If you are a new parent, you might get seriously concerned when your baby cries at breast. Moreover, you might fear that your baby may not be getting enough nutrition and may starve as your baby goes on a feeding strike. You might want to know what you can do to help your baby feed properly. Let’s find out in this article.
Baby Cries at Breast: Why May This Happen
Whether you are bottle-feeding or breastfeeding your baby, you have to put your baby in the right feeding position for proper milk flow and minimal air ingestion. Improper feeding posture makes feeding difficult for your baby, so he or she may refuse to feed altogether. Your posture and your baby’s feeding position has to be correct so both of you can be comfortable during feeding.
1. Improper Feeding Posture
Whether you are bottle feeding or breastfeeding your baby, you have to put your baby in the right feeding position for proper milk flow and minimal air ingestion. Improper feeding posture makes feeding difficult for your baby, so he or she may refuse feeding altogether. Your posture and your baby’s feeding position has to be correct so both of you can be comfortable during feeding.
2. Poor Milk Supply
If you have poor milk supply, your baby would really cry on your breast. Moreover, if your baby is feeling that he or she is not getting enough milk from the feeding, he or she may really get very fussy about it. Besides, if your baby is not getting enough milk, then it might mean that your baby is ingesting air instead. This may then cause your baby to feel gassy, leading to even more discomfort. You may try to increase your milk supply to breastfeed your baby properly.
3. Too Much Milk Supply
Believe it or not, you may have too much milk for your baby. Moreover, once this happens, your baby might feel drowning from your milk. When this happens, your baby would cry at your breast and you may see milk com out from your baby’s nose, too.
4. Teething Discomfort
Teething discomfort is a very common reason for your baby to refuse to feed altogether. This makes your baby’s gums inflamed or painful, so breastfeeding may be difficult for your baby during this time. Also, once your nipple touches the part of the gum where your baby’s tooth is erupting, it may cause pain and your baby may cry at your breast.
5. Feeding Distractions
Some babies are easily distracted when they are feeding. Moreover, your baby may also be too entertained by various toys, lights, and other things that may distract breastfeeding. You may eliminate these feeding distractions to allow your baby to feed without interruptions.
6. Baby is not Hungry
Feeding schedule, duration, and quantity may all affect the hunger levels of your baby. Moreover, you may attempt to feed at a different time. On the other hand, you may follow a feeding schedule with your baby, so that he or she would feed, instead of cry when you offer your breast. If your baby is not hungry, it is fine to skip a feeding as he or she may have fed enough to not be hungry during the time that you tried to feed your baby.
7. Baby has a Preference on Which Breast to Feed
Some babies have a preference for whether to feed on your right or left breast. Moreover, this preference may also be due to the feeding posture that may be different from one breast to the other. Once you determine your baby’s preference, you may then feed him or her on that breast, and then you can pump the other instead of allowing your baby to latch on it.
8. Baby has Clogged Nose
If your baby has a clogged nose, he or she may have difficulty in feeding. Moreover, you may use a baby nasal aspirator to get rid of the blockage in your baby’s nose. Also, you may get your baby checked by your pediatrician for possible medications to cure your baby’s allergies or illness.
9. Oral Thrush
This is a type of oral yeast infection that may interfere with your baby’s normal feeding routine. Moreover, it can cause some significant discomfort in the mouth of your baby. Oral thrush may be addressed by your baby’s pediatrician with some medications to eliminate the infection and allow your baby to feed normally.
10. Gassy Baby
If your baby is gassy and experiencing gastric discomfort, he or she may refuse to feed at all. You might get concerned if your baby just keeps on crying in an attempt to communicate that he or she is in pain. You may eliminate this by burping your baby after every feeding to remove excess gas that is ingested during feeding.
How to Ease Your Baby When Crying at the Breast?
If your baby persists to cry on your breast, you may resort to various measures to allow your baby to feed successfully. Moreover, if your baby refuses to feed for a long time, you may notice that your baby may lose weight in the process. Here are some measures you can take to ease your baby when crying at your breast and allow normal breastfeeding:
- Correct feeding posture
- Change to feeding with other breasts
- Increase milk supply
- Ease teething pains
- Have a feeding schedule and routine
- Try breastfeeding in dim lights
- Allow your baby to burp before feeding again
- Breastfeed when your baby is sleepy
- Try using a feeding bottle
- Pump more frequently if you have an overproduction of milk
Baby Fussing and Crying at Breast: What to do
If your baby cries at breast, there may be various reasons why your baby is doing this. However, you have to determine the cause so that you may know what to do about it. Different babies may also have some breastfeeding preferences to feed without fuss.