When Did Your Babies Start to LIKE Tummy Time?

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by mjwebb05, Oct 10, 2010.

  1. mjwebb05

    mjwebb05 Well-Known Member

    My boys are now at the stage where they don't automatically HATE it when I put them on their tummies (either with a boppy or without, or on our chests etc) but after about 3-5 mins of it, they are screaming!!! Also, they do not have the head or upper body control yet to keep themselves from sliding down inside the boppy after a few minutes :) I always feel like a drill instructor when I put them on their tummies, but know it is soo good for them!

    Just wondering when all yours started to be really successful at TT, and when they started to actually like the challenge!
  2. Robynsegg

    Robynsegg Well-Known Member

    Miss O never said boo about tummy time, but my son Gavin is another story. He STILL hates tummy time. He woke up this morning in a complete panic because he had rolled onto his tummy and didn't know how to get back to his back. (He is slow on the rolling...).

    I'm sure they will either enjoy tummy time soon enough, or it will be enough for them to start to crawl earlier.
  3. ladypotter

    ladypotter Well-Known Member

    I can't wait to see others responses. My girls HATE tummy time. I have gotten to the point of NOT doing it because they hate it so much!! I know they need it, but I hate hearing them scream!!
  4. cat mommy

    cat mommy Well-Known Member

    they hated it until they could roll on their own to get there
  5. Rollergiraffe

    Rollergiraffe Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Mine always screamed until they could roll over too! My dad used to call it torture time.
  6. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    The twins never really liked it but I suppose it was about 4 months when they'd tolerate it. Evan on the other hand LOVED it. He'd just put his head down and relax. To this day that is a favorite laying position. He does it to play with cars/trucks/tractors. It is important for their neck muscles!
  7. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    My twins never liked tummy time...it's funny because we used to call it torture time in our house too. I did find a compromise with them around 5 months where they would like to lay on their tummies on the back of couch and look out the window. I used to sit behind them and hold on to their backs. As they got older they started to tolerate it better but they never enjoyed it.
  8. E's 3

    E's 3 Well-Known Member

    One of my girls didn't complain about it too much, the other HATED it and still does. She is just starting not to complain about it too much since she's starting to realize she can move around if she's on her tummy. I didn't push it with them, I figured they would figure everything out eventually without me having to force them and listen to them cry. I made such an effort with DS (and it wasn't too hard because he liked it) but in the midst of taking care of all 3 of them my usual saying when referring to the girls was "tummy time? what's that???".
  9. eagleswings216

    eagleswings216 Well-Known Member

    Ditto this for us!
  10. fmcquinn

    fmcquinn Well-Known Member

    Us too. Once they both learned to roll, they had no problem with it. Before that, most tummy time was on me or DH. They hated the floor.
  11. megkc03

    megkc03 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I don't remember them all out hating it. I would get down on the floor with them and talk, sing, read a book. If I got two minutes out of it-that was a plus! Other times, I would put them across my knee-especially early on, or they would lay on my or dh's chest. They'll get there! I think definitely by 3/4 months.
  12. w101ttd

    w101ttd Well-Known Member

    My son does it for 10-15mins. My daughter does for 5 mins. After that scream!!! Oh things I found could help. I put a big foam play mat with shapes in front of tv. Play baby einsteins. They definitely do tt longer and less screamming.
  13. mjwebb05

    mjwebb05 Well-Known Member

    Something I find works for DS#2 and tummy time is propping up a small rectangular mirror in front of him so he can see himself while he works it out on the Boppy. He recognizes faces now and smiles like a goofball when he sees himself! At least that keeps him occupied for about 2 mins! :)
  14. 2xjoy

    2xjoy Well-Known Member

    Same here! Just waiting on them to learn to roll from tummy to back now ;-) :laughing:
  15. sheras2

    sheras2 Well-Known Member

    Ours have always been pretty good about it. There ate days when they're jut not in the mood but we can usually get them to do a few minutes. They like to be propped up sometimes with a pillow or boppy and like the little mirror too. Rubbing their backs or patting their butts seems to calm them. If they fuss, we'll give them a break and roll them to their backs for a few minutes.
  16. mommylaura

    mommylaura Well-Known Member

    My first never liked it. He ended up being a late crawler and I wonder if that's why. He also was a heavy spitter, so I wonder if being on his tummy hurt? My twins enjoyed it from the beginning.
  17. tdhillon

    tdhillon Well-Known Member

    Our DS is okay with it but DD not so much and like mommylaura I am wondering if it is impacting her ability to crawl and roll around. She can only roll from back to tummy and then just lays there. I read somewhere that TT helps in building core muscles that LO's will use to pull themselves up and crawl. DS is always on the go, trying to get up, rolling around and very close to crawling (although he is starting to do it backwards), but DD is not interested and from what I can remember we really did not give her a lot of TT, because she was a screamer too. I think if they can last 2 mins to give time TT as much as possible, I wish we had given DD more.
  18. amymarie3

    amymarie3 Well-Known Member

    Too soon.

    They are growing soo fast. They have grown out of that stage and I already miss it. Enjoy it while it lasts.
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