What new cute, funny, shocking, or strange words are your 12-24 month olds saying?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by jjzollman, Mar 29, 2009.

  1. jjzollman

    jjzollman Well-Known Member

    Thought this would be a fun post...

    Finley has started saying "GOAL!!" though it sounds like "GOOOOO" after watching my DH and older DS play soccer one night and hearing Lennon say "GOAL!!" every time he made a goal.

    Sullivan is really big on saying "What's that?" or "What's this?" - though it sounds like "Wasat?" "Wasis" and along with asking, he also points to the object in question. It's hilarious and so much fun!

    What are your's saying this week? :)
  2. Dianna

    Dianna Well-Known Member

    Dillon does the "what's that" with pointing...I say it sounds like Parseltongue, you know from Harry Potter LOL
    Yesterday Lucas starting say "hat" and today Dillon started saying it.
    Lucas has been trying to say Dillon, which is really cute.

    They don't really say much, a bit worried about that, but guess it will happen in time.

  3. Becca34

    Becca34 Well-Known Member

    Not a lot of talking here, but we had a playdate a few weeks ago with a little boy who is a couple months older than K&K -- and guess what Karina picked up from him?


    So now, all day long, she uses it for every possible scenario. I took her plate away before she was finished? "MINE!" Kevan got within a 10-square-foot radius of me when she was on my lap? "MINE!" The doll stroller is stuck against the wall, and she can't get it out? "MINE! MINE! MINE!" :rolleyes:
  4. Dianna

    Dianna Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Becca34 @ Mar 29 2009, 08:17 PM) [snapback]1249676[/snapback]
    Not a lot of talking here, but we had a playdate a few weeks ago with a little boy who is a couple months older than K&K -- and guess what Karina picked up from him?


    So now, all day long, she uses it for every possible scenario. I took her plate away before she was finished? "MINE!" Kevan got within a 10-square-foot radius of me when she was on my lap? "MINE!" The doll stroller is stuck against the wall, and she can't get it out? "MINE! MINE! MINE!" :rolleyes:

    That might be just as bad as them learning the word "no"!

  5. jjzollman

    jjzollman Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Becca34 @ Mar 29 2009, 07:17 PM) [snapback]1249676[/snapback]
    Not a lot of talking here, but we had a playdate a few weeks ago with a little boy who is a couple months older than K&K -- and guess what Karina picked up from him?


    So now, all day long, she uses it for every possible scenario. I took her plate away before she was finished? "MINE!" Kevan got within a 10-square-foot radius of me when she was on my lap? "MINE!" The doll stroller is stuck against the wall, and she can't get it out? "MINE! MINE! MINE!" :rolleyes:

    Oh not, not MINE! I agree with Dianna, that is probably just as bad as "NO!". Here's to hoping she forgets about that lovely word sometime soon! :)

    And I had to laugh at her yelling MINE! MINE! MINE! when the doll stroller got stuck. That darn wall was trying to take her stroller! :lol:
  6. AimeeThomp

    AimeeThomp Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Mine are constant with the "what's this" and "what's that" too! They'll ask me about something over and over and over again. :laughing:
    Another cute thing they do is call DH "dadoooh"
  7. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Mine are constant with "See" and pointing at whatever they want to show you and saying "cat". They are obsessed with our cats. The poor cats do not get a break from the twinkies!
    This week, we've started with "Me"...not sure if they are saying the word "Me" or trying to say one of the cats names, Mia.
  8. Kyrstyn

    Kyrstyn Well-Known Member

    We have had a lot of new words around here in the past couple of weeks....here are a few of them:
    Ayyy-Pane (Airplane) and they point to the sky when they see one! :)
    Toortle (Turtle)
    Tank-Oooo (Thank You)
    SSSSSnake (Snake)
    Baf Time (Bath Time)
    Peepee in Potty

    I am sure there is more, but that is all my fried little brain can think of right now! :lol:
  9. heathertwins

    heathertwins Well-Known Member

    My little one says "tickle tickle" which also becomes "twinkle twinkle" for her favourite song.... she says it so cute.

