If your baby won’t sleep unless held, you probably find this difficult, especially for new parents. Moreover, there are many reasons why your baby may refuse to sleep unless held. Allowing your baby to sleep in his or her bassinet or crib may get you enough sleep and rest.
Besides, if your baby doesn’t sleep in your arms, you can get more things done for your baby or in your house. Let’s find out in this article.
Baby Won’t Sleep Unless Held
Sleeping patterns of babies may vary. Moreover, even for twins and multiples, they may have different sleeping routines or sleeping prerequisites. If you have twins or multiples, it may be more difficult to hold them all at the same time to help them sleep. So, helping them sleep in a bassinet or crib may be helpful.
If your baby prefers a rocking motion to promote sleep, you may opt for a bassinet that can be moved or has a rocking motion. Moreover, if your baby refuses to sleep away from your arms, you may slowly transition your baby from sleeping in your arms and when you notice that your baby is about to sleep, you may place him or her in a crib or bassinet.
If your baby is fighting sleep because he or she wants to sleep in your arms, you may hold your baby until he or she becomes drowsy. Moreover, if you notice that your baby is fighting sleep due to a different reason aside from just wanting to sleep in your arms, you might want to address your baby’s concern before going through drastic measures to help your baby sleep.
Possible Solutions if a Baby Refuses to Sleep Unless Held
Once you notice that your baby is having difficulty getting sleep, you probably want to know the possible solutions for this occurrence. Moreover, you might want to rule out other health issues that may be interfering with your baby’s sleep patterns by visiting your baby’s pediatrician. Here are some of the possible solutions that you can explore to help your baby sleep in a crib, bassinet or bed:
Change Feeding Schedule
If your baby is having difficulty sleeping away from your arms, you might want to try changing your baby’s sleeping routine. There are many ways on how you can promote your baby’s sleep. Moreover, as parents, you have to find the sleeping routine that works for your baby as it may vary. Some babies prefer to play before sleep. When babies get tired, you may then notice signs of drowsiness and this might be a sleeping routine that works for your baby.
Change Sleeping Routine
If your baby is having difficulty in sleeping away from your arms, you might want to try changing your baby’s sleeping routine. There are many ways on how you can promote your baby’s sleep. Moreover, as parents, you have to find the sleeping routine that works for your baby as it may vary. Some babies prefer to play prior to sleep. When babies get tired, you may then notice signs of drowsiness and this might be a sleeping routine that works for your baby.
Identify Sleep Regression
Sleep regression is a normal occurrence for babies aged 8-10 months old. Once this occurs it is a drastic change in your baby’s sleeping schedule due to the distinct changes in the physical and cognitive demands of your baby. When this happens, it usually disrupts the regular sleeping pattern of your baby and he or she may be fussier before sleep than usual. This sleep regression phase usually occurs for 3-4 weeks. It is a short-term phase that all babies go through. However, there is no solution for this aside from just allowing your baby to go through this phase.
Allow Your Baby to Sleep in a Bassinet
A bassinet might help your baby sleep. However, some babies do not readily sleep in a bassinet. Some babies take more time to adjust sleeping in a bassinet. So, allowing your baby to adjust to sleeping in a bassinet may help. Besides, some bassinets have a rocking motion that may help your baby relax and fall asleep faster.
Have a Good Sleeping Routine with your Baby
Having a good sleeping routine with your baby may help him or her to adjust to sleeping without being held. Whether it might be some visual stimuli in the form of hanging toys, talking to your baby or playing soft music, you can eventually find a routine that works for your baby to help him or her sleep.
Adjust Room Lighting to Help your Baby Sleep Better
You may adjust the room lighting to help your baby fall asleep faster. For some babies, it might work to have a dark room to promote sleep. If a baby does not see plenty of stimuli around him or her, it may help promote sleep. Dim lights or dark may help your baby relax and fall asleep in a crib or bassinet without needing to hold your baby. Besides, boredom may also make your baby sleepy if he or she is unable to see anything around him or her.
Use a Pacifier
A pacifier may help your baby fall asleep faster away from your arms. Moreover, for teething babies, a chilled pacifier may help alleviate teething pains that may prevent your baby from sleeping soundly. Moreover, the use of the pacifier coupled with the lighting adjustment in your room may help your baby fall asleep without being held.
If your baby won’t sleep unless held, there are many factors to look into. Besides, babies are unique and it depends on your baby that may work for him or her. There are various solutions that you can try to help your baby sleep away from your arms.