What did you absolutely need in the first few months...

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by AshleyLD, Jun 19, 2007.

  1. AshleyLD

    AshleyLD Well-Known Member

    We have really hit a hard spot with money.. I dont know what we will be able to buy.. Things we have so far are:
    Double stroller, carseats, bottles 4oz 8oz plus liners, some pacifiers, crib, and some clothes.. oh and a bouncer.
    I am really worried about not being able to get everything that we need.
    I would like to know what you think is absolutely needed, so no money goes to waste...
  2. becky5

    becky5 Guest

    Sanity...but I hear it's pretty pricey these days.

    I couldn't resist..sorry!! ;) I would also get a swing. I found some decent stuff at consignment shops.
  3. Sarosie

    Sarosie Well-Known Member

    The best thing I got was a notebook and pen. I kept a journal of EVERY DAY! Every bottle (how many oz and if meds are necessary) every wet or poopy diaper...new things like smiles etc. I brought it to doctors appointments to take notes....wrote questions etc. It is very helpful and i keep it to this day! it gets so hard to remember who drank what, when the last time baby A pooped etc! I have some extra bumbo seats you can have...i will mail them to you if you feel like you need them.....i am trying to think of other necessities. I may have to get back to ya.
  4. Ali M

    Ali M Well-Known Member

    You don't need much more than some clothes, diapers, and a place for the babies to sleep. Are you going to try breastfeeding so you don't have to spend money on formula? If you commit yourself to that and make sure to get lots of help at the hospital you'll save a ton of money. Cloth diapers are also pretty easy to use with newborns (even the very economical prefolds with covers method) so you may want to look into that. Just the cost of a few packs of diapers will buy you enough prefolds and covers to cover both babies and only have to throw them in the wash every couple of days. All it takes is a cold rinse and then a hot wash and you can throw them in the dryer. Like I said, very easy and also better for your baby than disposables. Finally, if you are looking for any more gear, I'd get a swing. Look on craigslist in your area or contact your local mothers of twins club to find some used gear in very good condition at great prices.
  5. AshleyLD

    AshleyLD Well-Known Member

    what are bumbo seats?
  6. noahandjacobsmom

    noahandjacobsmom Well-Known Member

    I also kept and still do keep a daily journal of naps, feedings, pottie, everything. I also think the other beneficial thing is stock pile of diapers and wipes, bath items, food in the freezer and if you are doing formula have extra cans on hand.
    Swings were also a life saver to sooth babies when extra hands were not available.

    Best of luck to you.
  7. Kymy

    Kymy Well-Known Member

    besides making sure you have enough clothes the only big thing missing on your list is at least 1 swing!!! 2 if you can find them cheap & have the room for them. But I agree with the pp's... check out consignment shops, craigslist, thriftshops & garge sales!!! You can get some good deals. I got my sister a nice swing that was only about 1yr old for $10 at a yard sale! Also they have the travel swings that work just as well, take up less space & are a little cheaper... plus you can easily take them with you!

    The girls are 3 weeks old today... we have the papasan swings that recline back far as well as the snugglider travel swings that we received as a gift... They have saved out butts!!! I don't know what I would do with out them. When my 23month old needs something & the girls want me to I can at least set one of them down. Its also come in really handy when they were both REALLY gassy at the same time & my DS needed me to.

    Honestly besides that you have all the big stuff, you'll be fine!
  8. Sarosie

    Sarosie Well-Known Member

    Bumbo seats are those little chairs that you use to teach babies how to sit. I found a lot of people got me things I didn't use. I'd get one swing and 1 vibrating chair...one of mine loved the swing and hated the chair and the othher loved the opposite. Craigs list is a great source of baby things. By the way, I LOVE your names!
  9. stephvolle

    stephvolle Member

    Before I had my twins, I made a stock pile of casseroles and put them in the freezer. That turned out to be a lifesaver (and moneysaver) The last thing you will want to do or even have the time and energy to do is cook. Also, ask some of your friends and family to each make one or two, it will be so appreciated. Other than that burp rags and blankets for swaddling. I just can't keep enough of those clean! Best wishes as you prepare for your new arrivals.
  10. Merijo

    Merijo Well-Known Member

    If you want to save on diapers and don't want to do cloth (not SURE fi it's cheaper?) you can try the White Cloud brand at Walmart. I really like them since they are soft, so far no big leaks beyond the ususal, and they have the stretchy tops and legs. The only size I didn't like (but used a few bags of them) are the newborn size. That size is too cardboard feeling. Once you ge to the 1's and up they are soft. I think this could really save you some money. Also, sign up for WIC if you can. I think that'll help you with essentials like diaps and formula and other food for the household.

    Oh, also, if you do go with formula, ask your pedi if they really think the "new" stuff with the ADA stuff is worth the extra money. Mine did not a few years ago. This time I'm BFing so far so it hasn't come up. That could save some money. Plus of course buy it in the big powder containers.

