Stokke Tripp Trapp/KinderZeat Chair

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by 1uscfan, Nov 30, 2006.

  1. 1uscfan

    1uscfan Well-Known Member

    Does anyone have or has anyone seen in person the Stokke Tripp Trapp or KinderZeat Chair? My twins are two and are still eating from their highchairs but are becomming more and more interested in sitting at the counter or table. We have a pair of those strap-on plastic booster seats, which I'm not too thrilled with for various reasons. I was searching on the Internet and came across thses Stokke chairs. The reviews on make them sound like they are to die for, but they aren't cheap at $200/each and I don't want to make rash decision. My husband is currently against getting them, just because of the price, but I know he could be persuaded, especially after he reads the reviews which I've so kindly forwarded to him. They hold up to 300 pounds -- even adults can sit on them. The walnut stain would match my kitchen table, my current chairs with permanent upholstered cushions would be spared, I wouldn't have to keep removing the boosters to clean or let adults sit, the kids could easily climb up on them without assistance, and they make nice step stools and eventually computer/desk chairs. I know they're popular in Europe because that's where they are made. I'd love to hear what anyone here has to say, good or bad.

  2. 1uscfan

    1uscfan Well-Known Member

    Does anyone have or has anyone seen in person the Stokke Tripp Trapp or KinderZeat Chair? My twins are two and are still eating from their highchairs but are becomming more and more interested in sitting at the counter or table. We have a pair of those strap-on plastic booster seats, which I'm not too thrilled with for various reasons. I was searching on the Internet and came across thses Stokke chairs. The reviews on make them sound like they are to die for, but they aren't cheap at $200/each and I don't want to make rash decision. My husband is currently against getting them, just because of the price, but I know he could be persuaded, especially after he reads the reviews which I've so kindly forwarded to him. They hold up to 300 pounds -- even adults can sit on them. The walnut stain would match my kitchen table, my current chairs with permanent upholstered cushions would be spared, I wouldn't have to keep removing the boosters to clean or let adults sit, the kids could easily climb up on them without assistance, and they make nice step stools and eventually computer/desk chairs. I know they're popular in Europe because that's where they are made. I'd love to hear what anyone here has to say, good or bad.

  3. jwozy

    jwozy Well-Known Member

    We bought the Kinderzeat last year when the kids were about 18 months and though we haven't used it a whole bunch I don't regret the purchase at all. We have a red and lime one. The kids can climb in their own seats and I can strap them in during the meals. It's very sturdy and so easy to adjust. I think I've actually used one of their kinderzeat more than the kids when I'm working on the photo albums. My dh was not too pleased with the cost but I saw it as an investment and figure it would grow with the kids and when they are older they can use it in their room as a chair.
  4. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    Both of my nieces (ages 5 and 3) have the KinderZeats. They are still using them, which is why they are among the few things NOT getting handed down to us. [​IMG] They started using them around age 2 I think -- but the new Tripp Trapp apparently has an "infant seat" attachment (sold separately [​IMG] -- like they're not expensive enough) so you could use it even earlier.

    We are definitely buying some for ourselves, but I want to wait till the girls are better at picking up their food. I know they will still be messy, but while they're still getting the hang of self-feeding, I like having a seat with a tray.

    I don't know if I would really use them for an adult -- I've sat on them (at my nieces' house) and didn't think they were all that comfy, but maybe I'm just not used to it. (Also, they were adjusted for preschoolers at the time.) They do take up space -- the footprint is a lot bigger than for a normal chair. But like you said, the kids can climb into them by themselves, which they love. You just have to watch them carefully after they learn to undo the buckle.
  5. dmoden

    dmoden Well-Known Member

    my girlfriend has 2 and LOVES it (kids are 2 and 3 1/2)!! she was actually told about it by a parent of twins...not sure what i will do since it is expensive, and at some point i'm sure they'll refuse to sit in them and want to sit in grown up seats....
  6. twindependent

    twindependent Well-Known Member

    We don't have the Stokkes but we do have the Svans- they are around the same price, I think they were $250 for the chair and the infant part, so just the chair is a little cheaper. Like you can call them cheap in any way, haha. Anyway, we still have the infant part attached but we will soon move them up to the table. I've had success with them so far, and I love that the Svan's footprint is small and they look so clean and simple. I've also heard that it is more comfy for a kid to sit at a table and have their feet setting on something instead of hanging there, and more comfy means sitting nicely at a table for a bit longer.

    Anyway, I'd check out Svans as a comparison.

    It's really too bad someone doesn't come up with a cheaper alternative for these types of chairs!
  7. oandgvh

    oandgvh Well-Known Member

    We have one and have used it (without the infant bits) since they were 12 months old. It was a gift from my brother and now I'm working on finding a second one. I *love* it. You won't be sorry if you can convince him to make the purchase. You can sometimes find coupon codes to ease the price a bit and has codes for a lot of insurance companies - go figure! Good luck!
  8. 2 Munchkins

    2 Munchkins Well-Known Member

  9. Julie L

    Julie L Well-Known Member

    We've got the ones from One Step Ahead too. One is about 5 years old and the other is about 3 years old. The first one we bought for Zach when he was about 2. The second one we bought when Ethan and Cassie were old enough for them. Zach is 7 and will still sit on those chairs at the kitchen table during homework time. The wood is a lot easier to clean than all those crevices on the strap on boosters. I think sitting higher helps them sit better too, and we get less food spillage. Zach is actually messier than the twins because he's wiggling so much on the regular chair while he's eating.
  10. Zwillingsmama

    Zwillingsmama Well-Known Member

    I love our Stokke Tripp Trapp chairs. We've been using them since the boys were about 5 months old. We have the European version with the baby bar, previously not available in the US. They are easy to clean, look great and are quite comfortable - even I sometimes sit in them! [​IMG]
  11. TwinhadTwins

    TwinhadTwins Well-Known Member

    We have a Euro Chairs and we love them. My sister got her daughter one at 15 mos. Also, it can be used as a step stool, the bottom foot rest is great to stand on. We do not have the bar on ours though.
  12. 1uscfan

    1uscfan Well-Known Member

    Thank you everyone for your input. I now have DH's consent to buy the chairs. I didn't realize there were several different brands of basically the same chair on the market. Nothing is as easy as it seems. Now I just have to decide on a brand.

    Thanks again,
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