When it comes to pregnancy, a lot of women report the same sensation, like a ‘bubbling’ or ‘fluttering’ feeling, as if there are bubbles of gas moving up inside of them.
It’s only natural to think that this might be the baby passing wind. After all, we all get gas every now and then, right? So it’s a logical leap to think that those gas bubbles, which have to come from somewhere, are coming from the little person inside of you.
But can babies fart in the womb? Is this sensation your baby? If not, what is actually causing it?
Can babies fart in the womb?
The whole process of pregnancy is amazing and unique, from start to finish. The changes your body goes through, and what happens to your body and the body of your baby is nothing short of a miracle, and you’re both perfectly adapted to what’s going to happen.
We all know that when they’re in the womb, babies are kept alive by their umbilical cord, delivering all the nutrients baby needs to grow up strong.
What you might not know is that because of this, baby’s entire digestive system is essentially on standby, waiting for the day they’re born and they’re fed orally the first time.
Nothing passing through the digestive system means nothing’s being produced down there, so no gas to be passed out.
In fact, the only thing that will be in baby’s gut is meconium, which will sit in their gut and keep it healthy until they’re born, then be naturally passed out as baby’s first poop. (This is why baby’s first poop is going to be sticky, tar-like and a little bit strange. Don’t freak out. It’s natural.)
So no, the baby doesn’t fart in your womb.
So what’s the fluttery feeling, then?

Baby’s first movements.
Also called the quickening, all pregnant moms keenly anticipate their baby’s first movements, because there can only be one.
But there’s no guarantee that you’re going to get the same experience as other moms to be because all babies are different.
Some moms start feeling significant movements as early as the 13th week, and the baby just won’t stop wriggling about all the time. Others are more subdued, and might not even start really moving until week 24.
In general, you can expect baby to start moving between the 18th and 24th week, that’s a good benchmark to look out for.
Did you know we have a guide walking you through every single week of twin pregnancy? If you want to find out what’s going to happen next in your pregnancy, you should definitely check it out by clicking here.
Do babies poop in the womb?
Because their digestive system isn’t producing anything, there’s very little for a baby to pass out in the womb.
However, sometimes the meconium will be passed out, especially early on in the pregnancy. This is a normal part of the process and nothing to be concerned about.
It’s also worth pointing out that babies do start to pee in the womb, as early as month two. This pee mixes with all the amniotic fluid that surrounds them, and (squeamish alert) is swallowed by baby again, only to be passed through over and over.
So if you feel a bubbling or fluttering sensation in your womb, don’t be concerned. That’s just baby adjusting, and your body adjusting around them. Can babies fart in the womb? We know the answer is no, so cherish every little flutter and movement.
Did you feel any fluttering during your pregnancy? How early on, and how long did it last? Be sure to let us all know in the comments.