what was the first sign you were having multiples?

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by Jess887x3, Dec 14, 2006.

  1. Jess887x3

    Jess887x3 New Member

    what was the first sign you were having multiples? what was the first fetal movement feel like? and what was different about it if youve had singletons before? and how did your belly feel and what did it look like?
  2. Jess887x3

    Jess887x3 New Member

    what was the first sign you were having multiples? what was the first fetal movement feel like? and what was different about it if youve had singletons before? and how did your belly feel and what did it look like?
  3. AWillow

    AWillow Well-Known Member

    The first sign that I was having twins came when I say two heartbeats on the ultrasound.
    If you are measuring several weeks ahead in belly size, you might ask your OB to do an U/S to check.

    Good Luck.
  4. ~*CHELS*~

    ~*CHELS*~ Well-Known Member

    I was extreamly sick from the beginning and I said to mu DH "something is not right here this is totally differnt from Jayda's pregnancy" everyone thought I was just being a wimp. I never wanted to leave bed. I couldn't keep anything down not even water. When I had a UTI I went to the hospital I was 12 wwks then and they did a U/S and sure enought our 2 little girls were in there!!!
  5. Michelle B

    Michelle B Well-Known Member

    Looking back, my first sign was terrible sickness and extreme fatigue from week 6 on. I felt these symptoms mildly with my daughter, but not this extreme. But at the time, it NEVER crossed my mind that it was because of twins. I did not show early at all and did not see an OB for my first appt until I was 11 wks. They did an ultrasound to confirm life with the heartbeat, and that was when they saw two babies on the screen. After realizing there were two babies, the OB felt my uterus and confirmed that it was feeling more the size of 14 wks instead of the 11 wks that I was.
  6. Mandy M.

    Mandy M. Well-Known Member

    Terrible morning sickness and exhaustion.

    Then two sacs on the ultrasound!!
  7. a1cbrandy

    a1cbrandy Well-Known Member

    Terrible morning sickness, quick positive on pregnancy test before period was due, I didnt show larger at first. Then saw 3 heartbeats on the u/s. (I lost one of the babies at 8 weeks) went on to have healthy twin girls at 39 weeks and 1 day. [​IMG]

    Good luck...

  8. Meximeli

    Meximeli Well-Known Member

    My Twins were the only pregnancy I'd carried beyound 7 weeks. I had an ultrasound at 4.5 weeks, because my previous two miscarriages happened because the sack didn't fully implant. (as shown on ultrasounds) But there they were two little fully implanted sacks! I was also EXTREMELY tired pretty much starting when my period was 1 day late! [​IMG]
  9. ReallyTiredMom

    ReallyTiredMom Well-Known Member

    Definitely a pattern here - EXTREME morning (all day!) sickness, fatigue, shortness of breath and showing much earlier than I would have thought. All these symptoms were very minor with my first born. As far as feeling them kick - I think I really noticed it around 18-20 weeks? But can't really remember...
  10. mrsfussypants

    mrsfussypants Well-Known Member

    My experience is the same as the pps....VERY sick. I knew almost immediately that I was having twins (both my mom and sister had twins) because of how different I felt. My belly also got bigger much quicker. by 9 weeks I couldn't button my pants...which was totally different from my other pregnancy. the ultrasound at 10 weeks confirmed it.

  11. ireland37

    ireland37 Well-Known Member

    EXTREME hunger starting around 4-5 weeks and showing very early (6-7 weeks). With my singleton I had cravings early on but wasn't more hungry than usual. Also did not show/wear maternity clothes til about 16 weeks!
  12. Ali M

    Ali M Well-Known Member

    My uterus started measuring large at about 16 weeks but it wasn't by much. My midwife just mentioned it offhand. No one (except for me) expected to see two babies on our u/s at 19 weeks. I just had a feeling.

    The early movements didn't feel any different than they did with my singleton. As the girls got much bigger, it became easier to tell that there were two babies instead of just one.

    My belly looked like a normal pregnant belly until about 20-22 weeks when it started getting more of a torpedo look. I went into maternity clothes by 10 weeks.
  13. txtwinmom2b

    txtwinmom2b Well-Known Member

    I had no idea I was carrying twins until my first u/s at 6 weeks. I didn't have much mornng sickness at all.

    The first fetal movement I felt was around 15 weeks (this was my 2nd pregnancy) The difference? I felt them more on each side if that makes sense.

    My belly was HUGE. It looked like I swallowed a beach ball [​IMG] I consistenly measured about 10 weeks ahead, so at 24 weeks, I looked like someone who was 34 weeks pg.
  14. akameme

    akameme Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    when the dr said "it's twins" during our 7 week 5 day u/s.

    My husband had said they were twins, but I thought he was just saying stuff (he does that some times).

    I had very minimal morning sickness and some light bleeding. But i have no other pregnancy to compare it to.

  15. Raneysmama

    Raneysmama Well-Known Member

    Last time a positive pregnancy test at 10 dpo (days past ovulation) and this time a positive at 11 dpo. It seemed like I could feel my uterus growing fast, and I was extremely tired.

    Feeling movement has been different each time for me. With DD, it was very obvious at 15 weeks...fluttering. Last twins I felt flutterings at 13 weeks, same this time, but not as much. Now I'm starting to feel more little "pops" and movement, but not consistently. Right now at 16.5 wks., I'm measuring 22 weeks.
  16. KCMichigan

    KCMichigan Well-Known Member

    My 1st u/s at 5.5 weeks. Although we were warned that our HIGH beta #s coudl indicate twins.....so we were prepared!

