Shouting for the toilet after lights out...

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Andi German, Nov 3, 2008.

  1. Andi German

    Andi German Well-Known Member

    Crashing this forum to see if anyone has any advice. My two half year old has recently started shouting for the toilet 5 mins after leaving her for the night. Most nights she genuinely does need a poop or a pee (she still wears nighttime nappy) but some she does not. A passing phase? Bad habit? Any ideas would be appreciated. And she can realy poop - takes up to 20 mins some nights!
  2. Shadyfeline

    Shadyfeline Well-Known Member

    My son did this for a bit. I just started taking him up about 20 minutes earlier for bed did our routine and sat him on the potty and said you have to go before bed a few times he sat on there about 20/30 minutes but he went. I have had to go in a few times after lights out because he was holding it and would go about 5 minutes after putting him down in his pull-up. That lasted about two weeks or so and now only happens ocassionally, they have a pretty good schedule and I know when they have to go it helped to keep track.
  3. Julia Hulsey

    Julia Hulsey Well-Known Member

    Our girls used to do that after we gave up diapers at night. I used to just take them and most of the time it was just a game. But better save then sorry, that was how I felt. They eventually stopped.
    Hang in there. Julia
  4. Andi German

    Andi German Well-Known Member

    Thanks for support - have started to put it into our night routine - will see how it goes!
  5. egoury

    egoury Well-Known Member

    We recently put a potty in their room and if they have to go after lights out, they can use that. If they poop and they need us to wipe, they will just call out to us. But, the pediatrician said that once they are in the room, they are there to coming out until morning.
  6. 2girls2b

    2girls2b Well-Known Member

    Our girls have started doing this also. We do our bedtime routine and as soon as we lay them down and say "night night" they pop up and say they have to poo-poo. I don't think they really do, but they are recently potty trained so I worry that they might really have to use the potty. If they have alread pooped earlier in the day, I tell them to stay in bed, but if they haven't I feel that I have to let them go to the potty. I really think they are using it as a stall tactic to avoid going to bed. There haven't been any accidents on the nights that I have made them stay in bed and not get up, so I think they are testing us to see if we will let them avoid going to bed. I am hoping it is a phase that will soon pass. I have started putting them on the potty after we finish reading so they shouldn't have an excuse for not laying down when we say. I hope it sinks in and they learn it is bedtime!
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