!! What a great topic!! I wish I had more time, I'm sure I will be back!!

    1. Not only do my kids eat off the floor, I actually feed them like chickens. I put them in their playroom and toss the food in, the love it :rolleyes:
    2. Every morning they wake at 7am, we turn on their tv (yes they have one in their room :rolleyes: ) and go back to bed to try and get 30 more minutes.
    3. So don't do the hand washing before eating thing! I do wash off after meals. But my dogs clean off the chairs/trays/floor. I of course then clean the trays... maybe I should start wiping down the chairs as well :p
    4. Our dogs are our vacuums...
    5. I leave my kids in the playroom for sometimes up to an hour by themselves.
    6. When my kids fall (and don't really hurt themselves) I laugh and clap!! Aly took a header in the grocery store a couple days ago and my oldest son and I clapped and laughed, she just stood up clapped and kept walking but the people around us gave us the dirtiest looks!!
    7. I can't wait till they are 3 and I put them in daycare and can go back to work.
    8. I never put shoes on my son... I do my dd cause their cute but forget about him. Now that they are walking he won't wear shoes and I know this is because I never really made him before. I should also add that my 8y/o son only wears shoes when he has too... This includes NUMEROUS times we've gone places and don't realize till we're there that Jon doesn't have any shoes.
  5. SnowCraig

    SnowCraig Well-Known Member

    I love this post and it is just what I needed today!

    Here goes:

    1.) I cannot think or do anything when they are crying. This drives DH nuts because it means our conversations are very simple until after the kids go to bed. I can't concentrate on a story about his day when someone is screaming or clawing at me, I just can't.

    2.) I do not feel guilty about being a working mother. I love my job and love coming to work everyday. I always thought I was wanted to be a SAHM but once I had the twins, I couldn't get back to work fast enough.

    3.) I do not feel guilty leaving my kids and love to take time for myself or time for just me and my hubby. We went away for a week last year and I missed them, but not enough not to go away for another week this year for our 10th anniversary!

    4.) My house is such a mess and not just clutter. I go for weeks in between cleaning bathrooms or mopping floors. With two cats and a furry dog, it is pet hair city in my house. I haven't dusted in months. I used to be such a good housekeeper!

    5.) I let me kids play in puddles and the rain. As long as they want to be outside, I let them. Fresh air is good for them, right...

    6.) I constantly worry that I am not good enough as a mother and that my DH is better at raising kids than me. He was a teacher and dealt with socially and emotionally challenged kids - he knows all the tricks to discipline and teaching.

    7.) My biggest fear is getting pregnant again.

    8.) My kids eat off the floor. They also let the dog have bites of what they are eating and then continue to eat it...dog's mouths are supposed to be clean, right?

    9.) Too many toys...all over the house...I hate toys with too many pieces and have put their puzzles away for only supervised play.

    10.) I hate feeding my kids - they don't like anything. I try to vary their diet and try every trick in the book, but it doesn't seem to work. Often they go to bed without eating dinner...I would give in and give them something they like, but DH is the voice of reason (see #6).

    So many more...your posted make me feel so "normal." My DD is sick with pneumonia right now and I have been having terrible mommy guilts as my DH and mother weigh in on how things should be handled. I'm doing the best I can. My mom calles last night and says..."I hear Abby crying....don't let her cry...it makes her breathing worse." Okay, mom, tell me how to take care of a sick little girl who's jacked up on all sort of medicine, and cook dinner, and feed them dinner, and take care of a little boy who doesn't feel well either and wants mommy's attention! My mother says..."when you were sick I would just rock you all day long." Well that is not an option for a full-time working mother of twins! Ugh!

    Thanks for letting me vent!

  6. cohlee

    cohlee Well-Known Member

    11. My kids are always dressed perfectly & they MUST either coordinate or match at all times (I need to get over that soon, I'm sure). Their hair must also look good. Hopefully people look at just them, because I rarely even BRUSH my hair before we leave the house...

