Twins fighting

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by FlutterbyKisses, Feb 7, 2008.

  1. FlutterbyKisses

    FlutterbyKisses Well-Known Member

    Hi Ladies.

    My boys just turned 16 months today and have been fighting lately. My one son Cohen likes to steal toys or books or whatever it is that Ethan has. Ethan will then in turn scream and start hitting him. It goes the other way too although Cohen hasn't hit...yet. Basically what I've been doing so far and giving the toy back to the person who was originally playing with it and letting the other know that he was playing with it first and he can have a turn when he's finished. I will also distract the one that was trying to steal by diverting them toward a different toy.

    I was just wondering if you ladies have any other suggestions as to how to handle this situation. I especially don't like it when Ethan hits.

    Thank you.

    Brandi :)
  2. becky5

    becky5 Guest

    Brandi, when that happens, I say "no hitting", take the 'hitters' hand and put it softly on the 'hittee' and say "nice nice" or "soft soft". And then they give each other hugs.
  3. j171978

    j171978 Well-Known Member

    I'm having the same problem. Matthew is the bigger twin and he is always taking stuff from David. If David does nothing then we let it go but if he get's mad then we tell Matthew "please don't take toys from your brother" then we give it back to David.
  4. Ali M

    Ali M Well-Known Member

    At that age, all you can really do is distract the taker and put down the hand of the hitter while saying no. Ainsley started taking Sierra's stuff as soon as she learned to crawl. From about 10-16 months old, Sierra would actually scream as soon as her sister started coming her direction. :rolleyes:
  5. FlutterbyKisses

    FlutterbyKisses Well-Known Member

    Thank you ladies for the advice. What a tough phase this is for stealing toys/fighting. I'm sure it might even get worse!! :huh:

    I really appreciate your responses.
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