Tear duct outside of eye??

Discussion in 'General' started by Cindy123, Feb 26, 2007.

  1. Cindy123

    Cindy123 Well-Known Member

    Has anyone heard of anything like this? I noticed that on one eye it appears my DD's tear duct is outside the eye. At first I thought it was a freckle but it is clearly a hole and some sleepy came out of it this morning. I am going to call the pedi, but wondered if anyone had heard of this before. I am so afraid that this might require surgery, this baby has already been operated on and I hate the thought of her having to go through that again!
  2. brianamurnion

    brianamurnion Well-Known Member

    I dont know about this for sure.. .but my step DD had to have tear duct repair surgery when she was three. (my dad's mini wiener dog scratched her and hooked her tear duct) The surgery was over in 45 min. and the recovery actually wasnt bad, you would be surprized that a child really does not mess with the wound or incision after surgery, It did make her eye a little lazy but she has already outgrown it. For eye surgery I deff. thought it would be worse to deal with.
  3. axpan

    axpan Well-Known Member

    I think it's not that uncommon. With time it goes to its place. The dr. might show you how to massage it and help it go back in its place. Ask when you next see the pedi.
  4. niftywriter

    niftywriter Well-Known Member

    Hi CIndy!

    That's a new one for me! I think if I were you, I'd ask your ped about this at the next apppointment (she must be due for one at 4 months, right?), or sooner if there is any sign of redness or inflammation. If you've just noticed this, then it could be a lot of things, but as long as it doesn't look infected and isn't causing your daughter any discomfort, I'd just keep an eye on it, keep the area gently clean and point it out at the next well baby appointment.

    I completely understand your reluctance to put your baby through any more surgery or investigations, but of course if it is necessary, I know you will want it looked after. Don't worry, I don't think your ped will be in any hurry to jump to a surgical solution either, unless that is clearly indicated.

    Like a PP said, though. Minor surgeries which really upset us as parents are often surprisingly taken in stride by our babies and children.

    Good luck, please keep us posted! [​IMG]
  5. KrazyKat

    KrazyKat Well-Known Member

    Ok. I'll admit it. IM A FREAK! On my right eye the tear duct is outside, been that way all my life. I don't even notice it, others comment sometimes, now in my adult life it just looks like a birth mark. It occasionally gets a booger or some sleepy in it, I just take a moist q-tip and wipw it clean. No big deal, doesn't hurt or anything. But to be on the safe side, you should have it checked out, but if they INSIST on surgery, I'd get a second opinion. It might heal on it's own. The Dr's told my parents this.
  6. Kyla Hunter

    Kyla Hunter New Member

    Hi Cindy
    Is it the only one on that eye or an extra one? My son had an extra one just outside his eye (called an accessory lacrimal duct), it was fully functional (cried tears, had morning sleep in it), and it was removed in a very short, very easy teeny tiny surgery. He healed fine very soon, and sometimes when he is in the sun I can see a very faint, very small scar. The docs double teamed him to put T-tubes in his ears and he was still out in less than an hour. I would for sure ask your ped what he/she thinks and then maybe get a referral to an eye specialist.
  7. Cindy123

    Cindy123 Well-Known Member

    Thanks for all of the responses. We went to the pedi today and they had never seen a tear duct in that area. They want to wait and look at it again at her 6 month appt. They are not sure if it is a tear duct (I think it is, I saw sleepy in it) or a large pore. Right now it is harmless, no redness or irritation and hopefully it will stay that way. I'll update everyone after we get a definate answer.

    Can anyone tell me how to do that Update thing on a posting? Thanks!
  8. Summer Flower

    Summer Flower New Member

    I am very curious what happened with your daughter after all these years did she have to have surgery.........My son has one also and they want to do surgery his is leaking all the time and is about 4cm below his eye just started leaking about 4 weeks ago and he is 3. I would like to know another families experience with a similar situation.....because this all makes me very nervous.
    Thank you
  9. Vlynn

    Vlynn New Member

    Hi there, maybe I reply so late but I just want to let you all know that it's nothing to be worried about. Like, hey I'm 21 years old with extra tear duct and I'm super fine. My mom also have it, and we never get any problem from it. Anyway this is my case, it's only a small hole near one of my eye. It discard some drops that will becomes sleepy if I'm tired. Other than that, it's fine
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