    I just now changed both of the girls' shirts because one had a dirty shirt! There is something seriously wrong with me.

    - I wouldn't trade them for anything, but I sometimes ponder which of them I would want to keep if I could only have one. And how different life would be. I love taking just one of them on errands with me on weekends.

    OMG! I thought I was the only one who did this! Its not funny because they each 'win' on certain days!

    5. I leave my kids in the playroom for sometimes up to an hour by themselves.

    I do this too! I sneak very quietly to the door and check on them without them seeing me.

    edited because I misspelled shirt and it thought it was a swear. :)
  7. nateandbrig

    nateandbrig Well-Known Member

    I already thought of something else!

    My dh does all the driving and I can not count how many times I've had to climb over the middle console in the Suburban to get to the back seats. We are actually buying a Honda Odyssey and my top priorty was that the middle console come out so I can get up and walk back without having to climb!!! I can't count the number of times I've fallen going back there or coming back up the front while dh takes a turn or stops at a light!!
  8. ddancerd1

    ddancerd1 Well-Known Member

    at lunch today i let them try mini marshmallows. they loved them :D

    - even tho they both came out of me, i feel like marina is more my daughter because she's like a carbon copy of me. personality, looks, everything. and i feel like ivana is more dh's daughter. it's so stupid. i don't feel a closer connection to marina. i don't think. but i know that dh favors ivana a lot and it does bother me. but i think it bothers him that marina will NOT cuddle with him if i am in the room.
  9. nurseandrea02

    nurseandrea02 Well-Known Member

    Danielle, my kids get marshmallows for snack often (the colored ones). They ask for them multiple times a day though!

    Cohlee, I will change both kids, too, if one gets messy. Drove my hubby nuts when they were really little & big pukers. I'd go through up to 5 outfits a day PER KID because I always had to change both. Even their pajamas have to coordinate. I've often wondered if I need therapy ;).

    And Kudos to whomever it was who admitted to having a favorite! I've often wondered that about ALL twin mommies. My mom admitted that her favorite changed, but she still typically had one (I have frat twin bros). I don't think I have a 'favorite' per se, but I do have one I'm more bonded to...have since birth. He's my Mama's Boy & the other is a Daddy's boy. I love them both, but just have that stronger connection with the one. Like whomever it was that stated it originally (I don't have time to scroll back), I focus intensely on keeping things 100% even between them even MORE SO because of it. And while someone else mentioned wondering which one you'd keep if you had just one, I can't really do that...but I do wish I had them both, just 2 or 3 years apart!
  10. jdio33

    jdio33 Well-Known Member

    I love this thread! There are soooo many that I can relate too!

    1. They have dressed in the same/alike clothes since the day they were born. They have to be dressed, cleaned up every morning and lookin' good.

    2. I like most of the attention we get when we are out but I also like to complain about it :blush:
    I hate it when you have to hear stories about a brothers friends aunt that has twins when I'm in a hurry or ever.

    3. I often think of how my life would be if I only had one of them, but I could never pick ONE of them...

    4. I think it's clear that ALL of our kids eat off the floor :D

    5. We still use binkies (just in the house) and have a 4oz bottle before bed. :(

    6.The tv is on almost all day (blues, music show, backyardigains only). I also find myself watching a lot. I usually turn it off just before DH gets home. ;)

    7. I yell a lot more then I want too. I get upset that the boys are GOOD for EVERYONE but ME! I think they hate me sometimes. When I get a good slap in the face or kick to the boob I often get the urge to slap back (I don't...but I want too.)

    8. I try to play with the boys a lot but they always seem to be really bad when I do so I end up cleaning or something so I don't feel as guilty for not playing with them.

    9. I take the boys on outtings a lot by myself and feel very mad at mothers with singltons (more so when I'm having a hard time). And HATE it when they say how hard they have it. I just scream in my head!!! WTH!!!!!!!!!!

