Public School Failed my Daughter

Discussion in 'General' started by newboygirltwinsmom, Aug 20, 2009.

  1. newboygirltwinsmom

    newboygirltwinsmom Well-Known Member

    I decided to homeschool my eldest daughter, because of her not being emotionally/educationally ready for high school.

    I knew she was behind, but it is worse than I ever thought it would be.

    I have tested her in several areas and found her to be between 6-8th grade level in most subjects.

    Any suggestions on how to get her where she needs to be quickly, or should I let her move somewhat slower? She has an average IQ (97) so learning is not an issue.
  2. slr814

    slr814 Well-Known Member

    I would not worry so much this year on getting her up to speed. Homeschooling will be a big adjustment for both her and you, so try to relax as much as possible, and just concentrate on finding out more about why she was having trouble in school. This year will be a year of adjustments. I know it's easy to feel panicked when you see your child falling behind, but now that you are teaching her, you don't have to worry about her falling through the cracks. You'll be able to see what she does well with, and what gives her more trouble, and I am sure she will soon catch up. Have fun this year, and approach learning from a differnt angle, as something to be enjoyed and sought out rather than dreaded.
  3. mel_michigan

    mel_michigan Well-Known Member

    If she is behind in math and english then you need to start where she is in those subjects. If she is behind in areas like science and social studies then I wouldn't go back and just take your time with high school science and social studies. Most middle school science and social studies is reviewed again and expanded upon in high school. Alternatively she could do something like PLATO to go back and just work on areas that she needs to. I would agree with the previous advice and not try to worry to much about where she is and make learning interesting and fun as you determine how she learns best then you can put together goals and a working plan. She just might need the one on one to flourish.
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