Twin Pregnancy and Birth

HomeTwin Pregnancy and Birth

Twin Pregnancy Week by Week

Many women are nervous about their first sonogram, especially if they find out on ultrasound they are pregnant with twins! In fact early twin pregnancy symptoms may be more profound than pregnancy symptoms in a woman with only one developing baby. It can be reassuring to find out that your added symptoms are due to a twin pregnancy. 

Whether you have fraternal twins or identical twins, or you are preparing for your 6 week ultrasound, 12 week ultrasound or you are 32 weeks pregnant with twins, we have a complete guide to twin pregnancy week-by-week so you can feel prepared. 

First Trimester

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The Best Pregnancy Test of 2022

If you're here, it's because you suspect you're pregnant, right? And with so many options on the market, with so many complicated terms, it...
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Everything You Need to Know about Multiple Gestation Pregnancies

Multiple Gestations are pregnancies which involve more than one baby at a time, such as twins, triplets and quadruplets. About 3% of all pregnancies...
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Can a Hidden Twin Be Detected During a Twin Ultrasound?

Can a hidden twin be detected during a twin ultrasound? How much can you trust an ultrasound scan? While the possibility of a hidden...
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When Do You Find Out the Gender of Twins?

You’ve already found out that you’re expecting twins and that’s incredibly exciting news of its own. But now comes the follow-up question that doesn’t...
multiple gestations

How to Win Your Twin Pregnancy First Trimester?

Congratulations, you are one of the few women blessed with a multiple pregnancy, precisely 3 in 100 births in the US according to the...

Second Trimester

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How to Set Up a Twin Nursery

If you just found out you’re having twins, there’s probably a lot on your mind, like “What’s my delivery going to be like?” “Will...
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Perfect Twins Baby Shower within Budget: Gifts, Ideas, and More!

Are you eagerly waiting to plan the best twins baby shower for your twin baby girls or twin baby boys? Or maybe you are...
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Do You Need a Crib Divider for Twins?

Figuring out the sleeping situation for newborn twins is one of the things that baffles parents the most. If you feel daunted by this...
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Unique Twin Baby Shower Themes

The baby shower is the most fun and exciting part of any twin pregnancy for the mom-to-be. She is not only the center of...
Twin Pregnancy Symptoms at 26 Weeks

26 Weeks Pregnant with Twins: Ultrasound, Symptoms, and More

You're 26 weeks pregnant with twins. You're probably starting to slow down a little now, considering you've put on almost two stone in extra...

Third Trimester

preemie twins

How to Care for Your Preemie Twins While in NICU?

If your twins are born prematurely - don’t worry, because this is quite common for twin babies in comparison with singleton pregnancies. In fact,...
Twin Pregnancy Symptoms at 38 Weeks

38 Weeks Pregnant with Twins: Ultrasound, Symptoms, and More

38 weeks pregnant with twins. This is it. This is when they're considered to term, which means that this is the week that you're...
Twin Pregnancy Symptoms at 37 Weeks

37 Weeks Pregnant with Twins: Ultrasound, Symptoms, and More

You're 37 weeks pregnant with twins, which puts you oh so close to that big day. Whether you're delivering via a C section, or...
Twin Pregnancy Symptoms at 36 Weeks

36 Weeks Pregnant with Twins: Ultrasound, Symptoms, and More

36 weeks pregnant with twins already! You're into month 9! Same again, although a couple of things might actually be improving this week, depending on...
Twin Pregnancy Symptoms at 35 Weeks

35 Weeks Pregnant with Twins: Ultrasound, Symptoms, and More

You're 35 weeks pregnant with twins! You're so close! Considering most twins are born only a few weeks from now, if that, I'm sure it's...


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