    10. I hate whinning from the bottom of my heart :angry:

    11. I have a potty mouth

    Ok my brain is done for now........
  11. ddancerd1

    ddancerd1 Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(jdio33 @ Mar 26 2009, 12:58 PM) [snapback]1245572[/snapback]
    5. We still use binkies (just in the house) and have a 4oz bottle before bed. :(

    *whispering in your ear* mine get a 6oz bottle before bed :blush: i WILL say, tho, that i brush their teeth every night right after that bottle!
  12. JessiePlus2

    JessiePlus2 Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(beemer @ Mar 26 2009, 11:07 AM) [snapback]1245370[/snapback]
    And I think the all time worst...
    I left vomit on the floor for 45 minutes while waiting for DH to get home so he could clean it up because I was tired of doing it all by myself. I did give the baby a bath, change his clothes, and mine. And kept everyone safely gated in another room. And I did feel guilty when DH cleaned it up without being asked, and without a complaint.

    I did this with poop... except it ended up stayed there for many hours. And then I blogged about it! :p (This happened during DD's stomach flu adventure, and the clean up was very delayed because she was admitted to the hospital for fluids.)
  13. Dianna

    Dianna Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(SnowCraig @ Mar 26 2009, 12:55 PM) [snapback]1245446[/snapback]
    7.) My biggest fear is getting pregnant again.

    Mine too! Can't not even imagine.

    When it comes to the boys playing on their own, they do so a lot in their room. When it gets to quite(we all know the too quite sound) or when crying starts I check on them. They wonder in and out of their room to the living room where I am. Figure they have to learn independent play.

  14. jjzollman

    jjzollman Well-Known Member

    I've been known to drive aimlessly around my town if both babies are asleep and I know that once I get home and attempt to unload them, they will wake up and not go back to sleep. So, I hit a drive-thru, get a sweet tea or a coke - and listen to the radio! This happens a lot on my older DS's preschool days.
  15. JessiePlus2

    JessiePlus2 Well-Known Member

    LOVE this thread!!!

    Most of my mom confessions have been covered already...

    1) I feed them a lot of junk food. French toast sticks for breakfast, cheese dogs or chicken nuggets for lunch, mac n cheese for dinner. They eat cookies every day. They drink majorly diluted juice all day long. They also go weeks without having any veggies.

    2) I am obsessed with their poop habits. If I'm gone for a few hours on the weekend, I'll ask DH for a full report--have they pooped, was it a lot or a little, was it hard or soft, etc.

    3) They watch at least 2 hours of TV a day, some days more like 4. And I mean, actively watching the show, not just playing in the same room as the show.

    4) I can't wait until they're 3 and in preschool so I can get a regular break from them.

    5) I worry that they might be better off in day care with trained teachers who can work with them on learning colors, shapes, etc.

    6) I don't sweat the small stuff at all. I'd rather move everyone into a different room of the house than attempt to discipline a twin for banging a toy on the wall or climbing on top of the play kitchen.

    7) I am terrified I will have bratty misbehaving kids because I don't want to deal with the stress of actually disciplining them. (Hence, see above "discipline" strategy.)

    8) I rarely clean the non-common areas of our house. The laundry room, office, our master bedroom... they're all a mess and dusty and full of cat hair!
  16. jdio33

    jdio33 Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(ddancerd1 @ Mar 26 2009, 02:02 PM) [snapback]1245583[/snapback]
    *whispering in your ear* mine get a 6oz bottle before bed :blush: i WILL say, tho, that i brush their teeth every night right after that bottle!

    I brush their teeth most of the time....when them LET me!!!! Most of the time I give up b/c it's such a fight!

    and I have a puke story....

    They were BOTH puking about a month ago and let me just say it was like nothing I have ever seen. We have hard wood floors in our livingroom so we literally rolled up the area rug and turned on blues (in the middle of the night) and they just puked where ever. DH did the wipe up and swiffer.

    I got puked on so many times I don't even remember but one time Luke puked on me and then wanted to be held b/c he was scared/sick/tired so i put a towel OVER the puke and held him for a lonngggg time. Tell me thats not motherly love!!!!!!!!!!

