Vomiting & Serious Diaper Rash!

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by PurpleNurple, Dec 17, 2006.

  1. PurpleNurple

    PurpleNurple Well-Known Member

    There has been a really nast flu bug going around the past 2 weeks...not one of those 24 hour bugs, either. I cought it last Sunday evening, and I am still throwing up. I have been able to eat very little, some days I feel great, but come night time, I am puking. I was up 3 times last night.
    McAuley had a touch of something 2 weeks ago, and he seemed fine until last night. We got them up this morning and found both of them had thrown up in their cribs overnight!! We gave them bottles of milk (4oz) and McAuley seems to have kept his down, Zayne has thrown up 2 times (milk). Zayne wanted to be held and cuddled all morning, she drank a bit of Gatoraid, but some of that came up with the milk.
    We did not attempt to feed them any solids (although Zayne was asking for Oranges).

    McAuley has a very very bad diaper rash (since Friday). It's getting better, but I can tell he is in alot of pain siince it hurts him to walk. It looks very blistered and red...almost like open sores. He cries when we change his diapers and apply cream.
    I am running to the Drug Store to pick up some stuff, and I plan on asking the phamasist for some good cream I can use.

    What do I do for Zayne since she is not keeping milk down? I plan on giving them some chicken soup stock at lunch...

    I am so looking forward to this passing...I feel like I have been sick forever. I can't even eat all my homemade cornmeal muffins I made last night! I guess the bright side is I have lost about 3lbs...and right before Christmas Dinner!
  2. PurpleNurple

    PurpleNurple Well-Known Member

    There has been a really nast flu bug going around the past 2 weeks...not one of those 24 hour bugs, either. I cought it last Sunday evening, and I am still throwing up. I have been able to eat very little, some days I feel great, but come night time, I am puking. I was up 3 times last night.
    McAuley had a touch of something 2 weeks ago, and he seemed fine until last night. We got them up this morning and found both of them had thrown up in their cribs overnight!! We gave them bottles of milk (4oz) and McAuley seems to have kept his down, Zayne has thrown up 2 times (milk). Zayne wanted to be held and cuddled all morning, she drank a bit of Gatoraid, but some of that came up with the milk.
    We did not attempt to feed them any solids (although Zayne was asking for Oranges).

    McAuley has a very very bad diaper rash (since Friday). It's getting better, but I can tell he is in alot of pain siince it hurts him to walk. It looks very blistered and red...almost like open sores. He cries when we change his diapers and apply cream.
    I am running to the Drug Store to pick up some stuff, and I plan on asking the phamasist for some good cream I can use.

    What do I do for Zayne since she is not keeping milk down? I plan on giving them some chicken soup stock at lunch...

    I am so looking forward to this passing...I feel like I have been sick forever. I can't even eat all my homemade cornmeal muffins I made last night! I guess the bright side is I have lost about 3lbs...and right before Christmas Dinner!
  3. kerilynh

    kerilynh Well-Known Member

    Oh we are going thru this too. Logan started monday with throwing up but only once but since has been BAD diarrhea. And Dakota and I started thursday then DH friday. Talked to the ped and just keep with pedialyte and gatorade. Any Dairy can make the diarrhea worse if they have that. So unfortunatly my boys haven't had milk for a week. I know if I am throwing up (sorry if TMI) Milk especially makes it worse for me in that aspect. So maybe their poor tummies just aren't handling the milk with the vomiting. Mine just started back on food other than crackers, soup and bananas yesterday. Before they wouldn't tolerate anything else. Hope it goes away soon. IT isn't easy with sick babies then add a sick mommy to boot. Take care!

  4. MommyofThreeBoys

    MommyofThreeBoys Well-Known Member

    Zayne - They only need 1 Tbsp. of fluids per hour in order to not get dehydrated. You could give Pedialyte, Gatorade, Powerade, Water or Apple Juice. If they throw up...my pedi said NOTHING but bland foods for 24-48 hours with a stomach bug and that's WHEN they cam keep it down. Rice, Bananas, Applesauce, Cheerios etc.

    McAuley - You can PAINT some Mylanta on his bum...It's an acid reducer and acid comes out when they have been sick. That's what my GI doctor told me.
  5. denali_ice

    denali_ice Well-Known Member

    On the vomiting, when the boys had something similar we were told no milk (or juice) for 7-10 days. Basically pedialyte or a bit of water. We could put a spash of juice or better yet pedialyte in the water to flavor it when we gave only that. But mainly pedialyte.

    Foods were things like dry toast, crackers, mashed potatoes, applesauce, and yogart was ok.

    For bath time in addition to the creams, we put some baking soda in their bath water to help with the discomfort of the rashes.

    It may be yeast, so they might need a prescription for nystatin (sp) or somthing along those lines to help clear it up.
  6. melissao

    melissao Well-Known Member

    I would not give them any more milk. I would stick to pedialyte or water until they've not had any vomiting or diarrhea for 2 days. I hope they feel better soon!
  7. PurpleNurple

    PurpleNurple Well-Known Member

    Thank you for your great ideas and help! I would have never known to stop the milk...
    An update:
    McAuley did not throw up again all day....tonight we'll see how he does and find out in the morning if he puked.
    He guzzled all the vegetable broth, drank pedialyte as well as some milk. He ate half a banana tonight before bed, so we will see if he keeps it in!
    Zayne threw up pretty much everything she drank all day. After every nap there was something to clean up.
    She has been very tired, wanting to be held, cuddled, laying down with me on the couch pretty much every waking hour. She will take a few sips of pedialyte/gatoraid, then not want any more. She usually throws it all up in her bed.
    She has said no to jello, broth and even gatoraide, but asks for oranges and milk....which we are not giving her!
    She did snack on 2 wheat thin crackers which did not appear to come back up.
    She's very tired and wants to lay down all the time. But was pretty happy in the tub!
    Hardly wetting her diapers...could have worn the same one all day!

    I picked up some cream for McAuley - the Pharmasist gave me some stuff for athlete's foot, jock itch...ect.
    He still cries in pain and has a hard time walking/sitting down/being held when there is any pressure on his tooshie!
    He slept about 1.5 hours past his usual wake up time from afternoon nap.
    He still has diarrhea.

    We have been going through ALOT of crib sheets and blankets today...MAN!
  8. Tam1969

    Tam1969 Well-Known Member

    I hope everyone feels better soon. I would call your pedi to see if they can call in some diaper rash cream for you. We had a rash just like that about 3 months ago from a virus, too. The prescribed stuff clears it up so fast. Our pedi said that the over the counter stuff just doesn't help much with the bad rashes.
  9. MommyofThreeBoys

    MommyofThreeBoys Well-Known Member

    Seriously, the acid from the diahhrea is causing the real bad rash....put some Mylanta on his butt when you change him. It will protect it morew than a cream at this point.
  10. twinzmom2b

    twinzmom2b Well-Known Member

    I hope that you all start feeling better soon.
  11. jenn-

    jenn- Well-Known Member

    We are right there with you. Nathan start puking on Saturday, last night about midnight DH started, followed by DD, then myself, and we found out William threw up in his bed some time last night. Nathan has already progressed to the diaharrea. We are just crossing our fingers Brandon doesn't get it.
  12. Jennysnead

    Jennysnead Well-Known Member

    On the rash.... Get Budreaux's (sp?) Butt Paste. Ask the pharmacist. It is the best stuff for a rash- expensive but really works. Per my pedi's orders I put a layer of the nyastatin or other yeast cream on and then a layer of the butt paste to soothe and protect. Clears it up in a day!
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