    Blessings to you.
  11. mrsfussypants

    mrsfussypants Well-Known Member

    Honestly I don't think babies "need" that much during the first few months. It will be the summer months, so you don't even need a ton of clothes yet.....lots of onesies and some receiving blankets for hanging around the house. We couldn't live without our swings (we found a brand new one along with a bouncy/buzzy chair for 25 bucks---people are always getting rid of baby things are yard sales!!) and boppies (use them for nursing, propping babies up etc.) I too felt like I "needed" everything right from the start with my first ds, but actually it's nice to just sort of assess their needs first and figure out what you/they like and go from there. Don't worry too much, your babies just need you.

  12. AshleyLD

    AshleyLD Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Merijo @ Jun 19 2007, 04:30 PM) [snapback]299246[/snapback]
    If you want to save on diapers and don't want to do cloth (not SURE fi it's cheaper?) you can try the White Cloud brand at Walmart. I really like them since they are soft, so far no big leaks beyond the ususal, and they have the stretchy tops and legs. The only size I didn't like (but used a few bags of them) are the newborn size.

    I used white cloud with DD. until she started moving... I loved them. I hate going to Walmart though...

    Also, sign up for WIC if you can. I think that'll help you with essentials like diaps and formula and other food for the household.
    WIC only helps with some food (milk, cheese, eggs) and formula. I already checked into that. My DH makes just a little bit over the limit for a family of 5... :(
  13. AmynTony

    AmynTony Well-Known Member

    swings were a must since ours were colicky...if your formula feeding you can get them used to the store brand of formula from the beginning that will be a money saver....also I found that when BRU had formula sales I'd stock up - a case of Similac powder was $131 (I used Isomil which was a few $ more) and it lasted me a full month...try to use powdered formula - it saves a TON over RTF...a few cans/bottles of RTF are nice for the diaper bag but for everyday home feeding powder was tops...
  14. CHJH

    CHJH Well-Known Member

    Here's what I couldn't live without for the first while:
    -microwave bottle sterilizer
    -swing (actually, I had two - borrowed)
    -double stroller
    -infant carriers for use in car and double stroller
    -one crib
    -one pack and play on the lower level of my house
    -Moby Wrap

    I've heard people say they couldn't live without their double breast feeding pillow. I bought one but then I couldn't breast feed - I wish I'd saved my $100!

    My advice: borrow, borrow, borrow.
  15. double-or-nothing

    double-or-nothing Well-Known Member

    You are probably going to get a lot of different opinions on this so after all the post I guess you could take the ones that repeated over and over. First of all, I'm sorry money is tight. That must be very never racking for you and dh with twins on the way but you will be fine. ALL YOU NEED IS LOVE :D

    No, seriously if money is tight, the first thing I would do is return the 4 oz bottles and either get more 9 oz bottles or use the money for something else. It's just not a necessity. Regarding clothes, don't go crazy. The first couple of months is going to be about survival and serious sleep deprivation and you may find yourself not going out too often in the beginning. Even if you do, I would just invest in footy type jammies (the ones that open and close on the bottom with snaps) which these days are so cute they can be used if you are going out anyway. I would get a bunch of onsies and sleep sacks IMO ARE A MUST!!! At night they can sleep in onsies and sleep sacks and it makes those middle of the night changes soooooooooooooooooooo much easier and more bearable. We had a sterilizer in the beginning but after two months of pure agony of sterilizing everything before next use (it really is so freakin tedious and exhausting) I called my ped and asked when we could stop sterilizing and he said we never needed to start!!! I about died. He said hot soapy water was plenty fine to properly clean them. But you will get varying opinions on this I'm sure. I agree with the packnplay especially if you will be traveling at all in the first couple of months or if you need to bring the babies to any family or friends house. If you have an upstairs and downstairs the packnplay is also really really convenient for diaper changes and serves as a place to put them down for a nap. I agree with pp about bf. I unfortunately never got a good flow of bm and formula is freakin expensive but deffinately if bfing is not your thing or doesn't work out, go with powder if you can. Duh, I just remembered you have already gotten some bottles so perhaps you already know what you want to do concerning that. Get a couple of pacifiers and receiving blankets for swaddling were also a life saver for us in the beginning. I agree with swing and bouncy seat if you can. Start out with one just to see if they even like it. Some babies hate being in the swing or bouncer so start out with one and you can rotate them and get another later from already suggested places. Do not waste your money on baby detergent like Baby All or Dreft. They are rediculously expensive but not necessary. As long as you use any perfume and dye free detergent they will be fine. Like pp said, they really don't need all that much in the beginning. Save your money for when they get a bit older and you really find yourself needing more things. Best of luck to you and dh!!!!
  16. HT

    HT Well-Known Member

    Two travel swings! I actually posted a "wanted to buy" on Craigslist and had 2 people respond in an hour. Paid $20 and it's like new.

    Bouncers - We have 2 upstairs, 1 outside and 1 in our bedroom. I got tired of moving them and they were a must the 1st month. We bought all of them used or borrowed.

