When did you start giving your babies baby yogurt?

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by marleigh, Mar 6, 2010.

  1. marleigh

    marleigh Well-Known Member

    My Super Baby Food book says 6 months, but my Dr. says not till 9 months...no history of allergies in our family. Not sure why the conflicting info.

    When did you start to give your babies yogurt (Yo Baby Yogurt).
  2. timba09

    timba09 Well-Known Member

    We started yogurt & cheese at 8 months and they've been eating it ever since. Here's a little blurb from www.wholesomebabyfood.com about why it's usually okay for baby to have it even though it is a milk product: "Lactose is broken down with the culturing of the yogurt or cheese and milk proteins are either semi-removed or limited. The culturing makes yogurt and cheese easier to digest. Many people with lactose intolerance often are be able to eat cheese and/or yogurt without trouble. The same is often true for some people with a milk protein (either to the casein or the whey) allergy."
  3. ktfan

    ktfan Well-Known Member

    We started it at about 9 mos but not because of milk, because of the sugar. Most of the time I tried to use plain yogurt with pureed fruit mixed in instead of the premade sugared up kind but by a year old I said forget it and they've had the sugary stuff ever since! lol
  4. megkc03

    megkc03 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    When I went for Annabella's 6 month appointment, the pedi said I could do yogurt with her. We haveno allergies or anything else either. I gave her some for a bit and hadn't bought any more until the other day.
  5. mnm000

    mnm000 Well-Known Member

    9 mos here. We didn't start introducing solids until about 5 mos - just cereal, then moved onto introducing fruits and veggies at 6 mos. So we are on the slow side....
  6. emp59

    emp59 Well-Known Member

    I just started this week at 7 months. No digestive issues or anything afterwards
  7. tinalb

    tinalb Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I think it was around 9 months for us!
  8. maybell

    maybell Well-Known Member

    we didn't even start solids until about 8 months, so yogurt was quickly on the list at 9 months. I LOVE that book Super Baby Food! Its very interesting about the lactose thing... ours seem to have issues with whole cows milk, but the whole milk yogurt is fine with them.

    good luck.
  9. Danibell

    Danibell Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    My ped recommended 9 months, but by 7 months the twins were getting it several times a week :) No family history of milk allergies and it never bothered my older kids tummies!
  10. Carariley

    Carariley Active Member

    I started giving mine yogurt around 6mths. If you have one with acid reflux it smells awful on the way back out. I had to give my reflux baby a bath after that!!
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