  10. becasquared

    becasquared Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    A&R both meow when they see the cats. And they keep meowing and meowing and it's so friggin cute I could puke.

    A has more words than R, she says Tankee (Thank you), here, Woy (Royce), daw (dog), duh (duck), meow, woowoo (train noise), wooh (woof).

    R says Tankee, meow, duh. . .that's about it.
  11. meganguttman

    meganguttman Well-Known Member

    We haven't had too many new words lately. The newest is "tis" with hands in the "where/whats that" position.

    My friends DD has learned "sheet" but it's not sheet!! :eek: She repeats it over and over and over again! Her DH was deployed and when he came home he forgot about "little ears".
  12. Trishandthegirls

    Trishandthegirls Well-Known Member

    Piper has recently started to say 'maybe' in the exact same tone and inflection that I use. It's hilarious. I have a little mini-me.
  13. 4lilmonkeys

    4lilmonkeys Well-Known Member

    Riley will pretend to give you a bite of something and say, "bite? good?" It's hilarious! Our other favorite is that he tries to say "meow" but it comes out "me-wow." Reese likes to make car noises. Any time we go somewhere, he goes "car...bee-bee rrrrrr."
  14. stefwebb

    stefwebb Well-Known Member

    We have quite a few words now and it seems like they just keep coming - especially from Mason.

    My favorite right now is bubble from Mason, he says it so quiet and almost like it's two separate words "ba bull". It is just precious. He also says "ta-to" for "thank you" and has added in the last week "ka-kuh" for "cracker" and "pu-bull" for puzzle.

    Logan's new cute word is "MiMi". My MIL is here this week and we've been trying to teach them to say "Memaw". Logan is also driving me crazy with 'da' which is "that", as in "what's that?", "who's that?", "Can I have that?", "I want that.", "I want that right freaking now!".

    More than the talking, I'm loving the kisses we are getting now. Watching them try to pucker their little lips is the cutest thing I've seen yet!

    CROSSTWINS Well-Known Member

    Mine are really starting to talke alot more now. We had the tv on and Hope was watching a commerical for some resturaunt and it showed a picture of food. She said I want dat nummy. It was so cute. I have been trying to teach them to say each other names because they call each other baby and so Grace looked at Hope and said Hope baby. It was too cute. When they will hand me something they will say Here you go or there you go. We were at my Mom's house last Sunday and Grace had a ball and Mom was trying to find one for Hope and Hope kept saying I need it...I need it... I need dat b ball.
  16. jdio33

    jdio33 Well-Known Member

    I love hearing them talk! Our biggest word around here is Uh-oh. ALLLL DAY, about everything! I have to ask myself why in the world did I teach them that word????!!! :rolleyes:
    Logan does animal sounds (cow, kitty, doggy, sheep and crinkles his nose to snort like a pig!) He also says kitty and doggy. Yesterday I shut off the tv and said "no more for today" and Logan looks at my with his finger pointed right at me and says "NO MORE". I tryed for the rest of the day to get him to say it again but it didn't happen!
    Lucas is being stuburn about the whole talking thing, but has said "no" with his finger pointed at me. And touches his penis and clear as day says "pee pee"! He tries to say "whats that" but its more like wastat?
    They also both say bubble, mostly meaning bath I think?
    Really I don't think I point my finger that much but clearly I have to watch it :lol:

    Can anyone tell me what age it is that the talking should really take off? My friends son just turned 2 and talks very well. I'm getting a little excited. :D
  17. JessiePlus2

    JessiePlus2 Well-Known Member

    DS doesn't really say anything but a-at (cat) and dada. (He's getting a speech eval Thursday.)

    DD does animal sounds and she loves to yell "MOOOOO" when asked what a cow says. She's obsessed with shoes as well. She yells "shooooooes" when she sees her shoes. She used to say "wowweee" "oh wow" and "whooah" a lot too. I have no idea where she picked those up.