    We had hotdogs, green beans, cottage cheese and peaches for dinner. EWWWWWWWWWW!!!
  17. bef1210

    bef1210 Active Member

    A lot of mine have already been covered but here's a couple of my worst ones:

    1. They both do great with table food but I feed them jarred baby food probably about 75% of the time because I HATE cooking, I never know what to make, and I figure at least this way they're getting something healthy.

    2. I've never brushed their teeth - ever. (Bad mommy, I know)
  18. stefwebb

    stefwebb Well-Known Member

    OK I've been thinking about this since last night...

    1. We don't wash hands either. Though now I'll feel bad that we don't, when it had never occurred to me before.

    2. We eat "clean" food on non bath nights too. Sometimes I feel bad because we will have lasagna and I make them wait until the next night even though it's their favorite food.

    3. Sometimes I don't think I'm protective enough and sometimes I think DH is over protective. I don't really worry about bumps, bruises and falls. They are boys and they are tough. He gets aggravated with me about it. Same goes for foods, I give them way more stuff and bigger bites when he isn't around.

    4. I get frustrated quickly, usually at dinnertime. I feel bad for raising my voice, but can't seem to help it when they all the sudden gag at what was their favorite food yesterday or pull their bib off and immediately spit out spaghetti on their shirt.

    5. I work and only get about 2 hours with them in the evening. They are awake in their cribs most mornings for half an hour before I drag my butt in there. If I would get up and get out of the house I could get home earlier and have more time, but I.just.can't.

    6. I'm on day 3 without a shower and I'm at work. I also have no excuse other than being lazy and not wanting to dry my long, thick hair.

    7. I say I have no time and feel like I have no time, but there are 3 hours every night after they go to bed and before I go to bed that very little gets done that is not absolutely necessary.

    8. I put off doing dishes until there are NO sippy cups left. I have lots of sippy cups and by then the counter is absolutely piled high with dishes.

    9. The dog cleans the high chairs (not the trays) and the boys drop stuff in their chair and fish it out and eat it. So far it hasn't bothered me enough to stop them.

    10. Does it count as wasting food if the dog gets what they don't eat?

    11. Some days I think the boys eat more dog hair than they do food. It's gross and we really do try to keep up with the hair - seems to be impossible.

    12. I'm not very sympathetic when they cry. They do it all the time - I'm over it unless they are hurt or sick.

    13. For dinner it's a regular rotation of fish sticks, chicken nuggets, frozen meatballs and lasagna or ravioli and veggies straight from the can.

    14. I would kill for a long weekend far, far away from both the boys and DH. I haven't been anywhere since I got pg and I'm ready to go. I have no vacation time or money to spare at the moment though and I think DH would be upset if I went somewhere for fun and left him alone with the monsters. He's been away several times for work though so he doesn't get it.

    15. They make me cry out of frustration and they make me cry out of love. I NEVER used to be like this!! All I have to do is think about my boys for a minute and I can get teary eyed - ugggh.

    What a list - wow

    And I am so trying this for snack time this weekend! I think they would love it.
    QUOTE(nateandbrig @ Mar 26 2009, 12:39 PM) [snapback]1245422[/snapback]
    1. Not only do my kids eat off the floor, I actually feed them like chickens. I put them in their playroom and toss the food in, the love it :rolleyes:
  19. Fran27

    Fran27 Well-Known Member

    Great thread!!!

    1) I also leave them in their play area on their own for one hour at a time usually once a day

    2) I dread meal times. I buy mostly organic/natural things but they still mostly eat frozen convenience food (mostly veggie burgers and veggie pancakes) because I hate cooking (and they hate veggies and plain meat)

    3) I don't take them from their crib as soon as they wake up. Often leave them there for 15 minutes as long as they're happy.

