Id or frat?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by meganguttman, Sep 30, 2008.

  1. meganguttman

    meganguttman Well-Known Member

    Okay, ivfbound asked me to post recent pics of my boys again. For those of you not in first year with me, we've been debating it for as long as the boys were born. I promise this is the last time I ask. DH is being a total pain about testing, even when I told him about the $99 one. UGH! He said that if the boys want to know, we'll get them tested. So, guess what their next word will be?? "Same?" and I'll teach them to point at each other! :rotflmbo:

    4/5 months
    6/7 months
    9 months
    1st bday
    1 year standing
    1 year at the mall

    Okay, Ladies. Tell me what you think! Sorry there are so many pictures, but I know the boys looks different in some and similar in others. I wanted you to have a fair shot.

  2. megan smith

    megan smith Well-Known Member

    I think they are so cute and very alike but I would guess fraternal. But I could be wrong :)
  3. snoopytwins

    snoopytwins Well-Known Member

    Wow...this one is tough. With the weight/size discrepancy and a small difference in head shape, it makes it kind of difficult.

    In the earlier pictures, I thought ID but the older pictures look more fraternal. I'd definitely test 'cause I don't know (and if ivfbound asked for more pictures then you know it's a toughie).
  4. lianyla

    lianyla Well-Known Member

    You are my toughest case, by far... Dun da dun dun.... BUT...... I do know.

    Are you ready????

    Here's the deal with identical twins, from what I have gathered... As they grow up, they look MORE alike. When they reach a certain age or stage, all of their little differences that were more apparent in the beginning catch up to one another to form a more similar looking "person". At least, this is what I see happening.

    In your case, it's different. Your babies looked more alike when they were younger. When they were younger I thought they were identical but I was not 100% sure.

    Now that I can see them more grown up, their differences are MUCH more prounounced. What sticks out most to me is the difference in their HAIR! It's major.

    I promise not to ask again and this is my final answer... Fraternal! They are soo similar but they are not identical.

    Thanks for posting! They are soo big now and soo cute. I have those green Old Navy Aviator shirts! I actually am selling them on Ebay right now!! Loved them!

    Meredith aka IVFBOUND
  5. meganguttman

    meganguttman Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(ivfbound078 @ Sep 30 2008, 10:04 AM) [snapback]1004609[/snapback]
    You are my toughest case, by far... Dun da dun dun.... BUT...... I do know.

    Are you ready????

    Here's the deal with identical twins, from what I have gathered... As they grow up, they look MORE alike. When they reach a certain age or stage, all of their little differences that were more apparent in the beginning catch up to one another to form a more similar looking "person". At least, this is what I see happening.

    In your case, it's different. Your babies looked more alike when they were younger. When they were younger I thought they were identical but I was not 100% sure.

    Now that I can see them more grown up, their differences are MUCH more prounounced. What sticks out most to me is the difference in their HAIR! It's major.

    I promise not to ask again and this is my final answer... Fraternal! They are soo similar but they are not identical.

    Thanks for posting! They are soo big now and soo cute. I have those green Old Navy Aviator shirts! I actually am selling them on Ebay right now!! Loved them!

    Meredith aka IVFBOUND

    Ha, ha, ha!! FINALLY I've convinced you!! The funniest part is that just last week, I was mixing them up constantly! :) I really think that's because I alternate who wears what outfit (ie Monday Jake wears the red, Ryan wears the blue and the next time they wear that outfit, they switch). I really truly think they are fraternal, but at least once a week I start to change my mind.

    Only a few more years to wait for the answer. Sigh.
  6. LNC20

    LNC20 Well-Known Member

    They are vote is fraternal. (I wasn't so sure at those first pics....they look similar) But, I think as they grow they are looking a little more different. They are cute though!! Makes me want twin BOYS next time!!
  7. Moodyzblu

    Moodyzblu Well-Known Member

    Im gonna guess frats too !
  8. MusicalAli

    MusicalAli Well-Known Member

    My vote is ID. My boys are ID but look more different now that they are older. Now you HAVE to get the test. :)
  9. AshleyLD

    AshleyLD Well-Known Member

    I think this is the first frat/id game where i am going with Frat. They look VERY similar. and i was leaning towards ID but then i saw the older pics..

    You need to get them tested. ;) You may have stumped us all!!
  10. hilly

    hilly Well-Known Member

    Fraternal, definitely have a ton of similarities but I can see lots of differences too.
  11. april mcdaniel

    april mcdaniel Well-Known Member

    wow--im with everyone else--i just dont know, but i think my vote is ID
  12. EricaG

    EricaG Well-Known Member

    I say ID and please please please get them tested!!