    We did IVF and were told our chances of twins was about 30%!

    Truly, I never *looked* like I was carrying twins, although I measured ahead, but never by much. I felt good nad had some neausea, but not bad.

  17. SilvrHeart

    SilvrHeart Well-Known Member

    at my first doctor's appt after a positive hpt, i was measuring 9 weeks, though i swore i could only be 6 weeks pregnant. they did an u/s that day and saw the two heartbeats, two sacs!
  18. Tina Ross

    Tina Ross Well-Known Member

    I guess I'm not saying anything diffrent..But an U/s at 7 wks showed 2 babies..Which I was not expecting..This is my 4th pregnancy and the morning sickness was horrible..I didnt have it with the others..At frist I was sooooo tried all the time even after taking Iron pills..I measure 6weeks bigger than I am...It is diffrent than the other pregnancy!
  19. MomToBeX2

    MomToBeX2 Well-Known Member

    The only sign I had was a pretty high hcg level at my inital blood tests. I had my first ultrasound at 6 weeks and there were two sacs and two heartbeats.
  20. momlissa

    momlissa Well-Known Member

    The first sign for me was that I was sicker than I had ever been in my natural born LIFE. I should have gotten a clue when I was vomiting so much, I was throwing up blood.

    I had no idea I was carrying twins, though, until a 12 wk u/s.

    The movements feel pretty much the same as with my daughter, but I am much larger than with her. I am measuring full term right now, at 24 weeks.
  21. BabiesMk3

    BabiesMk3 Member

    I did not have any clue that I was carrying twins until my fifth month, where I measured large. I was working on a cruise ship during my first four months of pregnancy and did not start to show until my fifth month - just like my sister. Then my belly really popped out.
    Thankfully, I had only nausea and some fatigue the first several months, nothing major.
    I felt from the beginning that I was having a girl, much to my surprise, I'm having two, due April 3rd.
  22. kendraplus2

    kendraplus2 Well-Known Member

    When the sonographer said, "Well, it's twins ... " [​IMG] I was only about 2 months along and didn't really show any signs of being pregnant other than gaining weight and being tired. But I wasn't expecting to be pregnant since I was on the pill, so any little signs pregnant women might have known to look for, I probably just chalked up to stress, overworked, etc.
  23. Heathermomof5

    Heathermomof5 Well-Known Member

    Very high hcg levels at first and ultasound at 5weeks 5days confirmed twins!!!
  24. witmuch

    witmuch Well-Known Member

    about 2 weeks before i found out i was pregnant i had scheduled my one year exam because i also needed to switch my birth control after coming off the Depo shot and i wanted to go with Marana. well the Saturday before my Ob appt i noticed that my boobs were hurting and i was feeling tired and i was getting short of breath when i tried to run around with my 3 year old daughter and our new puppy. i was just curious and had to go to the bathroom anyway so i peed in a small cup like at the doctors office and took out the test. about 15 minutes went by but it came out positive. so i'm standing there shaking the test like it really going to help and i take out the 2nd test and put the pee on the stick. waited another 6 minutes and then looked at that one. positive. i kind of squeeled to myself and i could feel the glow on my cheeks, but i didn't like the idea of telling my husband in front of his dad so i told him privately. he was estatic. so at my appt. they drew my blood and confirmed that i was pregnant and said that my hcg level had to be about 3000 or 4000 before they would do an ultra sound. well 3 days later they called me and low and behold the hcg level was way above 6000. so i had my u/s appt on November 22nd and that is when they told me i was haing twins and that i was at 5 weeks and 4 days and 5 weeks and 7 days with them. so that's my story. congratulations on your twins!
    lots of love!
    meshell [​IMG]
  25. Twinnylou

    Twinnylou Well-Known Member

    Well i hadnt had a period for three months i had done one test that said i wasnt pregnant, another said it was inconclusive (WTH). Then i spoke to one of my friends and she said the only other person i know that had an inconclusive pregnancy test found she was having twins (OMG!). So i went for a scan and when she was doing the scan she said is there twins in your family and i said your joking and she said no there is two there!! So there is my story lol! x
  26. lanychat

    lanychat Well-Known Member

    I was measuring big at my 18 wk apt so OB did an u/s and sure enough it was twins! Boy was I shocked [​IMG]
  27. Ericka B

    Ericka B Well-Known Member

    This is my first pregnancy so I really didn't know what to expect. I think people thought I was exagerating how I felt. I was so tired and just exausted immediately. The first 4 weeks of my pregnancy I was so hungry all the time. I gained 10 lbs in the first 9 weeks. I was in maternity clothes by 10 weeks. Every one told me that I was too big and joked that I was probably having twins. None run in my family so I never thought I actually would be. I had an u/s at 13 weeks and they found two babies and two strong heartbeats.
  28. elle_elephant

    elle_elephant New Member

    The same as you lot, i was horribly ill and exhausted, i couldn't get out of bed at all or keep even plain water in. I also started to show much earlier, by 6 weeks i was having trouble doing up my trousers and by 7 or 8 i was definetly showing. I can't beleive how much larger i have gotten and how intense the symtons are with twins compared to singletons.
  29. MommyofThreeBoys

    MommyofThreeBoys Well-Known Member

    Are you pregnant with twins?
  30. Shanonlee

    Shanonlee Well-Known Member

    I first knew at my first ultrasound which was to find out my due date. Suprisingly i found out more than my due date! [​IMG] I was 9 weeks along.

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