    4) My DS' whining drives me crazy

    5) I have a hard time going out more than once a week. It's just so much work and it seems every time I go out I end up spending too much money

    6) They have yogurt with cereal and cheerios for breakfast 6 days out of 7

    7) I get bored after 20 minutes of playing with them. Can only play putting a ball in a hole for so long. So I try to sneak out

    8) I've never read to them. The few times I tried, they just ended up fighting for the book after one minute.

    9) I've let DD cry more than once because I had to do something and it was just not going to happen with a baby on my hip

    10) Our house is a huge mess, although I blame the pets for that

    11) I buy way too many clothes

    12) I buy too many toys just hoping to get more quiet time for me... wanting to spread them out but ending up giving them all within two days

    13) I don't vacuum much because the babies hate it. The dogs clean up the food from the floor for us and I think they're getting fat.

    14) My kids spend most of their days in a 30 squ feet play area because we don't have any other place but the living room to put the litterbox and I don't trust my dogs around them.

    15) I shower 3 times a week if I'm lucky
  20. Dianna

    Dianna Well-Known Member

    Here is one and it is happening now...they get so whiny and fussy at times, and nothing I do makes them happy, so I stick them in their cribs for 10 to 15 minutes and it seems to chill them out. It is either do that or go mad. My husband doesn't know I do this and I don't know how he would feel about it. I just some days can not take the fussing over nothing. And it keeps them from irritating each other, which they are oh so good at.

  21. Fran27

    Fran27 Well-Known Member

    Dianna I've done that too... mostly put them down for a nap 20 minutes earlier because I couldn't take it anymore...
  22. Dianna

    Dianna Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Fran27 @ Mar 26 2009, 03:53 PM) [snapback]1245814[/snapback]
    Dianna I've done that too... mostly put them down for a nap 20 minutes earlier because I couldn't take it anymore...

    Sometimes that break is so needed.

    Like today.

  23. megkc03

    megkc03 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Here's one...

    So I can sit here and read this thread because I think it is hilarious what we all do and that we are NOT alone....

    My boys are snacking on cheerios...30 minutes before dinner...But hey-they went and got the cheerios from the cabinet...So I said why not?!?

    I have more as I read these...Maybe when they go to bed!
  24. gina_leigh

    gina_leigh Well-Known Member

    I love this thread.

    1. Mine eat waffles for breakfast every single day. I know they will eat them and they love them.

    2. My house is a complete disaster. There are toys and stuff everywhere. Just a little while ago I was telling DH how I needed to pick up but it feels useless because the kids will trash the place again in 10 seconds. He agreed.

    3. I spend way too much time on the internet. But there's only so much baby play I can take.

    4. I only let them play with a few board books because I can't stand for them to mess up their books. I do read to them a lot, but I only let them point at the pages.

    5. I bruised DD's arm a week or so ago. I was washing her in the bath tub and she slipped. She would have been fine, but I panicked and grabbed her arm. There were two little bruised after. I still feel awful about it.

    6. Mine share their food with the dog and I don't care.

    7. I yell too. But sometimes that's the only way they know I'm not playing. DH can just say "No" in a stern voice and they listen. I have to yell it or they think it's a joke.

    8. I let them do stuff that DH probably wouldn't but it's easier than fighting them on it. (The latest thing is dragging pots around the house. I just figure I'll wash them before I use them?!)

    9. I swore that DD would lose her pacifier at 1 year. Ha. Then I said 18 months. I'm starting think that won't happen either. She only gets them in the crib, but she loves them.

    10. Add me to the every-other-day shower list. I hate drying my hair and actually look forward to summer when I'll just let it air dry most days. I live in pajama pants and sweats.

    11. I fear DD will be maladjusted because DS has always been so needy. He was colicky as a baby and still needs to be held more. She's fiercely independent and only wants cuddles when she's tired or doesn't feel well. I wonder if that will affect her relationship with us and her brother.

    12. I remember crying in the hospital the night before we all went home that they deserved a better mother (I don't remember what brought that on other than PP hormones) and I still feel that way sometimes. I fear I'm failing them.