    Mylicon for gas

    I agree with the other poster - exchange the 4 oz bottles for the next size. Most babies are drinking 4-5 ounces within a few weeks.

    Double stroller w/ infant seats

    Gowns, bibs, burp clothes

    Wipes, 100 diapers a week for the first 1-2 months, 1- 30 oz. can of powder formula every 4-5 days
  17. AshleyLD

    AshleyLD Well-Known Member

    Thanks Ladies... This totally makes me feel so much better!!! I dont feel like i have to go out and spend 1000 bucks to be ready for the babies to come anymore!!! As i see it i need to get some receiving blankets, burp cloths, bibs, a swing, a crib mattress, and LOTS of diapers and wipes!

    I am weird about used things.. and maybe grandma (my mom the baby freak) will buy me the swing that i want (plugs into the wall)

    Thanks again!!!!
  18. double-or-nothing

    double-or-nothing Well-Known Member

    OMG totally forgot!!! What HT said: LOTS AND LOTS OF BIBS AND BURP CLOTHS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. Inlowtwins

    Inlowtwins Well-Known Member

    I felt like I had to have everything with my first DD so we thought we wouldn't have to spend a dime with #2. Well when we found out it was 2, I realized I didn't need all the top of the line stuff! I was able to borrow the 2nd items from all of my friends (I'm weird too about used things from people I don't know). The things I couldn't live without: bouncie seats, swings (I had one big one and got 2 travels), miracle blankets, boppies, burp cloths, diapers, mobiles, 2 Baby Bjorns, snap-n-go, infant car seats, & camera. As they got bigger I don't think I would have made it without 2 exersaucers. Also I co-bedded my tiwns until they were about 4 months. My girls didn't love the Bumbo's. Good Luck!
  20. mandyfish3

    mandyfish3 Well-Known Member

    The only things we really used the first few months were:

    one crib, sleep positioners, swaddler blankets, onesies, hats (it was cold out!), car seat, stroller, swings, bottles, diapers, wipes and a breastpump!!

    Sounds ike you got almost everythign covered!
  21. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    The only other thing I would add to the great suggestions from pp (something that I didn't know I would need!!!) is an activity mat. One of those thing where the toys hang above the kids. My cousin gave us one and its a total godsend! I never registered for one because I thought they were outrageously expensive. But I have to say it keeps both kiddos occupied for a long time each day. I've seen them cheap on craigslist and the one I have (TinyLove) is completely machine washable if you are worried about used stuff. I throw mine in the wash every couple of days because sometimes the girls are having so much fun and get so excited they spit up on it- actually they spit up all the time so maybe I'm just projecting. Good luck, Leighann
  22. OctoberBabies

    OctoberBabies Well-Known Member

    I used my boppies (I had 3, 1 up, 2 down) all the time.
    The little rocking chairs, like a bouncy seat but they rock and vibrate.
    Burp rags and bibs. Especially if they have reflux. Lots and lots of burp rags and bibs!
    Changing table or area upstairs and down.
    Tons of bottles, so you're not constantly washing them.
    Extra binkies. They always seem to go missing.
    Reclining highchairs.
    Sleep sacks.
    Diaper bag big enough to take everything you need with you.
    Mirrors for the back seat of your car/truck/suv/van so that you can see them when they are rear facing.
    Sheet savers for the crib. Get several, so you can change them and not the sheets!
    When they get bigger, walkers are great. My two chase their big brother around for entertainment. They love it.
    Have friends and or family sign up for formula coupons. ;) Even though you have twins, they still just send you enough coupons for one.
    Definitely check Craigslist.
    Good Luck!
  23. threetobe

    threetobe Well-Known Member

    I would say if you're tight on money, get a double snap n go instead of a stroller initially. That will help you figure out what type of stroller you'll really need longer-term. You'll already be getting the carseats so you're halfway there. I found my double snap n go on Craigslist for ~$20. If you know of a twins' club in your area, contact them -- they usually have moms who are selling used gear like that. Your little ones will be in their infant car seats for months so that'll give you time to figure out the next stroller stage.

    I agree that for us swings and bouncy seats were invaluable. We got ours used through a local consignment store and on Craigslist. I also get two Bumbos that way but those aren't critical initially -- they're more for the 4 month-ish stage.

    I'd also add a sling to your list. This is critical, especially if your baby (ies) are colicky, but even if they're not it's so useful. I really liked the New Native sling for the newborn stage because it doesn't require adjustments -- you just slide the baby in and go. I'd also recommend a Miracle Blanket swaddle blanket. This is a "nice to have" but it's the best swaddle blanket I've used -- my three could get out of everything else within a month or so.
  24. AWerner

    AWerner Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(AshleyLD @ Jun 20 2007, 02:38 AM) [snapback]299575[/snapback]
    I am weird about used things.. and maybe grandma (my mom the baby freak) will buy me the swing that i want (plugs into the wall)

    What swing is that? if you don't get that one make sure you get lots of batteries! we go thru them faster than formula, lol
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