PT "accidents" on purpose

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by fuchsiagroan, Jul 8, 2010.

  1. fuchsiagroan

    fuchsiagroan Well-Known Member

    Yesterday, both kids peed on the floor on purpose and then gleefully smeared it around, and one even pooped on the floor on purpose (though luckily no finger painting with that one). AAAGHHHHH! They've been so easy to PT, but now it's like they just figured out that they CAN do it anywhere they want, and they want to experiment.

    WTH do you do about this? I'd never want to punish true accidents, and I don't want to create any stress around the whole process, but I've got to do something. (They'll know the difference between getting consequences for "accidentally"-on-purpose and real accidents, right?) I was out when it happened, and DH said that he threatened to take away their Pooh bears (=loveys) if they did it again, and that worked. Ideas? :help:
  2. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    Maybe try making them clean it up?? I would try that before I do any time outs or such and see if that puts and end to the madness. :gah:
  3. Kyrstyn

    Kyrstyn Well-Known Member

    My girls did the same exact thing!! :gah: I chose not to give them a reaction from me, which is what I think they ultimately wanted. They are pushing their limits. I treated the purposeful accidents, the same way I do any other accident. We go get a towel together, we clean it up, when change our clothes, and we talk about where the poop/pee go. It is so freakin hard not to get upset!!! But I just rolled with it, and after a couple of days the fascination with it wore off and they haven't really done it since. I just couldn't bring myself to tie punishment to PTing because we had come so far, and I didn't want to go backwards despite this new behavior. It's definitely a double edge sword. GL!!
  4. JessiePlus2

    JessiePlus2 Well-Known Member

    I have to ditto Krystyn. My DD used to look at me straight in eye and let some pee loose and then laugh hysterically and stomp in it. :gah: But she was doing it just for my reaction. It is so hard to do, but I have to give her no reaction at all. I'd try no reaction at all, other than what you do for 'real' accidents. If that doesn't work in a few days, you can give a consequence for playing in the mess, but not for having the accident.
  5. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    I'd make them help clean it up. I don't know that I wouldn't be able to keep my cool about the 'playing in it.' I would never react to an accident, but yuck about playing with pee and poop! Since they were making a game of it, I think your DH handled it well (although I don't know that I would take away a lovey, but maybe a beloved toy- lovies are sacred in my house).
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