    13. When friends/family compliment me on how well they behave or how well I handle them or just whatever, I have no idea what to say. If only they knew...

    I'm glad I'm not the only non-perfect mom out there. Sometimes it feels like everyone else is feeding their kids completely organic foods strictly by the pyramid, their kids are all perfectly groomed and well mannered and never have tantrums, their houses are spotless, and they are perfectly put together.
  25. lharrison1

    lharrison1 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    So you arent all perfect?! Thanks God! I fit in just perfect here on TS! Yaaaaaaay!

    I am guilty of almost every single confession on here-pretty much everyone!

    1)Mine still have their milk in bottles-and I put them in their crib with the bottle and go in 30min later and take it out of their crib once they are asleep.
    2)mine still have binky's and lovey's...I have no intention of taking these from them any time soon.
    3)I am so glad they go to daycare where I know they are being fed at least two well rounded meals-because they dont get them at home-I mean I feed them but it isnt anything I really want to admit to...you all get the frozen picture!
    4)Like Brigette said...eat off the floor...I put their snacks on the floor because if I give it to them in a cup or bowl it ends up on the floor anyway
    5)I agree that we all now know none of us wash their hands before meals-whoops!
    6)My house is only clean in common rooms-and none of our laundry gets hung up, it is piles that I dig through to find what ever they are wearing for the day.
    7)I have never read a single book to the twins-not one...I have tried unsuccessfully.
    8)I rarely let them self feed because I cant stand the mess it makes.
    9)I have screamed at them out of frustration-back when they were newborns
    10)I hardly ever take them anywhere, it is easier to leave them home.
  26. Fran27

    Fran27 Well-Known Member

    Oh a couple more...

    I sigh of relief when they're down for the night
    I count the minutes until dh comes home from work
  27. ddancerd1

    ddancerd1 Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Fran27 @ Mar 26 2009, 03:44 PM) [snapback]1245883[/snapback]
    Oh a couple more...

    I sigh of relief when they're down for the night

    same here!
  28. snowmom

    snowmom Well-Known Member

    Here here to being honest with ourselves and others! I love it! Now for a few of my confessions.

    * As much as I want DH to help when he gets home from work, I KNOW I can do the job better and quicker than he ever could. Like, what is the point in him giving baths after supper, if I still have to go in to the bathroom, let the tub water out, put away the tub toys, mop up the floor, clean up the dirty clothes and diapers off the floor, brush their teeth and take the wet towels out of the cribs where he leaves them. Gee honey, thanks for all the "help"!!!

    * After nap time, or in the morning, they can hang in their cribs until the fussing starts.

    * I work my buns off around the house, keeping it clean because I love the attention and surprise when people come over and say something like "Wow, how do you keep the house clean with 3 kids and 11 pets"and I can look modest.

    * I secretly feel like super-mom, and work hard to maintain that image.

    * If it weren't for the internet, I would be braindead from being a SAHM.

    * Somedays I can't believe that I actually want another child, and am going to go through IVF again this year. Am I freakin' crazy?!

    * One baby? I laugh at your one baby!! (My thoughts with every single singleton mom I see when I'm out. Quitcher whining woman!!)

    * I let my black lab french kiss my son, who LOVES it, by the way.

    *I've caught the kids eathing bunny poop, guinea pig poop, and dog poop. Gooooo Immune Systems!!!

    * I encouraged them to wean so I can have a night to go out and get hammered before starting IVF again.

    * DS(13) helps so much, sometimes the kids would call him Da-da. And I count the hours til he and DH get home from work/school.

    Almost all of the other ones, also apply. Sorry I have to go, I think I hear the child welfare people at my door :p
  29. Fran27

    Fran27 Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(snowmom @ Mar 26 2009, 05:40 PM) [snapback]1245976[/snapback]
    * I let my black lab french kiss my son, who LOVES it, by the way.

    Mine open their mouth too when one of the dog licks their face. And they smile. Disgusting!
  30. lareesab

    lareesab Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(cohlee @ Mar 25 2009, 09:14 PM) [snapback]1244593[/snapback]
    Great idea Liesel!