  13. debid

    debid Well-Known Member

    I think you need to test. Goodness, what a great coincidence it would be for them to have the same eyes, ears, and noses but it could happen. HOWEVER, I have enough photos of my ID boys where they look that different that I'm not convinced you have frats. The head shape is obviously different but we have a noticeable difference there as well. The hair really threw me because in one photo, it looks like the larger boy has the longer hair (it's just because he's sitting closer to the camera that he looks bigger) but in the other photos, the smaller boy has more hair. If you cut off that baby hair, though, the new stuff looks the same and that's what makes me think they have the same hair also. My Trent had a lot more hair than Trevor when they were small but when the new crop came in, it matched. After a haircut, you couldn't tell anymore (though a stylist has told me that Trent has thicker hair on top).
  14. 2plusbgtwins

    2plusbgtwins Well-Known Member

    Im gonna vote Frat... but the bath tub pic almost got me thinking ID.. but that last one in the mall, BIG differences.. I say Frat.
  15. SweetpeaG

    SweetpeaG Well-Known Member

    Our ID boys have significant differences:

    Hair - Joe has slightly thicker hair than Nick, but when they were born Joe was cue-ball bald and Nick had hair.

    Birthmarks - Joe has a birthmark (2" brown patch) on his back; Nick has one (freckle-sized red dot) on his chest.

    Face Shape - Nick is round; Joe is oval

    Weight - Nick is usually a pound heavier than Joe (though Joe eats more?!)

    Shoe Size - Nick wears a 1/2 to full size bigger than Joe in shoes 75% of the time

    Teeth -their teeth came in as mirror opposites of one another.

    Hernia - Nick had a hernia, Joe did not.

    Your boys look very similar to me. They have distinct features that are perfectly replicated in the other...test and have it done with!
  16. meganguttman

    meganguttman Well-Known Member

    Okay, here's what I know:

    They have the same:
    blood type
    hair color (though Jake has always had more)
    hair growth
    eye color (blue. has hazel, I have brown)
    same mouths

    Things that are different to me:
    ears (slightly)
    eye shapes (Ryan is like me and Jake is like DH)
    Jake has always been 1-2lbs smaller (since they left the NICU)

    I have tried and tried to get DH to test, but I can't talk him into it. I thought about asking my mom for it for Christmas (as my gift), but she thinks they are fraternal too and it would be a waste of money. Thank you all for your 2 cents. My head tells me they are fraternal, but my gut says identical. I promise to let you all know if one of their eyes change or DH gives in and lets me test. :rolleyes:
  17. Mom2JessNKay

    Mom2JessNKay New Member

    My vote is for fraternal, i do see a bit of differences. my girls are defitently fraternal, but i have cousins that are now 23 that were tested when they were young and are fraternal, but until just recently they were spitting images of each other. good luck hope you can get the testing to know for sure.
  18. seamusnicholas

    seamusnicholas Well-Known Member

    I dont know. I looked at these pics a ton of times today! One time I think Id and the next I think frat. I would have to test.
  19. jenn-

    jenn- Well-Known Member

    I vote frats, but ask me again in another year.
  20. Utopia122

    Utopia122 Well-Known Member

    I thought identical at first as well, but as I looked at older pictures, they look more fraternal to me.
  21. LanieK

    LanieK Well-Known Member

    I think ID-- I have identical boys and there are gonna be differences for sure! I just see the same hair/eye color, same faces, same eyes!!!
    Oh well- just my two cents!!!
    I think they are adorable- and who really cares--- they are twins nonetheless!!!!
  22. fourznuff

    fourznuff Well-Known Member

    Can I play? My vote is ID. My husband is an identical twin (mirror ID) and he and his brother have looked alike and different throughout their lives. His brother is actually a little taller then him.

    I would also like to the cutie pie with the longer face Baby A and the rounder face Baby B? I ask because that is how it is with my dh and his brother and also for many ID twins we know.

    Thanks for sharing your pics. Your babies are darling!
  23. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    Without reading the other replies....I'm going with Frat.
  24. Sue1968

    Sue1968 Well-Known Member

    Is Jake on the left in the first four pictures? and on the right in the last two pictures? If I'm right, then they are frats. If a complete stranger can tell them apart in every picture, they must be fraternal. They do look like brothers, though.
  25. j_and_j_twins

    j_and_j_twins Well-Known Member

    I say identical. So when are you getting them tested?
  26. plattsandra103

    plattsandra103 Well-Known Member

    Is Jake on the left in the first four pictures? and on the right in the last two pictures? If I'm right, then they are frats.

    this is EXACTLY what i was thinking--but i didn't know the name, i was going to ask if it was the "same baby" on the left in the first 4 LOL
  27. lianyla

    lianyla Well-Known Member

    I have been asking EVERYONE I know today about these boys and 8 out of 8 said "Fraternal." There wasn't even a "maybe" in there. I am even more sure than I was this morning too. They are brothers and they definitely look alike but not enough alike to be identical. I get that Id's have differences, I know that cuz I have them!! I also have ID twin cousins who thought they were frat til they were 34 and I MADE them test cuz I knew! Anyway, I think identical twins are easy to spot. I cannot believe how many of you are saying ID!!

