Looking for advice from those that have been through a similar situation

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by twinsnowwhat, Jan 21, 2012.

  1. twinsnowwhat

    twinsnowwhat Well-Known Member

    We are currently living in an extended stay type hotel due to a fire at the house we moved into just 6 days ago. No one was hurt – thank the lord! I am feeling awful that my boys have been bounced around so much. They have been at my parents – a place they are very familiar with for the last day and half while my husband and I try to make the hotel as much like home as possible. I just know this is going to be hard on them and just the logistics of sleeping and playing are going to be tough in such a small place. Any tips or advice? Thank you!
  2. becasquared

    becasquared Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    RollerGiraffe has a similar living situation right now. She and you could totally commiserate!
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  3. ECUBitzy

    ECUBitzy Well-Known Member

    Ugh, I am so sorry. That's just terrible. I don't have any advice. Bex is right, Jen (rollergiraffe) could certainly commiserate.
  4. SMax

    SMax Well-Known Member

    I am so sorry! Are you still in WA and also having to deal with the snow/ice mess? I do not have any advice, just offering support...hang in there!!
  5. Rollergiraffe

    Rollergiraffe Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Oh boy, can I ever commiserate. I am so sorry you're out of your home; it's so much upheaval to go through and the insurance process can be a real bear.Our house was flooded in October and we're still dealing with renovation nightmares. Do you rent or own your house? That will probably make a big difference in terms of how everything will play out. We owned, so of course we're on the hook to see the renovations through. My best advice on that front is to be aggressive with your insurance, understand all of your options for reconstruction and having your expenses maintained in the meantime and figure out what's best for your family. You might be surprised at what insurance will cover in terms of additional living expenses while you get your house settled. We had everything covered from kenneling the dogs to extra costs on our cell phone bills.

    We found our kids to be pretty resilient through all of this change. I think part of that is their age (they're 2.5) so they don't really have an established school routine or anything that was disrupted. On the whole I'd say that this has all been rather fun for them! We didn't have luck in a hotel because there just wasn't enough space to keep them occupied, although if you're in a suite hotel you might do a bit better. Depending on how long you're out of your house I would consider getting into a temporary apartment or house rental. Staying with family was not a good option for us; we tried that at first and it was too many people under one roof. But do rely heavily on your parents if your kids are comfortable with them. I have also let my kids watch tons of TV in the last few months and basically let all of my normal rules slide so that they're comfortable and happy while I have needed energy to focus on other things. Bring over a bunch of toys that keep them occupied that don't make a mess; magnadoodles, blocks, books etc. Because we're in cramped quarters I also involve the kids in everything I am doing during the day from brushing teeth to doing dishes. I have them signed up for regular activities that we get out to do so they can have some free space to run.

    This is not going to be an easy and fun time. There are a lot of headaches with the insurance and renovation process. Focus your energies on getting good contractors and staying on top of your adjuster. The kids will be a bright spot through all of this. Even when everything is going sideways with contractors and renos my kids can pull me through with their happy little faces.

    And seriously... PM me any time. Look me up on Facebook, my name is Jen Boehmer. If anything, it helps to know other people who have gone through this kind of thing who understand all the ups and downs of it all. :grouphug:
  6. mommylaura

    mommylaura Well-Known Member

    Wow that's awful! I'm so sorry!
  7. NINI H

    NINI H Well-Known Member

    I'm so very happy no one was hurt!!! A teammate of DS #1 got displaced from his home this year due to a house fire also. They too were in a hotel to start, but then the insurance co found a house until their house is finished. It's been rough. I hope you can find somethin larger to make the transition easier.
  8. monica77

    monica77 Well-Known Member

    I am so sorry to hear about your situation, also about Jen's situation. I have a friend whose house burnt down while they were away so nobody got hurt but they had to buy a new house or rebuild it. They chose to buy a new house in the end while the whole situation got sorted with the headaches with the insurance company they lived in a rented house and the insurance paid for the rent also. Good luck!
  9. sorscheln

    sorscheln Member

    We just recently made a big military move and lived in a hotel for 6 weeks. My kids did surprisingly well. They just seemed to go with the flow.
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