    She also shakes her head and smiles while saying "nooo." It's actually really cute. I'll ask her for a kiss and she'll give me that little smile and say "nooo" while shaking her head. Stinker!
  18. nurseandrea02

    nurseandrea02 Well-Known Member

    We're in the language explosion here, as my boys are learning handfuls of words each day & are beginning to put 3 words together in sentences (since they've mastered 2 now). I constantly find myself laughing at what they're saying, but am too tired to think of most things right now.

    One funny scenario from today that I can recall was when Conner threw a puzzle piece. I glared at them & just as I was beginning to scold him, Aiden said, "NO, Ca-Ca (see below)! Ca-Ca nauny! Ca-ca time out!" And the best part....Conner walked over to the corner & sat in time out!
    However, the big things our friends & family always giggle are:

    Aiden calls Conner "CA-CA". Yep, I do believe that's spanish for POOP. It's hilarious hearing him SCREAM it out when he calls for him & have people turn their heads. He WILL NOT pronounce it Conner, no matter how hard we try (Conner calls Aiden DEE-DA).

    I have absolutely no clue why, but Conner began calling the potty "BEEBA". Now, of course, Aiden has followed suit. So, both my children believe the potty is a "BEEBA". It almost sounds alien the way they say it since the "BA" kinda gets higher & emphasized when they ask for it.

    Aiden will say UP, but Conner says PA. Maybe he's dyslexic?

    Both say "HEE-HA-HA" for applesauce. They can say Apple, so why they can't say applesauce is beyond me.

    The words most commonly heard in my house during the day? MAMA (ugh), NO, MINE, GET DOWN (they scold each other), NAUNY (naughty), UH OH, MY TURN, OUTSIDE (of course, we're supposed to get a snowstorm tomorrow & they BEG for outside ALL DAY LONG), BLUES CLUES & GABBA GABBA (which, sadly, I turn on...just to get a few minutes peace & quiet from their constant gabbering...).
  19. beemer

    beemer Well-Known Member

    My kids don't say much, but they have learned "num num" and say it after every.single.bite of food they like. One of them also says Veggie Tales though no one but me would know what he was saying. It even took 5 or 6 tries to get DH to believe me that that was what he was saying. It's so cute how he really drags the syllables out. He also doesn't know how to make the V sound so he improvises. :) At first he only said it after I did. Now he says it every time he see Bob the tomatoe on t.v.
  20. megkc03

    megkc03 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    We don't have any words yet. :unknw: However-if you ask Anthony what a sheep says, he says, "Ba!" And he and Nicholas can do the lion sound and elephant. We are working on dog/cat/cow! :D
  21. jjzollman

    jjzollman Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(megkc03 @ Mar 30 2009, 09:30 PM) [snapback]1251571[/snapback]
    We don't have any words yet. :unknw: However-if you ask Anthony what a sheep says, he says, "Ba!" And he and Nicholas can do the lion sound and elephant. We are working on dog/cat/cow! :D

    I love animal sounds!! Both of my boys will say "ROAR" when we ask them what a tiger/dog/lion/frog/rabbit/deer/bird/fly/cat says ( :lol: ). Apparently, they just like to say ROARRRR! But it is super cute. I can't wait to get them to say Moo, Meow, etc.
  22. agolden

    agolden Well-Known Member

    We've got some words that are easy to understand and some that you need an Ezra and Elias dictionary to figure out.
    Hup - the sound our cat makes???
    Tapta - mitten
    Ducky - yogourt. They say Moo when they see the container in the store because it has a cow on it but when they ask for it, they ask for ducky. Handily, ducks are just plain ducks.

    Recently there has been a "wee" a "pee" and a "di" that I honestly don't know what they mean. They have about 40 words but some just leave me scratching my head.

    Oh, and they both call each other "ya ya" which I think is too cute.
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