    Oh and i have to share.. Do you all remember Astrid?? The one w/ the triplets who thought her girls were ID cuz the pathology report said one placenta.. Remember how I sooooo strongly disagreed and said the Doc was wrong??

    WEll.. I WAS RIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    She emailed me and told me TWO PLACENTAS Doc was WRONG!!

    Chalk that one up to my "talent' that Dh says "does us no good cuz you can't make any money at it!" LOL!
  28. pamallhoney

    pamallhoney Well-Known Member

    If they are frats according to Meredith (I love her methods and confidence :) then they are some of the closest looking siblings I've ever seen. I went back to the post of You and Your Babies to see your picture with them and yes I do believe they look different there.
    I'll be praying your husband will let you test sooner rather than later...for your sake and ours :)
  29. meganguttman

    meganguttman Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Sue1968 @ Sep 30 2008, 06:59 PM) [snapback]1005649[/snapback]
    Is Jake on the left in the first four pictures? and on the right in the last two pictures? If I'm right, then they are frats. If a complete stranger can tell them apart in every picture, they must be fraternal. They do look like brothers, though.

    Yup! Jake is on the left for the first four pics. Fraternals fun in the family (mom's female cousin has 3 sets of frat boys). Just wish DH wasn't so stubborn so we could test!
  30. Aurie

    Aurie Well-Known Member

    You know, I think you should get them tested. Here is what I see. I see they both have this lower/droppy eye but it is on the opposite side of each of their heads. It isn't a true lazy eye. You probably can't even notice it outside a picture. But since they both have it and it is on opposite sides, it really makes them look different. But I would put money down that you will still find them identical... thus mirror image ;) My girls do the same thing. We are going to get ours tested next summer, hopefully.
  31. 4jsinPA

    4jsinPA Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I personally think frat, I don't think they even look identical. It is easy to tell differences in every picture. I think its obvious they are siblings, but don't look enough alike (at least in the pics) to make me think ID. If I put both my 9yr old and my 3yr old dd's pics together of them at the same age, they would look very much alike as well..
  32. elhardy26

    elhardy26 Well-Known Member

    seems as if i'm against the grain, but I think ID. my girls have subtle difference in their features and expressions that make them look different but they are still ID.
  33. Jennifer P

    Jennifer P Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(ivfbound078 @ Sep 30 2008, 07:10 PM) [snapback]1005756[/snapback]
    I have been asking EVERYONE I know today about these boys and 8 out of 8 said "Fraternal." There wasn't even a "maybe" in there. I am even more sure than I was this morning too. They are brothers and they definitely look alike but not enough alike to be identical. I get that Id's have differences, I know that cuz I have them!! I also have ID twin cousins who thought they were frat til they were 34 and I MADE them test cuz I knew! Anyway, I think identical twins are easy to spot. I cannot believe how many of you are saying ID!!

    Oh and i have to share.. Do you all remember Astrid?? The one w/ the triplets who thought her girls were ID cuz the pathology report said one placenta.. Remember how I sooooo strongly disagreed and said the Doc was wrong??

    WEll.. I WAS RIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    She emailed me and told me TWO PLACENTAS Doc was WRONG!!

    Chalk that one up to my "talent' that Dh says "does us no good cuz you can't make any money at it!" LOL!

    Just because they have seperate placentas does NOT mean that they are automatically fraternal.

    I have di/di twins and was told that they were fraternal because they were in seperate placentas....mine are definitely ID.
  34. Mellizos

    Mellizos Well-Known Member

    ID. Take apart their face - in segments - and compare. Don't look at the face as a whole.
    They have the same eyes, ears (and distinctive ears at that ;) ) and nose (although one's nose looks different because of weight differences). Everyone is nitpicking slight differences to say that they are fraternal. They look sooooo similar that I'd be shocked to hear that they are frats. And didn't you say that you mixed them up recently? I've never mixed up my frat boys.
  35. lianyla

    lianyla Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Jennifer P @ Oct 2 2008, 12:04 PM) [snapback]1008402[/snapback]
    Just because they have seperate placentas does NOT mean that they are automatically fraternal.

    I have di/di twins and was told that they were fraternal because they were in seperate placentas....mine are definitely ID.

    Correct. I was referring to something else, not that. Someone was told that it was ONE placenta and it turns out it was fused. That's what I was clarifying. I know about di-di twins etc.
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