    1. At least once a week I accidentally leave the house and forget to brush my teeth! :bad: Who does that?!

    2. Speaking of teeth, I am awful with remembering to have the girls brush their teeth, I give them their toothbrushes when they are in the tub, every other night.

    3. Waste food, check; eat off the floor, check; rotate the same foods over and over, check.

    4. As Liesel mentioned, I have one girl (Satanetta) who is so sweet when she wants to be, but has a wicked temper and mean streak, and yes she scares me. I see a lot of myself in her.

    5. I let my girls watch a lot of tv, like a couple hours a day.

    6. My life revolves around my girls' schedule. Who am I kidding, I dont have a life!

    7. I also do not like conversing with strangers about them, we are not a circus sideshow, please do not stop me in the grocery store to ask me if they are identical, if you looked at them before you asked you would CLEARLY see they look nothing alike! And yes I know that you cousin's nephew's brother's friend's sister has twins, I dont care.
    8. Both of my girls can say Sh*t, clear as day, and in the right context. :blush:
    I am sure there are more, I will be back!

    Your post is priceless!! I enjoyed reading it so much.
  31. lareesab

    lareesab Well-Known Member

    I probably won't remember alot b/c I can't think of anything when I actually try to, lol. Here Goes...

    1. I have come to detest people when they say, "Better you than me"! I almost want to smack them, it makes me so mad because yes I love my boys, I completely adore them, but some ppl don't have a clue about how frustrating it is sometimes to have twins.

    2. I feel like I am yelling at them all day also b/c they are constantly getting in things, (like just an hour ago, they got into the tub of butter and totally saturated themselves in it right after i gave them their bath and dressed them) NO JOKE!

    3. They eat alot of chicken nuggets and fries also. (mickey d's)

    4. I can't always remember to brush their teeth, I think this makes me feel the most like a bad mommy!

    5. They always eat off the floor too, but I had to make it VERY clear to them that if we are at a store, you do not eat ANYTHING that is on the ground b/c they almost have a few times.

    6. I have stayed in my pj's all day long until right before I know my DH is going to be home and then I run and get a shower.

    7. I have given in to the boys at the store if they want gummies or something just to make them be quiet.

    8. I hate it when ppl compare having a newborn and a 2 yr old to having twins, b/c it is clearly not the same. The newborn sleeps alot at first and the 2 yr old is beginning to get a little independent. Twins do everything together.

    9. My boys love for me to read to them so I confess to not reading the whole page, but only a few words of it before turning (you can only read Thomas the tank engine so many times before you go nuts) lol.

    But even after my worst day, I would still do it all over again because I feel so blessed to be their mom. They amaze me more and more each day. :wub:
  32. lareesab

    lareesab Well-Known Member

    I have only been a TS member for almost 4 months but this is, by far, the best thread I have ever read.
  33. nateandbrig

    nateandbrig Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(burbridgemom @ Mar 26 2009, 05:34 PM) [snapback]1246053[/snapback]
    8. I hate it when ppl compare having a newborn and a 2 yr old to having twins, b/c it is clearly not the same. The newborn sleeps alot at first and the 2 yr old is beginning to get a little independent. Twins do everything together.

    This drove me crazy!! Now that I have 3 under 13 months apart I hear "it must just be like having triplets" UH NOOO this is SOO much easier!! And I don't care what anyone says, having twins is double the work as having one... trust me on that!
  34. gina_leigh

    gina_leigh Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Fran27 @ Mar 26 2009, 05:14 PM) [snapback]1246028[/snapback]
    Mine open their mouth too when one of the dog licks their face. And they smile. Disgusting!

    Mine do this too! :rotflmbo: :bad:
  35. Dianna

    Dianna Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Fran27 @ Mar 26 2009, 04:44 PM) [snapback]1245883[/snapback]
    Oh a couple more...

    I sigh of relief when they're down for the night
    I count the minutes until dh comes home from work

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