When did you stop working?

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by Vhall91, Jan 3, 2015.

  1. Vhall91

    Vhall91 Member

    I'm 29 weeks and have 2 part time jobs in the food service industry (constantly on my feet or getting in and out of my car). My hips are starting to kill and I was just wondering when y'all stopped or plan to stop working, especially those with "on your feet" jobs.
  2. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    I had a desk job and stopped work at 37.4 weeks.  I had my twins at 37.5 (scheduled C-section).  I had a good pregnancy. 
  3. Katheros

    Katheros Well-Known Member

    I also had a sit down job and worked up until 39 weeks.  Not super helpful. :(
  4. cheezewhiz24

    cheezewhiz24 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Desk job and I started working from home on my left side with bedrest at 30 weeks. 
    You really have to listen to your body- some women are just peachy (ok, pregnant peachy) and some women aren't.
  5. weegus

    weegus Well-Known Member

    I left work at 30 weeks on bed rest per my doctor's orders.  From about week 20, I was working 10-12 hour shifts and on my feet for about 4-6 of them.  I felt pretty good.  In hindsight, it as not very smart but I was the lead on my project and had to do what I had to do... and maybe I ignored some warning signs.  Babies were born at 31 weeks.
    Listen to your body :)
  6. MrsWright

    MrsWright Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I was put in light duty around 22wks for a shortening cervix (on my feet pushing big ultrasound machine around to desk work or outpatients only sitting) and complete bedrest due to funneling cervix and dilation at 28wks. Babies were born at 34wks:)
  7. jennycraig

    jennycraig Active Member

    I worked as a nurse on the floor in the hospital doing 12 hour shifts until 34 weeks when I was put on hospital bedrest due to HELLP syndrome.  Def. go with what your body tells you. 
  8. lharrison1

    lharrison1 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I also have a desk job, but went into preterm labor at 30 weeks and had a 3 day hospital stay and then was sent home on bedrest, delivered at 35 weeks.
    I cant imagine being on my feet all day too much into the 3rd trimester, although I am sure its been done. 
    Check with your OB, for sure.
  9. AmynTony

    AmynTony Well-Known Member

    desk job here too and worked until 35+3 (Thursday) and delivered at 36w (Tuesday)
  10. Ice cream

    Ice cream Member

    I'm 23 weeks and just started working @ home. Full time desk job and hope to go to 36 weeks until scheduled c-section.
  11. rayceryin12

    rayceryin12 Well-Known Member

    Desk job - worked until 37 + 5, delivered via scheduled csection at 38 + 3
  12. Vhall91

    Vhall91 Member

    Those of you with scheduled c sections. We're there known complications already to make them schedule the c sections? Or just because you'd be "full term"
  13. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I had a desk job as well.  I was able to work until 36 weeks.  Delivered the children at 38 weeks.  I would definitely say listen to your body and talk with your OB about how you are feeling.  I know towards the last 6 weeks of my pregnancy my feet and legs would swell just being on my feet for a minimal amount of time, I probably would have had to stop work sooner if my job was not a desk job.
    My c-section was scheduled, not due to any complications, but because baby A was breech.  
  14. Vhall91

    Vhall91 Member

    My babies or horizontal laying one on top of the other so I'll have to ask when they would even know if baby A is breech since he's on his side. My swelling hasn't been too bad, it's mostly hip and pelvic pain. I literally moan just from changing positions while sitting and have to sit to put on underwear/pants etc because I'm in so much pain
  15. cheezewhiz24

    cheezewhiz24 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Ugh, putting on underwear was the worst!
    If Baby A is horizontal, he's not breech. Breech is head up, butt/legs down.
  16. rayceryin12

    rayceryin12 Well-Known Member

    My csection was scheduled because Baby B was horizontal, plus I was full term.
  17. Utopia122

    Utopia122 Well-Known Member

    I'm a teacher. I worked up until 33 weeks and had babies at 35 weeks. Would have kept working but I stopped when we went on Christmas break. I wish I could have stopped at 27 weeks like my doc suggested.
  18. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    I had a desk job and I stopped going to work when I was put on bedrest at 24 weeks (pre-term contractions and then labor), but I still worked up until my girls were born at 34 weeks (from my bed, from the hospital, even the day after they were born I was still answering emails... until I lost my mind and told everyone to eff off because I was a little busy).  Listen to your body.
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